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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Who cares she was terrified and extorted - what's wrong with you guys?
  2. Good for them - make it clear unlike the HYPOCRITE Dems
  3. Yea vote wisely and get rid of YOU
  4. We won't know until after the case is settled. If it does not get up to at least $3 within days I will reduce to a cup as it's not worth having a bucket full (100k). It's a punt but it seems logical to me that as they cannot be bought easily in USA and have been delisted on many exchanges that it won't fly after that changes. That's on top of the utility.
  5. Suppressed - but I could be wrong - let' see I have a bucket load
  6. High of $3.84 now lucky to be 50c so let's see.
  7. That is very true AND frustrating - it was much higher than now BUT the SEC bought a frivolous case singling out XRP which should end this year. When it does USA exchanges will RELIST allowing all Americans to buy it - what do you think that will do to the price? let alone its UTILITY
  8. Smart - don't agree XRP is hopeless but you understand the crypto world whilst other, who are ignorant, scoff.
  9. I'm still a believer ???? the court case will give it a pump whatever happens. Good luck in all things.
  10. Crypto, not BTC, is not for the feint hearted who do not understand its purpose ISO 20022 etc. For those who want a punt XRP is a good choice as it meets the ISO standard and should be coming out of a court case with the SEC sometime this year (DYOR). Some might flame and laugh but they did that when BTC was $1. Look at the USE of the coin - most are useLESS. XRP can easily take over SWIFTs space as it is cheaper, faster and more secure. As always not financial advice and DYOR.
  11. "Ultra Popularist" they just can't help themselves slagging off PT or FFP can they? 10,000 great idea to help needy Thais - but I think their income should be 15000 or under to get it.
  12. Seen similar many times - Thais are lazy - they would rather double park in shopping malls than walk up two levels where there are tons of free spaces. Same mentality.
  13. I think it's very unlikely Trump is reelected but I think he's right about Ukraine and some other things and wrong about just as many things! Biden is a DISASTER is this the best America can do? seriously???
  14. it wasn't campaign finances - please live on the same planet sir
  15. Let's see? I think the case is very weak. To try to get a jury to believe a payment is a political problem is absurd. I think much depends on where the case is heard - NY is the worst prospect for Trump but he'll appeal and win I think.
  16. You mean the country USA cozies up to daily? that Biden loves? that you all fawn over? two wrongs don't make a right
  17. Let's get this straight - you are believing he will do jail time? seriously? ok let's see
  18. Have you read the Jurists opinions? you think a GJ in Manhattan knows more or is less biased than the others? is pure manipulation and if the other way around YOU would wail and weep buckets. Keep politics CLEAN.
  19. You mean the Presidents son receiving millions in a country where he doesn't speak the language in an industry he doesn't know? Now daddy is giving them BILLIONS? that's all fine and dandy?
  20. Of course death threats, to anyone, must and should, be utterly condemned. However Bragg has made a political decision where other jurisdictions have dismissed the case. It reminds me of "LOCK HER UP" which is absurd too. This will divide and Trump will come out as a hero to his supporters. Make him a martyr? be careful what you wish for.
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