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Everything posted by BobBKK

  1. Yet you don't mention Biden or his coke filled son? power corrupts and I'm pretty sure they are all corrupt if they pick on Trump all Hell will break loose and he will be acquitted anyway
  2. DYOR and I am not right wing actually despite your trolling. I am pro abortion, anti-guns and pro-environment. In fact I am left of center.
  3. Arresting a former President who will be the next candidate is a form of violence and an attempt to derail democracy. I don't like all that Trump does or says - he's a huge egoist - but this is obvious politics and will have huge ramifications for democracy.
  4. Love him or hate him this is a set-up. It will further divide America and expose Sorus backing to certain DA's. Hunter gets nothing despite drug fueled videos? and arrest Trump for a payment unrelated to politics? SERIOUSLY?
  5. So with reincarnation he's in for four lives?
  6. Just copy at Festival or airport plaza. VFS EXCELLENT service but you MUST follow their instructions very, very carefully
  7. Why didn't you bring it up before you paid? it's not standard to get floor plans here and the builder will want to use his plans for other houses.
  8. Most of them are fairly inactive anyway - so not much changes.
  9. That means he's planning it already
  10. All these judgements - he might have had a spiked drink? or something else? I doubt anyone would knowingly do this when they understand the consequences for their visa etc. He looks very fit so my bet is on steroids.
  11. Hi - no I have about 100 quid in it and never use it - too many hassles. I guess they might shut it and I'd never know but they do send statements here annually.
  12. Crypto - some coins not all, will be the exchange of the future. takes seconds to make a transfer etc. As for banks Nat West knows I moved here 15 years ago and have never said a dicky bird.
  13. You misrepresent - Prayut only won by combining votes and doing deals with friends - PT won more seats. That is a FACT. The opposition, combined, had double the popular vote. You are a closet Prayut apologist - we all know it was fixed.
  14. Sudarat and Thanatorn won 16m votes Prayut won half that and there are serious doubts it was all kosher.
  15. No he didn't - please research
  16. Well... you should not have handed anything until a contract is signed. You lose $100 treat it as a learning curve - no big deal.
  17. Anything to get rid of the Junta and the Senate
  18. It's true - don't like it move or sell up. I had a condo near The Avenue in Pattaya and sold up before covid at a loss.
  19. "Steeled by bad weather, bad government and hard times" obviously you have not been to Russia much (I have). All three of your assumptions are wrong but I do understand the lying western media have painted Russia this way for decades. Beautiful country, hot and cold weather. Things improved hugely after the Commies and Yeltsin and life for ordinary Russians is much improved from their grand parents days. Is it perfect? obviously not but where is?
  20. Why? should we not talk to Americans over the lies anent Iraq?
  21. Begs the question then why you on this forum?
  22. He held a coup? he's no angel but nowhere near as bad as the guys now AND Thais would vote for him in their millions (you are not a democrat it seems).
  23. So was Nelson Mandala - politics in the court system here is pervasive - it gets political parties shut down, people allowed to leave the country and jails innocent protestors. Defending THAT is monstrous.
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