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Posts posted by sensei

  1. "My advice is to use ShellExView to disable suspicious shell extensions until you find which one is the culprit.

    OTOH, if the problems goes away briefly after a reboot it might be something more..."

    I will try it out but I suppose I have to wait for my computer to start doing that again before I run ShellExView.

    Thanks Veazer

  2. http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii206/v...ger/baffled.jpg


    This tiny window suddenly started appearing when I right click on any file on my desktop.

    Has anyone here seen anything like this before?

    I refuse to click on OK fearing it might install something on my computer so I just close it using the X on the upper right corner. For all I know, that close button could well be an extension of the OK button.

    After closing the window, the right click menu appears as usual.

    Could this be a sign of an infection?

    A quick restart removes the problem but i keeps on coming back after a few minutes...

    Any ideas?

  3. Very Very Highly Unlikely.

    Can you provide more specific, rather than alarming, information? e.g. the name of the virus, type of phone, how did they remove the virus and what AV software is now on the phone?

    I know many people in Europe and here in Asia who now use Bluetooth connections from laptops and PC's to mobile phones for their GPRS internet access.

    In these cases the phone just is acting as a modem, and it is essential that you have AV and Firewall software on your pc and laptop. - As standard for any connection nowadays.

    If an attack from another Bluetooth device caused the problem on the phone then the details will be seen on the connectivity menu. In the connectivity history.

    If you are in a public place and a request on your phone says "Do you wish to connect to XXXX" then you should deny access and then go into your telephone's connectivity menu and switch off visibility.

    Then your phone will be invisible. But any devices you have already paired with, will keep their connections.

    I think that the problem was more a faulty or corrupt phone's eeprom (often seen with as white screen of death on Sony phones, constant reboot on Nokia's) rather than than a virus.

    Many phones nowadays do not like to have their battery flattened (or even run down to less than 10%)

    The phones have now so much info to save when they are switched of, that it takes time, just like your PC.

    If the battery dies there is a very good chance that you will corrupt the volatile memory before it is written to the eeprom.

    The only solution (And I have had to do this on my kids Sony Phones) is reflash the Eeprom. You can do this online and costs about 5 Euros.


    If you use the Bluetooth facility on your phone to receive data, then you need anti-virus software.

    I friend passed his phone to me as it was resetting, powering on an off every 2 minutes.

    Now on a PC this is usually caused by a virus and it was the case here.

    Very difficult to get rid of.

    The phone would reset before a virus scan could be completed.

    An added difficulty was the distinct lack of trial versions of AV software for phones, on the web.

    I ended up taking the phone to a shop to have the virus removed.

    Yet another mobile phone myth-Busted!

    Thanks croftrobin!

  4. My rig Intel Core 2 Duo 1.83 (T5600 chipset) 2 gigs of RAM

    My extensions:

    Adblock Plus

    aging Tabs

    all in one sidebar

    Cache Viewer



    Ctrl Tab Previes

    DAP Plug in

    Download embedded

    Download status bar

    Fasterfox (Maybe I should try disabling this one or play with the settings)

    FEBE (Firefox extension backup extension)

    Firefox showcase


    Free Download Manager plugin

    Google Browser sync

    Google toolbar for FF

    google preview

    IE Tab

    Image Zoom

    Mouse Gestures

    PDF Download

    Tab mix plus

    Tab preview

    Talkback (FF default)


    Time Tracker

    Web Developer

    See anything weird or conflicts?


    You have way too many! Most of them are performing the same functions.

    I would guess Ctrl Tab Previes, Tab previews, Tab Mix Plus, Firefox Showcase, Thumbs, and the rest of the preview plug ins are all busy jostling for position, busy making and retrieving cached images...

  5. Glad you got the data back. Now throw it and get a new one otherwise you are guaranteed it will happen again!


    (sensei hails a tuk-tuk and goes to pantip)

    500 Baht to Pantip Plaza? No way Jose! I'd rather walk!

    And, oh! Thanks again nidge!

  6. I never heard of a flash drive failing, (or rattling for that matter!). I have one that is possibly 4 years old and has been through the laundry twice without losing data.

    Just for the sake of it, have you tried plugging it into another computer? If that fails i would probably take it apart to find out why it was rattling, (don't try this at home).

    Other than that, i have no other idea except to suggest for future flash drives you only use them for temporary storage, (i.e. transfer from one computer to another).

    Thanks for the response nidge. I'll keep that in mind. Temporary storage. That's what it should be. I did plug it in into another computer, still didn't work. No worries, I got the data back when it sprung mysteriously back to life. From this time onward, it will just be a temporary storage. Thanks!

  7. You might try the electronic repair shops in Panthip. Could be the USB adaptor has come loose or failed; eventually they do with countless insertions. It's best to use a short USB extension on your USB sticks so that you are always plugging in the extension, not the stick itself.

    Thanks J.

    Fortunately, after a number of trial insertion and a lot of shaking it just sprung back to life. I then quickly did a backup of the data in there.

    Thanks for the response and for that wondeful tip.


  8. I seriously think that my 2Gb flash drive had just given up on me.

    I've been using it for around a year now and it just died on me without any warning.

    The tiny light that used to blink when I plug it in doesn't do so anymore.

    I can hear something rattling inside when i shake it. Quite unusual for a usually quiet device.

    Is ther any way to get my flashdrive running again? At least for a few minutes so I could copy all the data in there?



  9. Hi.

    Due to the latest movement of the "goalposts" It now seems that we have to report to our nearest Immigration bureau office as opposed to the "office of our choice" previously enjoyed.

    I have posted this question in the visa section but on consideration thought a bit of local knowledge would be more productive.

    For the past 12 years I have made the journey down to Bangkok for my annual visa extention of stay, now it appears I will have to submit my next application at the nearest local office. I made an attempt at finding a list of local offices and failed dismally, I expect other people will be in the same situation which is the reason for information on locations for the central area as opposed to my specific need.

    In my case I live in Saraburi province on the border with Lopburi, so Lopburi city is much nearer to me than Saraburi city. However I've no idea where I will have to submit my next application as I have no knowledge of any immigration facilities in either province?

    Anyone care to share their knowledge for the benifit of us central region denizens?

    Thanks in anticipation. Nibor.

    Hello there!

    I just want to know if you found the place. So how did it go? Were you able to get want you need from that office?

    I am asking because I am in Saraburi too and I will be heading to the same place probably before the month ends.

    From what I have gathered, it is quite secluded and a little hard to find. Are ther any prominent landmarks that could show the way for me?



  10. 1. a terribly sad sixteen year old pregnant girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend

    2. a 75-year-old monk from Thailand

    3. a 38-year-old female doctor who cannot have children

    4. a policeman with a loaded gun who was dismissed from service for bribes

    5. a 25-year-old male laboratory chemist who makes a lot of money selling illegal drugs

    6. a 21-year old snobbish lady from England who hates men for unknown reasons

    7. a famous homosexual architect

    8. a 40-year old classical pianist who was recently divorced by his wife because he attacked her with a flute

    9. a 26-year-old pregnant lady who spent a year in the local mental hospital who wouldn’t go if her husband wouldn’t make it on the list

    10. a 35 year old lawyer who likes politics so much and is married to the 26 year-old pregnant lady, he wouldn’t go if his wife will stay on Earth

    It's a very false dilemma, a terrible hypothetical. Isn't there usually a psychopath on this example, not counting lawyers?

    You only have to leave out 4 people. We can assume the non-mating members would not have long term value, but they could have infinite value in the short term. The policeman (in this example) doesn't sound useful. The architect probably could build things on the moon. The infertile doctor might save lives until she dies. Most of the ten seem less than ideal candidates. I'd leave off the 21 year old English lady, and the old monk, too.

    Cool down PB. It is really purely hypothetical and totally untrue but if you'll see the original, it could even be worse.

    It's just an attempt to encourage the OP to to make her own.

    Hey! Thanks for your answer.

  11. I've come across this game in the past but found it really hard to find the original. What I did was to recall what was in there and try to make one from what I remembered trying to make it really close to the original.

    I've been using this for a couple of years now and it never failed to stimulate relevant response.

    I hope this helps.

    For those who will come across this,feel free to use and modify this and I hope you won't mind postig your answer to this.

    The Last Rocket from Earth

    The earth was about to be destroyed by a catastrophic geological disturbance. Massive earthquakes and destructive volcanic eruptions shattered the cracked the Earth open in all continents. The Earth is ready to explode into countless pieces within an hour.

    NASA is launching a rocket to the newly built habitat on the Moon in twenty minutes. It will fly on autopilot to the new habitat where humans could live and ensure the survival of the human race.

    Here is the catch, there are only six seats on the rocket but there are ten people waiting in line.

    You have to make this crucial decision.

    Who do you think deserves to get the six seats on that last rocket form Earth?

    1. a terribly sad sixteen year old pregnant girl who was abandoned by her boyfriend

    2. a 75-year-old monk from Thailand

    3. a 38-year-old female doctor who cannot have children

    4. a policeman with a loaded gun who was dismissed from service for bribes

    5. a 25-year-old male laboratory chemist who makes a lot of money selling illegal drugs

    6. a 21-year old snobbish lady from England who hates men for unknown reasons

    7. a famous homosexual architect

    8. a 40-year old classical pianist who was recently divorced by his wife because he attacked her with a flute

    9. a 26-year-old pregnant lady who spent a year in the local mental hospital who wouldn’t go if her husband wouldn’t make it on the list

    10. a 35 year old lawyer who likes politics so much and is married to the 26 year-old pregnant lady, he wouldn’t go if his wife will stay on Earth

  12. I reported the problem to the landlady and she promptly called the [lack of] service provider. It's funny (and annoying) that she was told that they were having a problem too!

    After about half an hour of wait, a miracle happened. Everything was back to normal.

    Until when will it stay like this?

    Let's wait and see.

  13. I am here in Saraburi and I have been experiencing the same thing since late last night. This is not the first time this ever happened here. The apartment owner's only solution to this is to turn the modem off for around 30 minutes then turn it back on. The connection gets better for a couple of hours before finally shutting me out once again.

    I can access Thai sites but can't get anything much from outside. ESPN's site is my barometer for this. If I could get there, then everything is working fine. on a bad day like today, I am stuck to a very limited number of sites.

  14. Just thinking.

    I couldn't help but wonder how much holes there are in Vista?

    They haven't even stopped patching the old XP when they released it.

    How many life support systems in hospitals are using their OS?

    Everything seems to be in beta even after they release the next beta.

    Shameful indeed.

  15. I have connected two computers wirelessly using an ad hoc (computer-to-computer) connection. The set-up had been running fne all along until errors showed up in the wireless connection status of the host computer. the connection bogged down and the shared folder that I used to access freely from the client computer are now seemingly out of reach. I've tried switching the computers by making the host the client and the client the host, but the the original host computer that showed the errors could not connect to the new host computer.

    Any ideas on how I could diagnose the computer and find the source of the errors?

    Click HERE to see the errors on the wireless connection status window.

    The window shows a number that is steadily rising at an alarming rate.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

  16. All I did was click on the link that was provided by another poster & did some reading. :o I think I must've used about 4 of my braincells to do that.

    BTW, I didn't try it. There is no such thing as a 'free lunch'.

    Cool down pal.

    I wasn't referring to you.

    I was referring to those who have tried it -myself included, though on a safe temporary account.

    Yeah, I agree with you, there's no such thing as free lunch.

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