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Posts posted by Makara

  1. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    That would depend on whether the source of those reports comes from their GFM page or whether they are independent reports

       Do post the other two links, so that we can see the source of those stories

    Non-biased journalists (real journalists--there is rules you know) do not report stories based on one source or a bunch of "hearsay". You  are being ridiculous. They were arrested. For two people to have no criminal background, to you thinking they made all this up, then plotted to post this on social media (fb) just to start a gofundme (where family, friends and loved ones are donating--mostly) is beyond words. Quite honestly you are not being fair or rational. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    That report was lifted from their hometown newspaper who got their information from their gofundme page .

      All information about this story stems from their GFM page , nothing else has been reported from any other source (including this thread)

    Show me the proof cause if it got lifted the link would have been removed--or a statment made. And fyi when journalist report something they usually find out facts. What world are you living in? If I was to send you the other two links of the story done here would you say the same thing. Why is it that you want this story to be fake so much? PERHAPS IT'S ACTUALLY NOT FAKE. Come on. People have done their own research and confirmed they were arrested. You are starting to sound a little crazy with your approach to this. 

  3. 4 hours ago, moe666 said:

    What I find interesting, I read the Bangkok Post Daily and this story would have appeared in the paper but I do not remember reading it. Correct me if I am mistaken about it appearing in paper and the should have been follow up stories. Even the local Thais havenot been talking about it and it would have been out by now. Chiang Mai is not that big of a town

    This is all I have seen from Bangkok 


  4. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    That was not speculation :

    They did indeed post on Facebook that they found the money in Cambodia , they did indeed then post that they tried to change that money  and it was fake money and they did indeed ask for people to help them .

       Those are facts , no speculation . 

    You have made it sound as if they planted the posts. Get out of here with that.

  5. Just now, sanemax said:

    But you do understand that we do not know the girls and we are not family , so, we are not blinded by family/friendship loyalty .

      We are viewing this from a neutral perspective .

    The fact that they posted on facebook about finding the money , just before they got caught , suggests to me that the reason why they posted that they found the money on F/B , was a prelude to the sca.........situation .

       "Oh, look, we just found $1000 , how lucky"

       "Oh no, it was fake money" 

        "Help, we didnt know"

    You just loooooove to speculate. I am pretty sure we already went over what the deffintion of what speculation means. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, BobbyL said:

    I don't believe the gofundme is a scam. It just paints then in a completely false light. They aren't honest women who are the epitome of life or whatever nonsense people were writing about them on there. 


    I think they're two dishonest women with the common sense of a goldfish. They wrongly thought they would be able to scam some low level worker in a money exchange in Thailand. Well done to the worker for not allowing this to happen. If they serve time there is no sympathy for their reckless stupidity. 

    Whatever you're opinion of these two women are (that you don't know in any regards) is exactly that, only you're opinion. It will never change my view--nor all of their family, friends and loved ones. In hindsight none of us could care what you think about the people we actually know. I can only think that if one of your friends or family didn't  do something you agree with, they will still be a part of your heart. Perhaps not. I for one am not heartless. You're allowed to have you're opinion but finally someone said the gofundme is not a scam. ? We will leave the investigation, lawyer and judge to decide what should be the penalty. 

    • Like 2
  7. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:
    7 minutes ago, BobbyL said:

    Again, as Americans it is crazy that they couldn't spot that. 

    Agreed. I completely agree. I can't say the why or what on that. I can only state again that the situation they have found themselves in is what their being investigated for currently. The gofundme is not a scam and people are willingly donating money for their lawyer fees and understand they aren't being scammed.

    • Like 1
  8. 33 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    So, I went to that gofundme page and there are some pictures of a $5 note. I must say that on the picture posted it is quite hard to notice the word copy, mud or no mud and the only reason I did notice is because I was looking for it.


    It is perfectly believable that in all the euphoria they didn't bother checking....but that's them. Myself, I'd never pick up a wad of cash in a foreign country and thanks to this story next time I won't pick up a thai id card when I find it on the street.



    And from what I understand the 100's look real. It took me less than a minute to see the word copy, but muddied, tattered then dried I could see the mistake. I do not condone keeping the money and not turning it in, that's just me. Though I have heard conflicting things on this. I would have gone about it different, but to make this such a crazy witch hunt, and say things such as immoral, awful lowlifes, those criminals etc is--actually, there is no words. Then to prosecute these women as scammers, and then the people in the US doing the gofundme as scammers, and to make up all these allegations that the money is to further their vacation or bring home, or for their own pleasure, is--again no words. 


  9. 8 hours ago, amykat said:

    Well you know, a lot of us females here, are alone ..well I think .. there aren't many of us. I have been totally alone here for 13 years. And you men have not been nice to me for no reason at all. I have had a harder time than any of you I imagine because I don't have a Thai "wife"  I survived here alone. I raised an adopted daughter and did my own thing. I am leaving in a few weeks back to the US finally and a good life for me now.  But I learned a lot here I guess and there isn't much I can't do alone, that is for sure. But I don't like to see this kind of abuse going on towards people and I will help when I can. And I still want to meet Sanemax on Thursday and I will help sue his ass if he doesn't stop it!!

    Thanks for your words and all you have expressed. All I hear is crickets now! Hmmmm

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    I didnt suggest that they are free to leave .

    I just stated that they wont have to go to Court every 12 days to get a Court ruling as to whether the Thai Police can keep them in custody or nor , because, they are not in Custody and therefore do not need to get it extended

    Well I am glad you know what is really going on then...


    To answer your question, there are no answers yet, obviously. Obviously, there is still an ongoing investigation.




    So to ask these questions means you are just baiting in a nonsensical way.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    I would very much like to hear some facts , which confirm their story .

    Has there been any facts produced to confirm their story ?

    Any updates ?

    When is their next Court case ?

    Will they be pleading Guilty or not ?

    What have they been charged with ?


    As you should know they drag these things out. 12 day spurts lasting up to 84 days. If you think for a moment that it won't be exposed, you are mistaken. It hasn't even been 12 days since released on bail. You should know it will take time

  12. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    Yes, I do not believe that they mistook fake money for real money .

    I also believe that they posted that they found the money of Facebook as a prelude to the scam .

       IMO, that was their sole intention of posting that on FB .

    1 . We found some money .

    2. Oh no, it was fake money .

    3. We need a huge amount of money for Lawyers fees .

       How convenient .


    You're so off and still speculating.

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