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Posts posted by Makara

  1. 8 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I have an idea .

    We have some budding journalists here on TV

    Lets organise a meeting and write our own story and post it here on TV

    After all, this forum is linking to a national newspaper .

    The girls can explain everything :Where they found the money , where they tried to change the money , which Police station were they taken too , who was the arresting officer , how much bail they paid , when is their next Court case and various other bits of information .

       We can jointly write the story and post in here on T.V.

    Can you ask the girls whether they are willing to participate 

    Yes I can

  2. 8 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Wow... you are still not listening.... your reading comprehension seems unusually low... you suggest that I think you must be young... I do... your comments are what lead me to that thought, as they lack maturity, or the ability to converse with any semblance of logic or, more importantly, progression


    other posters have already clearly posted that they have investigated... that there is no local knowledge to be found... how many times do you need to be told?


    the “someone” that has got to know something, seems to be the admin person for the gofundme page.... that seems to be the origin of the claim, and the only source.


    as a friend, in a tight knit community (per your claim), you must know this person, or someone who does. Surely even you can see that this is the first place to start.... and again.... any comments suggesting that this person cannot make comment because of lawyers advise, is BS, and insulting to our intelligence.


    again I ask you to back up your claim that this is not a scam, by offering one (or two) verifiable facts... surely, as a friend in a tight knit community, you can do that.


    hell... do that and not only will I give an unreserved apology, but I will also make a donation .... so right there is your opportunity to help your friends...(if they are your friends)... prove it by helping them in this matter.

    Yes one of them is my friend. Yes my intention is to help. Yes I intend to do all I can to prove this is not a scam. And if I am wrong, well then not only will my friend loose a lot of friends, family members respect, and be in even more trouble than they already are, including the others setting up gofundme accounts, then I will personally apologize as well. This will not happen over night. I am in the states and there IS a 14 hour tmie difference. I am dumbfounded by the amount of people who think this is a scam. I am telling you now if it was a scam the US would have already stopped the gofundme account and corrected everything on this end. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    How do you know we are from different countries?


    how do you know we have a different believe system?


    admittedly, some of us are... older ?... but unless oldtimers disease has set in, we do retain (for the most part) the values instilled in us by our parents, education and social systems of our (respective) motherlands


    dont be a petulant wee girl... just give us one simple bit of information that doesn’t come from an article seeking donations... two would be better... but one would be a good start.

    You probably think I am just so young...That's funny to assume. Maybe we both are from the United States--idk--i assumed not. Never said anything about belief systems either. I did say we had different views (you know on this topic). You and your buddy's on here should go out and do the investigation yourself if your'e so sure its a scam. Why don't you go question the authorities and find out? We would all like to know the truth, so please by all means go out and find out. One already said he would be willing to meet them right sanemax? So if you're willing to do that start your digging around and investigating why don't ya? Go ask the authorities, go to the courthouse or get on the corner and ask some questions. Someone has got to know something right? Find it out instead of just talking. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    Yes, that's what people think.

    And if you want to stop people stop saying it's a scam just do what sanemax suggested.

    He said he is in Chiang Mai and would be willing to meet with them.

    If sanemax meets them and reports back here with maybe a picture of a paper from the police regarding the arrest, everybody will shut up saying it's maybe a scam.

    I can only suggest this and see what they say--I'd much rather find a journalist or someone who writes for the newspaper to follow this up. But what you guys aren't hearing is how incredibly social our circle is, and how close ties we all have with each other in a round about way, and how incredibly difficult this would be for these two women to scam, mostly people they know without burden of proof they were in trouble or in danger. What I am saying to you and you, will know soon enough, that this is not an on line scam. Something has happened to them in Thailand and of their own doing--mistake--stupidity--however you want to put it. If there is no arrest record, perhaps we need to ask why to the thai police, not just them? You want to know if it is a scam--point me in the direction of a good journalist over there, and let's see who is lying?! Let's see if they are in trouble, or this is just some big ole on line scam. To me it sounds so ridiculous. But some of us have different views, we are from different countries, and things are just different. So there's that. Good night. I am way past my bedtime and have to be up very early. Perhaps I will chime in again. Perhaps I can get a lot of answers for you, or perhaps we can just wait and see.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, KneeDeep said:



    You are assuming that we all think alike.

    Thoughts and ideas are being modified all the time. The fact is that you have no idea as to the full details of what has occurred and what is occurring.

    Until we know more, it is only right that we keep an open mind that all is possible.

    In all honesty, I can put this thing to bed in a day. But I do not wish to disturb friends for people about whom I do not care.

    So I will let it play out on it's own, but keep an eye on what happens.

    I don't assume, that is why I said most. I would hope the level-headed ones would realize how ridiculous it is to say this is a scam for a gofundme page and then they could return back home with the money. No. Not happening. I cannot explain to you how many people over here know about this--how many friends they have--or people they know. Too many for them to be able to come home without proof of arrest. End of subject. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    You seem to have some problems to understand it, so here in easy for you:

    They are in Thailand, everybody knows they are, they posted pictures and so on.

    Now they claim that they got arrested and have to pay money (But they aren't really in this situation)

    They start a gofundme and collect money from their friends.

    They tell everybody that they used the money from gofundme to bribe the police

    Because it was a bribe there is of course no proof for it.

    So they have now 10k USD, everybody thinks they used it to bribe the police, all are so happy that they are back home after such a hard time, but they just kept the money for themself.

    Wow. That is what people think. SMH

  7. 23 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Nope there has been nothing official , nothing to show that they have even been arrested .

       All the info is coming from their fund raising/FB page .

    Nothing official (or anything unofficial) from the Police, Courts or Media or anywhere else .

       Just their Facebook /fund me pages .

    No word from the girls for a few days either

    There was just an update earlier today on the gofundme page from the girls about their current case. Perhaps go look.

  8. 6 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

    It's hardly public.  Most of the news on this is occurring on this board.  Scammers have answers to unanswered questions and raised eyebrows.  How will inquiring minds reply to "we paid the police a bribe to get the matter dropped and our passports back.  thank you soooo much!  love you all!"

    So wait, what you are saying is they can bribe the police to get out of this situation and that is why they started the gofundme? Like extortion on the police's end? Is that what you are saying?


  9. So I am saying goodnight now. I see most of you don't care to listen and just really, really, really, want this to be a scam (for some reason). I am seeing that you aren't understanding how close everyone in the North West's (United States) ties are. I see you think it is absolutely absurd to start a gofundme page where friends, family, friends of friends, strangers who care would want to help an intense situation. I came here to give a different perspective and to put in plain view they could not get away with this being a scam AT ALL here. Like not even for a second. Especially with it being beyond public knowledge what is happening. I have concerns and questions, but it looks like to me you aren't or wouldn't be willing to listen and have a decent conversation about them anyway. I hoped to reach some people by assuring you that a scam could not happen like this, not with this kind of caliber. I could have been a bridge, but it looks as though you don't want a bridge. Came to test that out and it seems none of what I have said matters to most. Most will hear what they want to hear, and I hope if anything this whole "scam" thing (that most are so sure about) will get vindication soon enough. 

    • Sad 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    "...and now are paying for it the the thai judicial system? "


    And you continue to ignore numerous reports that this matter has never been in the hands of the Thai police.


    Careful, your at risk of trapping yourself within your own statements

    Well if they are not in the judicial system, as they have stated, then can something else of danger have happened to them? Or are we so sure that they have not been arrested? I would like to know if anyone here knows if their arrests are public? Anyone?

  11. 24 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

    this would be remarkably easy.  Once they hit their funding requests, they could take the money, claim that they were able to settle the matter with the police, get their passports back and return home, thanking everyone in return for all their efforts.  When pressed for details, they could say the matter was settled with the police, so no documents.  Something like that.  They'd get people to change the subject by overwhelming them with gratitude.

    I think it is too public for something like that to happen. Too many unanswered questions and eyebrow raises would come from our end! Trust me.

  12. 3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    But various enquiries here indicate that the matter has never been in the hands of the Thai police.


    So what supports 'your understanding'...


    You have continued for many hours now to avoid any really concrete and supported answers to the key points.


    What's your %?




    I am only going by what I know. I have questions myself. So can I call the Thai police and ask these questions? Perhaps they can tell me? Is arrest records public there? Can we just find out? If that is a yes, and we don't have any evidence or arrest records on these women, then I would be concerned highly. Not concerned for a fake gofundme account, but concerned these women are in concrete danger. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Perhaps he’s “investing” the time.... or a “campaign” manager ????

    Perhaps I care about the situation and how quick a lot of people are calling out scam. What is crappy is they are currently facing prison time and you think these girls are scamming their friends and family for money. That is what is crappy here. And I am a woman not a a man. Not a he but a she.

  14. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Yep... it will be a fleeting moment... and then we will move onto the next scam.


    thai police even have a special department for scams... and a program ( lol... right?) to refund people for being scammed... that’s how common it is for us hear


    but... I do thank you... after another very late night, I’ve not been online long, and you’ve so far filled my waking hours with laughter

    I am not sure what you mean. Glad to have made you laugh about a serious topic.

    • Haha 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    " ... AND that you continued to call out SCAM SCAM SCAM.When that is so almost impossible to do over here through gofundme." 


    What proof do you have of your statement.



    I am saying that the majority of the people handing over their money are friends and family. This is so publicized and so out in the open that if this was to be a scam everyone in on it would go to prison themselves. Why would more than a few people risk that? I mean is it possible that they are in trouble? Is it so hard to believe that their stupidity took over and they F-d up and now are paying for it the the thai judicial system?  Is that really so impossible to believe? 

  16. 16 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Makar, if you are so keen to help, how about making some calls (perhaps brandon) and come up with absolute clear proof:


    - That this matter is officially in the hands of the Thai police and is currently subject to further police processes.


    - That the girls are being held by the Thai police, or are either released with no further action likely, or they are officially out on bail.


    Look forward to your response.




    They are out on bail and to my understanding awaiting there court hearing. 

  17. 1 minute ago, yogavnture said:

    maybe hes a retired fed or lawyer or cop..  im only interested because i found 2000 dollars this morning and im looking for a good currency exchange booth in BKK.

    I am not a he, and I am a friend. Not a best friend, but a friend that cares. I don't need to defend myself. You guys need to realize how hard it would be to make this a scam. I mean seriously. 

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