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Posts posted by Makara

  1. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    And we appreciate your coming on here to build a bridge... truly... it adds another dimension.


    that said... with 34 posts, I’m wondering how you knew that this was the place to set up your soap box, or was it as simple as searching for expat markets... oops... forums

    I came here because I came across this article and saw that a lot of of you had no idea about certain things. AND that you continued to call out SCAM SCAM SCAM. When that is so almost impossible to do over here through gofundme. I am not on my soapbox but it seems a lot of speculation happening and little care to the actual stated and said details. That is why. Only here to help. So when everything comes out in due time and you see that this wasn't a scam, will this just be a simple fleeting moment for you all? The point here is it is not a scam and the women are more than likely facing prison time.

  2. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Just to clarify , the boyfreinds post on FB wasnt about the two girls in this story .

    It just seems rather coincidental that a guy in the USA would post about fake Dollar bills in Cambodia , a day before his girlfriend got arrested after finding fake dollar bills in Cambodia .

    I believe you may have the dates wrong. As I remember he posted that after.

  3. 6 minutes ago, OldSiamHand said:

    I'm sorry, but they are from California, not Oregon, and criminal records (except for those related to Megan's law) of other people are not public record.  You can obtain a copy of your own criminal record, but not those of other people.  Your credibility on this matter is seriously questionable and seems to be based on your supposed relationship with a friend of a friend of one of the girls.

    You can get criminal records in the US period. It is public knowledge. So you know where the girls have lived all there life, eh? That's cool.


  4. 14 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    On this forum.

    So this is where I would like some answers to. Why hasn't this been reported in the news in Thailand? I have seen some articles from Bangkok. Why would they keep it quiet if it is not? That's what I want to know. What would be a reason to keep this quiet?I have absolutely no doubt in my mind they were arrested. That they cannot leave. That they have a lawyer. That they are facing time in prison and have already paid heavy fines. If this was a scam do you even know how any people would have to be in on it. Makes no sense. 

  5. 1 minute ago, OldSiamHand said:

    Thank you Makara, I was beginning to think I was losing my mind.  I read your original post that you re-posed and had the following questions for you a few pages back.  Perhaps you missed these? 


    Lot's of moral indignation in your post, but it was the above comment in light of all your others that made me take notice.


    You seem to know a lot of the facts we are questioning.  How?  For example, how do you know that the girls had no criminal background?  How do you know that the events in california are unrelated to the events in Thailand (e.g. that the girls are unrelated to the accused fellow from CA)?  How do you know that they found the money in cambodia? 


    You'd get a lot of people on board with your position if you could establish some basis of how you know of all these facts.

    Criminal records are public here. They have also stated they are not criminals and as far as I have known her I have never known her to have any criminal background. So I am saying this from my understanding only. California events are weird but the ages of the men are different, and the build is different, and it was actually stated here that they weren't the same men. So that should also be easy to prove otherwise. The money was found in Cambodia it was stated from the very beginning, but I don't know for certain I suppose. I don't know the facts 100%. I am only here to say what I feel and that I can for certain say that a scam would be close to impossible of this stature. Most of the people donating are not strangers. A lot of people know each other. The North West is a pretty close tied place. The people donated know them, they care for them, and they want to see the best possible outcome for them. 

  6. Re-post for OldSiamHand...



    Well I gotta say I am quite saddened to see some of this conversation, and in the same breath I understand some of the concerns and why there’s such broad speculation happening.


    Let me clear a few things up, and reiterate that I too have a lot of legitimate questions too, some unanswered as of now, and some answered.


    Let’s start with the clearing up that his is not a scam. I can see why so many people think so. To be honest I was so concerned by the discrepancies from one article to another, from one update to the next, from one fb post (statement) to the next post, from one group funding to the next, and I was starting to fear in the beginning stages that they were kidnapped. Luckily my worst nightmare was not the case, at least 95% sure now.


    These women are real people.


    What happened really happened.


    Their significant others are real people and not trying to scam the public. With that being said a lot of this was done (such as gofundme pages) out of emotional response of their young significant others, and how the ladies may be in danger/trouble, as well as what was being told to them as far as how much money they were going to need for everything. There is no plan to take peoples money. And most of the donors are friends, know them, family, or friends of friends. The last thing people are going to do so publicly, is rip people off. I mean do you even understand what would happen to them if this was a scam? This story is extremely public (on our end--US) and they would be in a lot of trouble if this was a scam. So please understand this is not a scam. Put that thought to rest.


    The Citrus heights incident and their incident are completely separate issues and have absolutely no connection. Very strange, seems somewhat coincidental, yeah? I know. But it isn't connected.


    These two women have no criminal background whatsoever. None. Zelch.


    Where they extremely naive and wrong? Yes. Did they know it was counterfeit--I would hope the f*** not, but only they know, and as it stands I feel like they did not. Would that’ve been how I would have handled the situation? No. Which leads me to the next clear up the next point.


    They did not find the money in a bag, in an envelope, on the side of a street, or took it out of graves. They found the money in a small town in Cambodia, in a remote area where no other people were, in a mud puddle sand the money was strewn out down a back road. They assumed it had flew out of someone's pocket that was on a bike. One thing's for certain it was a really dumb move to keep the money, and they did not take the right steps at all in returning the money; I agree with this. I cannot speak for them on the why they did what they did, I can only focus on the now. It is purely up to them to place their defense in Thailand and speak their truth and hope for the best. Are they lowlifes? Seriously!? One can be so judgemental to consider them lowlifes. That’s so incredibly sad that people would truly wish the worse on someone when this is in no way any type of caliber to murder, or assault, or other horrific crimes on this planet.


    It’s not up to us to weigh out the morality of their decisions. It is up to us to find out facts. Again, I am not in agreement to what they did and I would have done it differently if I found $1000 USD. But I am not heartless.


    Reality is, it was fake money, most likely dropped there on purpose (speculation) to stoop someone. I personally wonder if it was spirit money or really good counterfeit money. That question is still unanswered.


    Before you cast so much hatred and spread so much speculation, perhaps open your heart a little. We are not speaking of a heinous crime involving hurting someone physically. They have to live with this mistake and possible prison time in a country they do not live in, isn't that enough for the people spitting so much volatility.


    I have concerns, I have questions, some things aren't adding up on how this is being handle on EVERY angle; but instead of going to the worse, saying it is a scam, and claiming they have no moral standards, casting judgement on them, wanting to throw the book at them, maybe we should remember that no matter how undeniably dumb it all sounds, people make mistakes.


    The people in their corner are not scamming thousands of people in the states. Let that rest.


    There is a lot to say after all I have seen on this thread, but I will leave at that for now.

  7. Just now, OldSiamHand said:

    that would help.  I think I've looked through all your posts.  You live in Oregon,  you are a friend of a friend of one of the girls.  Everything that they have claimed that has happened to them is true according to you, because they have said so.  Is there anything else?  

    I will re-post. I feel in my heart, and from the info I have gathered that this is not a scam and they are truly in trouble. Yes according to me and the info I have gathered. I came here to share with you because this thread was really intense and a lot of misinformation happening. I will just re-post.


  8. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Promote themselves... lol.... fail.


    if whoever is running this plea for help, leaves (permits) postings such as those, they need a damn good reality check... one involving nobody donating


    birds of a feather, flock together.... if this chap knows these women.... well... tar and brush.



    Tar and brush because of another person's comment which is out of everyones control except the person commenting? Hasty don't you think? Are you saying you don't know any a-holes for friends, or relatives, that have said or done something you don't approve of? And hope you don't get judged by others behavior? 

  9. 1 minute ago, smx1313 said:

    There is probably away to do a search that allows you to see only the commenters posts. As they are new here there won't be many. From my recollection most of the info is in the first 2 or 3 posts which is why they are long. The poster goes over a lot of info. His/her relationship with the 2 women, their histories, a summery of their friends FB posts and the thinking behind them. Actually impressively summarized. 

    I can re-post if you like?

  10. 1 minute ago, scorecard said:


    So if the police have never been involved in any way, how come they are 'out on bail'?


    Further, if the folks in the US are concerned about these girls going to jail, then why is brandon so strongly asking locals to not contact the Thai police of the local US embassy?


    From what I know there was a lot, like a lot of people calling the US Embassy. It wasn't that they didn't want them to call them and ask questions, it was that the US Embassy had been overflowed with phone calls already `because of the concern. As far as the Thai police I never saw him state that or I don't remember. I mean can I call the Thai police and expect to get answers from on going case? Can they make that info public. Serious question.

  11. 13 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    Does it matter where they found it? What are you thinking? Remote road is worse as more likely it came from a poorer person "on a bike" as you suggested.

    They stole it! That's if it's counterfeit.

    If spirit money, they are definitely criminals.


    If you do have a line to them, perhaps you can let them know that a local SIM card costs between US$0.60 and US$1.55. No need to depend on "limited WiFi".





    Just so we are clear I am not defending their choices at all.

  12. 5 minutes ago, scorecard said:



    '...will be answered in a hearing...'


    What hearing?


    Many comments indicate clearly that this matter has never been reported to the police or the US embassy.


    So please share what you know about the 'hearing'; where, when, what Thai or US govt., agencies involved. Perhaps the very very polite man brandon can provide this information.



    So this is where I have questions--and it seems this doesn't usually happen but can... They got out on bail, and are awaiting next step is what I understand. Now, I would like to hear if anyone knows more about bail before a hearing. Cause I am curious as well. Like I am saying I don't know that side and would like to know more.

  13. 9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Some comments from her campaign people on the gofundme page.................



    "Don, We don’t delete nothing or run from anyone or anything. We don’t live with fear like a coward like yourself. You think it is ok to come onto my friends fundraising campaign and talk shit you scumbag when you don’t even know any of us? You are a punk ass dirty little troll. This goes for the rest of you stupid motherf***kers who don’t know any of us."


    "Do you need to shut your fat ignorant mouth!!! Do you know these beautiful women? How bout some of the rest of you clowns??? You people are a disgrace to make filthy assumptions about my friends. It’s simple common sense dumbf*cks!!! They found money on the side of the road that turned out to be counterfeit. Are these women supposed to know what counterfeit looks like dumbf*cks? You people need to shut you face and get the <deleted> off this campaign that is supporting our friends coming back home promptly. Don’t you dare attack Brandon you freakin douchebags!!! Wow what a bunch of cruel and ignorant motherf*ckers to challenge any statement on this campaign."

    I thought that those people were disgusting to say those things that way. However nobody can control how people choose to promote themselves. Doesn't prove it is a scam. It proves that guy is an ass****

  14. 9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Some comments from her campaign people on the gofundme page.................



    "Don, We don’t delete nothing or run from anyone or anything. We don’t live with fear like a coward like yourself. You think it is ok to come onto my friends fundraising campaign and talk shit you scumbag when you don’t even know any of us? You are a punk ass dirty little troll. This goes for the rest of you stupid motherf***kers who don’t know any of us."


    "Do you need to shut your fat ignorant mouth!!! Do you know these beautiful women? How bout some of the rest of you clowns??? You people are a disgrace to make filthy assumptions about my friends. It’s simple common sense dumbf*cks!!! They found money on the side of the road that turned out to be counterfeit. Are these women supposed to know what counterfeit looks like dumbf*cks? You people need to shut you face and get the <deleted> off this campaign that is supporting our friends coming back home promptly. Don’t you dare attack Brandon you freakin douchebags!!! Wow what a bunch of cruel and ignorant motherf*ckers to challenge any statement on this campaign."

    I thought that those people were disgusting to say those things that way. However nobody can control how people choose to promote themselves. Doesn't prove it is a scam. It proves that guy is an ass****

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