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Posts posted by Makara

  1. 3 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    "and they are truly in trouble for what they did. "


    How's that? local enquiries indicate that this matter has never been reported to the Thai police and they are not being held by any Thai authority.




    - Why do they need all this money for legal fees?

    - Why don't they just quickly get a flight out while they are free?

    - Do they already have flight tickets to exit Thailand?


    Or is this another case of tourists going to another country with very little funds which run out quickly so just follow the current 'trend' and ask innocent naive people for money.



    Is there proof that they have not been arrested? I am curious if this can be public knowledge. They can't leave Thailand is my understanding, and their passports have been held. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Myself and I guess many other don't believe you, totally don't believe you and for good reasons. MAny disbelievers are resident full-time here in Thailand and know absolutely that this 'story' has more holes than swiss cheese.


    As I sign of good faith please share totally specifically what brandon has used the funds for (the cash he's already received from gofundme). 


    No reply and you just reconfirm it's a scam.



    I do not know Brandon but I will ask, no problem, and there is an update on gofundme so please read it. 


  3. 1 minute ago, KneeDeep said:


    It is Brandon who has claimed it was Cambodian spirit money, so why are you now speculating that it might not be? Do you know more than he about the matter?

    If it was spirit money, they knew it was fake. No doubt.

    Either way, they are still thieves. 


    On the other hand, it is fortunate that they have support from friends, family and fellow Americans.





    Yes Brandon said it was spirit money. I am wondering and asking if it was spirit money or counterfeit they found. No I don't know more than him as he is one of the girls boyfriends. I also feel if it was spirit money you would know, right? I mean I understand it was wet and in the mud and then dried but that was one of my original questions i had. I think thieves is a harsher statement than what I would use. They didn't steal it, they found it on a remote road. However they didn't do due diligence in returning whatever they found properly. I can agree with that. 

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  4. 14 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:

    Brandon stated that he has already been drawing on the funds.

    I am almost positive that gofundme would return money if proven a scam. of course. Just to be clear the majority of donors are family, friends, acquaintances, friends of friends etc. There are some strangers but we are all somehow tied to the story and why the strangers donated.  These people do not feel scammed. They are hoping to help with legal fees. With that being said, I am here to tell you that this is not a scam.

  5. 7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK. I am also in Chiang Mai .

    I would happily go and meet them today , they can show me their charge sheet and their bail papers and I can then confirm whether they really did get arrested

    I can pass the message but she is with people who live there through connections of friends, that has also helped with this process. Read the update on gofundme. I would hope that showing arrest record would be important and will happen in this process.

  6. 18 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Why are they trying to raise US$150 000 ?

    What is that money for ?

    I think what happened is out of fear based emotion, a lack of understanding as well as misinterpretation of how much money was needed to raise to have lawyer fees and bail. They have since changed it to 15,000 USD probably because of a better understanding. The person who set it up is also quite young...and i feel he was misguided by unknowing people.

  7. Just now, Prince77 said:

    I am starting to change my mind and it might be well possible that the complete story is a matter naivity, ignorance paired with stupidity from two young girls, enjoying a holiday and not thinking too much about possible consequences. It is / was the sheer panic which made me suspicious from the beginning, the amounts mentioned for bail or lawyer fees, the total lack of reports in local newspapers, the request not to contact the embassy, the requests for donations ....well, how should those guys in the US know about the local procedures in handling such cases. Finally too many Cooks involved which could spoil the dish - let the local People with assistance of the embassy handle it and it will go away.

    See my point to coming on here is exactly what you just said. Personally I feel the situation on loved ones end was based on fear and emotion and handled the wrong way. That is because of lack of maturity and understanding. I see why people were getting so confused and claiming to be a scam because of the way it has been handled. I think loved ones are starting to understand this now. 

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  8. 9 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    It seems that there is an attempt to paint these two as a couple of innocents abroad, babes in the woods. Perhaps you can tell us what their travel itinerary has been, because the whole business of finding $1000 lying on the side of the road in Cambodia, then waiting to try and pass it off as real in Thailand, when it clearly was not, which would have been more than obvious, especially for an American, just smells more than a little fishy. It may be the old story of friends and relatives refusing to believe that the sweet, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths duo, are capable of doing something criminal.

    All I know is that they were traveling to Thailand for a month on vacation and the woman I know has traveled to other countries. I do not know more but can easily find out details. I understand everyones speculation and why. I am not saying that they are innocent or guilty to what is happening. Only they can prove their defense. I feel that painting a picture of them being some deer in the woods duo is unfair however. And speculating about them because of their appearance is also not fair. What is fact is it is not a scam and they are truly in trouble for what they did. Like I said before I don't agree with what they did, and how they handled it, but I do care about the outcome. I can say for certain is the woman I know is not a criminal minded person. she does not have a criminal mentality in my opinion. I am sure the answer to why they took the money from Cambodia to Thailand will be answered in a hearing, one hopes. I don't have that answer for you right now.

  9. I live in Oregon. I have not donated to the gofundme. I do know one of the women. I am best friends with her close friends, and have spent time with her on several different levels. But I am not her close friend. I do care about this. I do care about her. I do have ties... but I come here as a worried person for the entirety of the situation. I have a lot of unanswered questions, a lot of concerns, a lot of things don't add up for so many reasons. But it is the truth and this is happening. it is not a scam.

  10. 1 minute ago, sanemax said:

    They may have though that Thais are simplistic and wouldnt have noticed fake money. And they proabably thought that the money changer would just refuse to change the money and nothing more would come of it

       And they probably thought that they could just say "We found it and didnt know that it was fake" and that would be the end of it .

    Maybe so. Like I said I cannot speak for them specifically, and a lot of people have questions as to the how and why, but, I needed to come here to state that it is not a scam and people need to let that rest. Really the whole situation is sad. Any which way you look at it. It is very messed up and I give no excuses for it... but it is very sticky, weird, confusing situation. Literally on ALL ends. But I do have a lot of questions on how all of these things are handled in Thailand. Questions that I am sure will be answered soon enough, it just is very scary, the unknowing.  


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