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Posts posted by ThreeEyedRaven

  1. 14 minutes ago, webfact said:

    "That's what we're doing. But serenely, calmly, without a commotion and with great prudence and responsibility."

    Unlike the hysteria north of the border. There is a solution to the problem, though I do not confess to having it, which will only be found when all sides sit down to talk about it calmly and rationally. Knee jerk reactions, some of which are totally counterproductive, are absolutely not going to help the situation. 

    • Confused 3
    • Sad 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, darksidedog said:


    Absolutely criminal. Yet here they are, getting away with it in broad daylight, as no one seems to have the wit or the gumption to call them out for the blatant and hysterical hypocrisy and fiction that it is. How the Head of State, temporary or otherwise cannot be considered a state servant is beyond me. Still, there is rules and there is junta rules, and junta rules outweigh everyone elses opinion.

    I wonder how hard and how long the Electoral Commission laughed before making their ruling?

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