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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 18 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

    Good idea to help them but it's pointless if they not get a little bit money 

    most of them have big mentality problem and fare away to keep a job 

    It is more about Thailand don't want tourists to see they have homeless people 

    Soon they will be back on beach 

    I personally give them water and food when I am on the beach 

    what kind of job training??


  2. On 9/29/2018 at 10:04 AM, lapd said:

    There is no Tops in Central.  Not sure what it is you are referring to.

    just what i was thinking I HAVE NEVER SEEN a tops in Central unless one calls the supermarket in the basement TOPS...can anyone confirm??

  3. On 9/29/2018 at 10:50 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    What's the actual status of the project?  Dead, or temporarily stalled?


    How about the buyers who presumably put money into down payments on the condos?


    what a question it is obvious they will have lost out....unless they employ a lawyer to try and recover any monies already deposited...

  4. On 9/14/2018 at 2:01 PM, Dewey said:


    No, I obviously think that there is a rule for everybody and my question was: what are the risks if I get caught breaking it.


    But thank you for your pointless answer ?


    the risk is that if other people using condos see your cat they could/would report you...as you are breaking most condos BYELAWS

    Why keep a cat locked up in a room.....they are roamers and love to go mousing in the outside...

  5. 6 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    I suspect that most of the actual numbers will come from the tour buses that will be "encouraged" to bring their loads of Chinese tourists to the mall. Though 50,000/day seems a little high. 100 tour buses x 50 passengers each would only be 5,000 people and I doubt they'd get 500 buses in there every day (which would still only be about 25,000 people per day).


    Imagine the traffic chaos if they tried !

    they are all coming down on the tourist train to pattaya from bangkok...by the way is this service still running??

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