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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 37 minutes ago, Kim J said:

    How can you ever expect road safety issues to improve in a country where so many ardently believe this mumbo jumbo?

    I dare say so many will continue to drive with their trade mark recklessness now buoyed up by the fact that their amulet will actually protect them!! I find such things quite scary that in these modern times, given the easy access to endless digital information people can still hold such beliefs, this really is stuff from the dark ages.

    do you still believe in Father Xmas????

    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, fishtank said:

    If you have a Non Imm O Visa you have to leave the country every 90 days.

    You cannot report at Immigration.

    The fine for overstay is 500 Baht a day.

    So the longer you leave it the more it goes up.

    the last time I went to sign in at Jomtien (in May) I was told that i could sign in 5 days before and 5 days after my next sign in date (13th August)....They seem to change their minds everday in this place !!!!!

  3. 7 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Probably the same way his friend does everything else to do with owning a condo in Thailand and not being here. The same as his electricity bill, his condo fees, his internet bill etc etc, he can do it online , have an agent or friend do it.

    Using the online system would probably be the easyiest, or send copies of blue book and ID and the guy staying can submit.


    If the person staying will not be visiting immigration for an extension etc, you could get away with not reporting.



    the condo fees are paid yearly.....electric, then the owner of condo would have left money in the condo office so that the meter would not be taken away...

    Internet would be probably in house internet....payable monthly at about 400 per month...

  4. 1 minute ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    Putting a 2 1/2 year old on a scooter and driving out on Thai roads. 


    The kid should be taken off her and put in care. 

    it happens a lot here....JUST who is going to stop it???

    The other day I saw a Thai guy driving motorbike with a very small kid between himself  and the handlebars trying to make a phone call on HIS mobile...

    Now that is what i call being in control of a vehicle !!!!

    • Haha 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

    Of course you are correct but blaming local communities is just wrong!

    My house and all my neighbours have our own underground septic "tanks" with overflow into the drainage system which becomes a problem in rainy season (I shan't describe it). I know that if there were sewage pipes run in down our street we would all connect to it........!!!!!


    But what I will openly say...If a connected entrepreneur wants to make a fortune in Pattaya, buy a couple of shit sucking trucks and run them in direct competition with the Government one(s)

    And where does the shit sucking truck get rid of the shit???

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