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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. 8 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    You don't mention your nationality, but most embassies can issue an emergency travel document which should allow a temporary extension whilst a proper passport is ordered.


    Did you keep any scans / photos of your lost PP? Do it next time ????


    good idea BUT TOO LATE in this posters case......

  2. 7 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

    Oh my god, he cannot be serious. This is the PM saying, listen if you don't do what I say, I will just stage another coup.


    TIme to apprehend this person and put him to trial. 


    After all is said and done, he and he alone is responsible for this mess. Dodgy constitution which isn't even the one that got 'approved' two years back. 

    months and months ago there was  a picture of this guy.....and underneath it.....it said "I CAN DO WHAT I WANT TO DO" so this must be what he is doing NOW !!!

    anyone else remember this PHOTO???

  3. 3 hours ago, Chazar said:

    I really don't think the mentality in Thailand  lends itself to maintenance work especially in an aviation environment.

    bet none of them know what a turbine blade is made from or an egv....or ogv?? would they know what the big fan blade is made from??

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  4. 21 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Essox Essox .. The old dear was blind , she was in a strange place looking for someone she hasn't seen for years and she is at an advanced age .. Consider how confusing or bewildering that could be .. she had no where to stay so the local cops have chipped in to help her return home .. Fair enough if you don't think that is worthy but I do and see nothing wrong with giving them some praise for it .. 

    the cops would soon get their money back fining all and sundry, especially FARANGS

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