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essox essox

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Posts posted by essox essox

  1. On 6/28/2019 at 8:04 AM, Andrew Dwyer said:

    The Thai lady from BKK is more worldly wise than the cheap Charlie backpackers !!

    Plus from Redcar to Dói Suthep is 5,556 miles so not a bad deal at all !!
    ( sorry, but someone had to say it emoji20.png )

    i not understand the headline too....what has REDCAR to do with over charging.....does it mean the TAXI is a redcar...or redcar where they have a shit beach but good race course???!!!

    Just asking....LIKE 

  2. 18 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Maybe time to go in on this problem a little bit more specific. I´ve also been locked out of Skype recently. As you know when you login, you can either use your email or Skype name (should be something starting with "live:"

    When I was blocked from logging in, it asked me for verification of my identity. They just wanted to know if I was the owner of the account. Here you can use the mobile phone numer you registered as security check. Which I hope you´ve done. 

    In other cases you can send a mail to Skype support and they will make you verify by your mail. Some times the option in security have verification by mail too, depending om if you are trying to login on computer or phone/tablet.

    Below you also have 2 very good liks that can help you with your problem:






    I hope something of this can help you. Skype is a very important tool in the shed of magic. 

    thanks for this info....will check out later...

  3. 15 hours ago, logder said:

    Definitely don't text them through tech support, I did this mistake once and it was a headache. Maybe there's some info about this kind of situation on youtube?

    not looked you tube yet someone sent a link for me to open...need to look there..

    TECH support is non existant....go around in circles for hours...WHY??? then one gets told to go to  F A Q's another waste of time....it is PATHETIC....hence my question on here

  4. 19 hours ago, banglay said:

    I had a similar problem ...I cleared/deleted all temporary files & cookies and search history  them I restored my PC to a early date when it was working properly after the  re stored to a earlier date re-booted    ..my skype worked ok again ....


    ok but how does one do what you say in your post??

    MY SKYPE works on another skype id....JUST NOT ON MY PRIME username !!

    which is what I want/need to access

  5. 5 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Wouldnt bother with any form of "tech support" as its a cmputer program talking to you and will drive you nuts !!!


    I would suggest calling them and speak to a human ! (if they have any)

    where to get phone number....it will be in the states...

  6. 24 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    Have you tried uninstalling it and starting again with a new account?

    it works with my secondary username so skype is working on my pc !!

    I need prime username to work as it has/had business phone numbers on it from previous conversations. Can not access them....

  7. 23 minutes ago, Rally123 said:

    Have you tried uninstalling it and starting again with a new account?

    done that.....I want to use my prime username and password....

  8. Has anyone, recently had their skype id closed/blocked....for security reasons, as skype describe it?

    My prime id was stopped on Monday.....can not access it at all....go round and round in circles when look microsoft/skype websites.

    Try to contact them....is a waste of time.

    ANY SUGGESTIONS as to how to recover my skype id??


  9. 20 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    Not defending his undertaking in the least, but it would be nice to see people stick to the left lane, i.e. unless they are overtaking. It is clear from the double yellow markings on the right lane (middle of the road) that he could not overtake on the right side.


     I am sure this accident wouldn't have happened if people obeyed the road rules and stayed to the left unless overtaking, e.g. two wrongs don't make a right, just a thought ???? 

    very true....BUT IS IS ILLEGAL to undertake in this country.....but who enforces the laws here....NO ONE....!!! who obets the law of NO undertaking NO ONE ....I do because I KNOW the law....

  10. 10 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

    As someone who rides a small bike around Pattaya, I DAREN'T stop unless there is already traffic stopped or the road behind is clear.  It's 90% certain that any car behind me won't stop and I want to live! 

    very true.....today I stopped for old Thai man to cross on zebra crossing.....HE could NOT believe that I actually stopped...I am from the Uk where PEDESTRIANS have THE RIGHT OF way on said crossings !!!!!

  11. 19 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Because that would require, road safety and driver training, neither  of which are mandatory or evident here.


    Besides I don't know of any other country that also puts zebra style crossings with no connecting path in the middle of  4 lanes of dual carriageways where speeds are 60+ - the mind boggles !

    should have built subways for people to get from one side of road to the other......OH!!!! wait then there WOULD be motorbikes to avoid....!!!

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