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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. If you look in the Green owners book at the last section it should show the cost last year and this most likely will be the same for the next year.

    Thanks, good idea. As far as I can tell from the book, it's 100 Baht a year, which tallies with what a guy told me he paid for a Suzuki 135 cc. There also seems to be an entry for 3 Baht, some sort of service charge maybe?

    Yes the reg. fee is 100 baht but you must buy the comp. gov't ins.

  2. I can give you a list of Thai bike shops that obviously don't know what they're doing when importing HD's from the US. Most are 20 yrs. in the business. Could be a real business op for you.

    I am not suggesting for one second that any shop that imports and sells bikes go any route but by the book and if I had a bike importing business I am sure I would go the same route as most of them. However, if you can provide a healthy size list of bike shops that both import bikes (from the US not salvage bikes from Japan) and have been in business over 20 years I would love to see it, please do post.

    The original poster was looking at brining a personal bike over to ride while in Thailand and that is what I was addressing. Yes he could spend $25000 on a bike that is worth $10000 in the US and that is easy enough. All I was suggesting is that there are perfectly legal ways to bring a personal bike over here if you are willing to do a little bit of research and spend a bit of time & effort.

    If you've been in Thailand for over a mo. and hangin around the harley boys you'd know.


    Sorry, I been here for 4 years now and run a motorcycle business where the most common bikes I deal with are based on Harley and after-market 80 to 124inch Evo's but I am out of the loop and don't hang around the "harley boys" so better if you can just post that list you offered to provide.


    Big Twin


    V-Speed Siam


    Chang Freeman


    MC World

    Nicky's Handlebar

    Couple more in Pattaya but forgot names

    Big Cycle Udon

    Another in Ubon can't think of nam

  3. I can give you a list of Thai bike shops that obviously don't know what they're doing when importing HD's from the US. Most are 20 yrs. in the business. Could be a real business op for you.

    I am not suggesting for one second that any shop that imports and sells bikes go any route but by the book and if I had a bike importing business I am sure I would go the same route as most of them. However, if you can provide a healthy size list of bike shops that both import bikes (from the US not salvage bikes from Japan) and have been in business over 20 years I would love to see it, please do post.

    The original poster was looking at brining a personal bike over to ride while in Thailand and that is what I was addressing. Yes he could spend $25000 on a bike that is worth $10000 in the US and that is easy enough. All I was suggesting is that there are perfectly legal ways to bring a personal bike over here if you are willing to do a little bit of research and spend a bit of time & effort.

    If you've been in Thailand for over a mo. and hangin around the harley boys you'd know.

  4. There will always be a faction within the Harley, scooter, and sportbike crowds that would rather annoy the world with noise but live to ride another day.

    I think Harley guys do it because they know their bike can't handle for crap so they need to alert others of their presence through massive noise.

    The scooter and sportbike guys are going for less weight, more power, and to be annoying.

    So I don't blame any biker for loud pipes (to a point) but there's no need to sit there and rev the engine.

    If the noise is too loud for the rider (earplugs) then you know you're just being a jerk too.

    I do get annoyed by the loud tuk-tuk noise because they don't need the extra attention being pretty big and covered in lights.

    If the police did their job this wouldn't be an issue, but we know how that goes.

    Some people would like to see all bikers gone, but I consider those people ignorant morons.

    In 2005 there were ~15.5 million bikes registered in Thailand vs. ~3.5 million cars. http://www.cleanairnet.org/baq2006/1757/docs/SP6_4.ppt

    If there were no bikes, traffic would be so insane you'd never leave the house.

    Harleys are old school simple and their laid back posture is different, but that's their charm.

    When I get older I can see myself with a chopper, I think its part of the evolution of bike ownership.

    Granted I'd get a Japanese chopper since I'd prefer to ride it rather than fix it.

    Fix what? Ever ridden with a group of mixed bikes? They all break down out of the blue,something electrical usually. Have ridden a few thousand k in Thailand with small and large groups,very few breakdowns. Especially the HD's.
  5. Guaranteed the owner took off with as much cash as possible and anyone waiting for a green book and plates will go without until legal proceedings between him and Mitsubishi can be sorted, 3-10 years. That's my experience with another dealer anyway. It's really a crap shoot doing business of any kind in Thailand.

    Sounds like you should not be here. Why are you here if everything you buy is a crap shoot?

  6. Teeratada is quite popular. I've also heard of one called PLSS but I know nothing about it.

    Teratada is all about putting on a show for the parents. Know lots of expats that have left and put kids in St. Nicholas. Pls is a private language and tutoring school.

  7. You have probably got somewhere by now, but please note that, in case of further interest; The wifes 2 bedroom Bungalow is still posted for rental in the Classifieds if you filter on Phitsanulok. (located near tesco/home Pro, but other side of the road). Its basically mothballed at present. but we would prefer someone living there, if the folk will look after it :) .
    Yours looks to be in an excellent location! ....what size lot is this property on, does your bungalow have a large yard, can you post interior and exterior pictures?? Is there a 'Night Bazaar' (aka Chiang Mai) in Phitsanulok? Do you know if an Immigration office opened yet?


    Small night bazaar down by the river,immig. is open now for about 2mos.

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