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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Goto your local Thai immigration office and get a "Certificate of Residence" about 500bht. You will need your home rental agreement or letter from the landlord with photocopies of your passport and Visa pages and two photos of you.

    Then register the bike with the local licensing centre, using Certificate of residence, more passport photocopies, the bike green book, the bike and about 450bht

    Or skip all that running around and just get an address confirmation letter from your embassy. Job done.

    Lot easier in 90% of the country to go to immigration than it is to travel to the capital !!

    Ah, that's a good point LivinLOS, my bad!

    I use the local police and it's 200bht tip

  2. Yeah. I see your point Dumball. I'm not claiming that tipping is directly responsible for all those acts of kindness. Certainly demeanor and attitude are important in having good relations with your community. What I am saying is that for me it is part of the package. It feels right to me.

    My wife's family isn't wealthy. I've stayed in itinerant tin tin shanties on construction sites drinking with her cousins. I've been up close with the poverty, both here and in my home country. I couldn't imagine having to get by on 5-7k per month. These are people who work all day for a pittance, making someone else rich. 20 bt may enable a working stiff to enjoy a cold bottle of Leo at the end of the day that he wouldn't otherwise have had. The friendly girl at the restaurant gets a somewhat better meal that night, or a new shirt from one of the neighborhood stalls. I tip the people whose work directly impacts my life. Never large amounts. Just a bit. Everyone benefits.

    And to be perfectly honest, I'm selfish too. If I didn't perceive a real benefit to myself by tipping I probably would be more reluctant to tip.

    Yes, showing just a little kindness goes miles.

  3. When service is good from waiters.hairdressers,taxi drivers and other people in the service industry I have no problem giving about 10% or a minimum of 20 baht. I'm not rich by all means but it won't break the bank and will add a little to someones low salary. I see from earlier posts some come up with real lame excuses to be real cheap Charlies.

  4. Also when riding here you have to learn to assume nothing.. You cant assume because the light is green you can go, or that your lane will be clear, or or or or.. You have to assume at every point that everyone will drive in your path etc and be prepared for it.

    +1 to that! That's the key to survival on a motorcycle and not only in Thailand. If you ride assuming you have the right of way it's only a matter of time before you'll get splattered. :)

    +2 we can't rely on Thai time.

  5. I was in Khampaeng Phet on Chakungrao road on Saturday afternoon and while I found the Corner restaurant they told me that the Eagle was at the market area and I still can't find it.

    Whats the Corner restaurant like?

    I was there about 11.30 am and it was closed and they were cleaning up.

    It looked nice and tidy though.

    Western food?? What is the Eagle Pub? Thai or Farang?

    Thai,remember your in a small city with very few farangs.

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