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Posts posted by ajahnlau

  1. Update on tax rebate. First thanks to TV members for posting the info. On Feb.4th went to bank for letter stating tax pay't. They quickly printed it out on a form for this. Took it to local tax office and filled out application for tax no. and then filed for return. Took about 45mins. for everything. They said come back in about a mo. but chq came on Fri. Feb.21. Next year will be easier as I have tax no. already.

  2. I sold mine before I came be darned if I was going to pay for it twice ...

    Well, the good market for a Harley is gone in the states--it used to be if you have a good condition 20 year old hog, you could expect to get several times what you paid for it because they were so rare. Now, Harley sells 400k units a year and almost everyone who thinks he has made it has one in his garage. In Thailand, you can still buy a Harley, ride it for years, and sell it for most of what you paid, if you keep it in good condition--try that with a rice burner.

    Anyone who rides a Harley for years and years has truly earned every single Baht of that extra resale value, if they can get it. They can put the money towards a new set of dentures having had their teeth rattled into submission or just having old age catch up with them.

    As for resale, times are changing and Thai's are working out that there are better bikes out there. Fashions change, and anyone expecting top dollar for a 5 year old hog might be disappointed as the Thai bike market continues to open up.

    Don't like HD's so post some nonsense about something you know nothing about. LOL

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