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Posts posted by AsiaHand

  1. 2 hours ago, rebo said:

    Unbelievable, this completely irresponsible and unprofessional shooting in public from a moving motorcycle, given the level of crime (carrying illegal oil) ...!

    The Thai police playing the roles of "The Keystone Cops" was a laughable event many times ,but when they start using weapons that they do not have  any idea of HOW or WHEN to use changes the scenes of comedy to ones of a very dangerous nature..

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  2. 4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The taboo of mental illness is strong in this story. The shame causes it to be denied by family members.  Children just don't hack their mother to death, even if "drunk". I expect that there is an underlying mental illness, especially if the accused believed his mother was possessed by a ghost. Delusion like this suggests schizophrenia. Alcohol exacerbates the  illness and facilitates  violent outbursts.

    In the coming days, we will see if this man is mentally competent.


    Ah Yes,This reply is today's liberal norm wanting to put the blame on some one else (in this case ,his family) never actually thinking that many times there are just some very bad people in this world.

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  3. 1 hour ago, chub said:

    I suspect that these are fresh water eels, not sea snakes.  The eels live in the klongs and get washed into the sea as the klongs empty after heavy rain. They cannot survive in the salt water and try to swim up the beach to escape. There they are dried out by the sun.  I've seen many of them downstream of the klongs on west coat beaches. I don't think sea snakes get beached. 

    That in the picture is a sea snake .The venom is akin to  a cobras venom but there is very little evidence of deaths from sea snakes.Like most snakes just leave them be and you will come to no harm.They will swim away from you if they see you.

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  4. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    The taboo of mental illness is strong in this story. The shame causes it to be denied by family members.  Children just don't hack their mother to death, even if "drunk". I expect that there is an underlying mental illness, especially if the accused believed his mother was possessed by a ghost. Delusion like this suggests schizophrenia. Alcohol exacerbates the  illness and facilitates  violent outbursts.

    In the coming days, we will see if this man is mentally competent.


    BULL CRAP. You must not have been here very long.Boys and men of various ages in LOS where the attitude of the Asian male dominance of disrespect  toward  females in general plus the added effects of alcohol and/or drugs is the very norm ,many time here  leading to violence.

  5. 17 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    With <deleted> like this teaching, and supposedly encouraging young children, it is no wonder the school system is a right mess.Luckily, all teachers are not the same as him.

    Instant dismissal would be appropriate, although it will not happen.  

    He is probably Pixxed off because he can't get away with certain relations with the students in his class as he has read about others doing. maybe this attitude means that his idea of being a "Teacher" is different ?.

  6. 4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    It will be settled for a million after legal fees, apology and secrecy

    Unless it can be proven that his now girlfriend is not the "young one" that was with him when he first went there.Musk is not a Donald Trump just mouthing off on any and all subjects he could be right in this case. It does make for a new Thailand drama.

  7. If not "Discrimination" the what in the hell do you call it. So if one of the so called "Hi-So"s or government officials has a sexual relation with an underage girl,then that would not be considered a crime because some BIB or government official declares that it is OK to do that. Ah Yes ,As Barnard Trink first phrased it in the old Bangkok World news paper "TIT".

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