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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Totally agree. Mrs rents a shop. The owner recently transplanted a 20+ year old Mitsubishi Heavy Industries unit from another of his properties into his own shop next door to ours. Performs like new. I notice that all the Chinese owned businesses seem to have this brand installed. For some reason my Mrs always insisted upon buying Samsung products but latterly we've bought dual inverter LG air conditioning units.
  2. Interesting reading upon this thread. A while ago in UK I was suddenly unable to connect to my ISP (ADSL). Scratching my head for ages and finally resorted to ringing their call centre(s). You either get through to Eire or India. I was advised that someone at their end had made a mistake in flipping the wrong switch and changed my password (that's the password you enter into your router). Very sorry but you're now back on again! Same thing happened twice more. Of course I was then ready for them. It's all the fun of the internet!
  3. We always go to both Global and Big C (because they're next to each other in my town). However, have always bought from Big C with installation included. We begin with looking at the units on special offer. Mrs asks the sales assistant if they have any others on offer but not on display? Surprisingly, they always come up with more! She then haggles a further discount, then asks 'if we buy two together what else can you do for us?' She then gets a further discount. Big C seems to be the way to go for us.
  4. Very helpful info coming out of this thread, thank you! Our family has had many moto road traffic accidents and, in all cases, our Government Hospital has produced bills for payment. All admissions were at our local (registered hospital). I understand that you can only be registered at one Government Hospital. You would, of course, be covered by your 30 baht scheme in another Government Hospital providing you had been referred by your own one.
  5. Thanks for the clarification. As is the norm elsewhere, treatment for injuries resulting from a road traffic accident not being covered by National Health Service, the hospital produced a bill for the full cost (57,000 baht), 40,000 of which will be covered by either your grandaughters third party cover or that of the other party? It's debateable whether the NHS should cover the 17,000 balance (thinking poor Thai people) or if the police should apportion liability and make an order for payment against the other party (if appropriate).
  6. Alternatively, the bee sting could have triggered something else and been an indirect cause of death?
  7. Don't know what's worse, being killed or reduced to a vegetable with half your brain removed? Whilst once waiting in Regional Hospital spoke to two ladies with a teenage girl in a wheelchair. One was her Mother and the other her Aunt. Apparently she had only gone 'around the corner' for 5 minutes. Now she needs constant care for the rest of her life.
  8. Interesting. Says on www.gov.uk webpage that after 30 days unclaimed cadavers given a paupers cremation. However, this conflicts with the below which states that, in Thailand, the 'body management' method is burial. Would make sense that 'unidentified' be buried instead of cremated as 'unclaimed?' https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JTJS/article/view/240183 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/what-to-do-after-a-british-person-dies-in-thailand
  9. You may have missed the point. Sad, but nobody wants them. Who is going to spend money to pay their hospital bills, retrieve their corpses and pay for their funeral? The news article was a couple of years ago or so but will be findable on this forum. Where else could the elderly, single ex-pat's living from day to day on state pension in a basic apartment eventually end up?
  10. Some time ago Thai mortuaries reported they were inundated with falang cadavers. A case for compulsory funeral plans?
  11. Just checked my UK PayPal account. I changed it to a UK Vyke VOIP mobile number last year. No problems then but maybe wouldn't be accepted today?
  12. It would be interesting to hear the outcome from the OP (Dan747). If the hack was of his Agoda account only and the booking was the initial (trial) transaction to verify current validity of the stored card, then cancelling his card and requesting a charge back should be the end of his problems.
  13. Same here, lenses too strong and an unnecessary prism incorporated. Unfortunately, I persevered for too long trying to adapt to my new glasses. Finally went to another optician where I was seen by a qualified eye doctor who ran clinics at my local hospital. He was concerned that as I had gone so long my vision could now be 'banjaxed'. He prescribed lower strength lenses without a prism. He kindly offered to exchange these new lenses for others with a prism for no extra cost if I was unable to cope.
  14. Not with Agoda but last year someone hacked my passwords and ordered goods from AliExpress, paying for them with my stored UK credit card and entered a delivery address in Moldova. Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough to stop the initial order, however it was only for six USD. I cancelled my credit card with my bank and they reimbursed me the six dollars. I had already cancelled a large subsequent order on my AliExpress account. Of course I immediately changed my passwords but the hackers must still have gained access because they kept on loading up the 'cart' but were unable to make payment because I had cancelled my credit card. Unusual log in notifications followed for many of my other accounts. It was as if the hackers had taken a snapshot of my Google Bookmarks?
  15. Agreed! Part of the charm of Thailand. Elsewhere, an ageing railway would have been reduced to essential maintenance only until it deteriorated beyond economic repair, then closed and the rails ripped up.
  16. You're absolutely correct! We're brought up to overtake on the offside only. 'Undertaking can get you an early appointment with the undertaker' as per a safety campaign in the past. At least Thai's don't normally get annoyed about lane hogging. It's the risk of the offending driver suddenly and without warning deciding to move to the left without prior use of mirrors that is worrying.
  17. That's the excuse my Mrs always makes for not driving in the left lane. Generally lorries drive in and return to the left lane immediately after overtaking. However, occasionally a large vehicle will remain in the right hand lane(s). Undertaking a waggon is potentially more dodgy IMHO.
  18. Same here! I suspect it's done by the caller telling you they're following up by sending you an SMS with a clickable hyperlink?
  19. Exactly! The lady ran him down. Not deliberately. Can't turn the clock back. She would have known that she was 'in for it'. If you hold another passport it's the obvious thing to do. Looking at the sentencing guidelines VinnieK has kindly found for us I'm surprised she returned to Michigan voluntarily. It has been known since Victorian times that the severity of the punishment is not a deterrent, it's the certainty of being caught.
  20. Apparently, Thai police located her and advised her to return to USA. She went willingly. Not a good move IMHO given what the Americans have come out with so far.
  21. Facts were in her favour. 5am, 50mph poorly lit road, victim was walking on the carriageway under the influence of alcohol. However, it is reported that his drinking was not a factor. That is where the problem lies, police and prosecutors determined to make matters as worse as possible. Assuming the woman wasn't 'under the influence' too, was driving within the speed limit and with due care and attention plus all her documents in order she should have nothing to fear from a fair investigation and an impartial criminal justice system. And pigs might fly.
  22. Soi Buakao is frightening to cross. Third Road is bad enough too.
  23. It gets better! One of my jobs involved checking on occupied/unoccupied properties. One of my colleagues had a habit of simply writing 'shop closed' on his paperwork. We had to explain this could mean; 1) Shop closed (back in 5 minutes), 2) Shop closed for lunch, 3) Half-day closing, 4) Closed for holidays or 5) Closed DOWN.
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