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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Could it be they anticipated a huge struggle with language?
  2. I too have a Santander current account, savings account and their Zero credit card. Strange, but my 'know your customer' telephone call was all over in less than five minutes, just asking if my telephone numbers were up-to-date and whether I was still employed or now retired? No proof of anything required. Inconsistency everywhere it seems!
  3. Agree! LED are supposed to last much longer too. But in my experience both LED bulbs and tubes fail very quickly.
  4. My Mrs is exactly the opposite. She says; 'What do I care about anything going on elsewhere?'
  5. Don't watch Thai TV because I can't understand Thai language. Whole family only seem to watch the soaps and spend (or waste) the rest of their time on their smartphones. In UK I used to watch the news, weather, films (not many) and documentaries. My Mrs would never sit and watch a documentary. Perhaps karaoke is to blame?
  6. I asked my Mrs what did Thai's think at the time about B52's taking off from Utapao Airport and Ramasun Listening Station at Udon Thani? Did Thai rice farmers have any sympathy for Vietnamese rice farmers caught in the middle of it all? She said we didn't know much!
  7. I'd much rather receive treatment in a Thai GOVERNMENT hospital than an NHS hospital in UK. In my experience Thai doctors want to give treatment. In UK they look for reasons not to. 'Monitoring your condition' equals doing nothing whilst your condition gets worse.
  8. Important to appreciate that everyone (tourists and ex-pats) have choices. If they insist upon riding a moto then wear protective gear. Best avoid drink and substances too. Better still ride a baht bus, take a mototaxi or a taxicab. Maybe they could even walk?
  9. Many thanks for this! At least an attempt to restrict (and limit the damage) caused by bank account hacking.
  10. Back in 2017 my visa agent told me that all the other banks were concerned about money laundering regulations. However, Bangkok Bank aren't. I have since been advised that this wasn't completely true and other banks continued/resumed participating.
  11. Only the visa agent or Bangkok Bank (assuming it's a genuine requirement of their's) could answer that question. Presumably an alternative form of photo ID containing an address would suffice?
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. The simplest solutions are sometimes the most effective and overlooked!
  13. Seriously considering going elsewhere in future during March and April myself.
  14. Bizarre region. It only rains overnight. Although it's wetter it's less humid than other regions. Or so I've been told!
  15. To simplify, solar activity has to change for decades for it to have any effect upon earth temperature.
  16. Interesting. Therefore nothing to do with Global Warming causing Climate Change. The reason we are hotter is because someone's throwing more coal on the fire!
  17. Racism isn't to do with appearance. It's to do with how people behave (or don't).
  18. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are the best IMHO. They will almost certainly see most of us out!
  19. My Big C incorporates shops for the ISP/Mobile 'phone networks and also many independent stalls. There is also a guy who appears to do repairs (only). Very few customers around whenever we go. I guess you would have to decide exactly which model you want beforehand, then go to each and be prepared to haggle.
  20. Worked with a guy who played squash tournaments. Looked at least 10 years younger than his age. Went home from the office one evening and never returned. He was 58.
  21. Feel sorry for them. Hard work. All 7/11's I've been in seem always very busy. They have the microwaves and an oven to operate too. Enduring the chime and 'Hello and welcome' every few seconds must be absolute torture.
  22. A poor PE teacher had something to do with it. Mocking instead of encouraging even slight improvement doesn't help.
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