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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. 'Ringing out' too. Meaning rings (forever) without anyone answering.
  2. Absolutely. It's poor English. Another example are signs in shop windows; 'Shop closed from..........to'. The 'from' date is clear but the 'to' date, is that inclusive or not? Canny shopkeepers will write 'reopen on....' to avoid that confusion.
  3. Not wrong but often causes instant confusion; 'Next Wednesday'. Does that mean Wednesday next week or the next occuring Wednesday i.e. this week?
  4. 'Dialling' a telephone number.
  5. Or, a total lack of perceptions, reasoning or communication. 'That never happened to me, therefore it doesn't/can't happen'.
  6. Reminds me of a primary school report I kept for some time. One teacher had written........'Needs to learn how to use reference books'. Translates as 'because I don't know the answers'.
  7. Thanks for that. I used 'we' as being the family. My pensions and savings go into the family pot so I will be paying for it. At the end of the day my Mrs will do what she will whenever she feels like it. Or not!
  8. To be fair our Royal Thai Mail guy is very good. He's been a moto postie a long time. Our family has a shop and two houses. He knows that any of us can be delivered to at any one of the three. Logically, I suppose we're three times more likely to receive our mail than others. Also, he works as a moto repairman when off duty and we take our bikes to him. It all helps!
  9. Do you remember when the police stopped issuing postal fines because they had run out of envelopes? Perhaps this is their solution!
  10. I don't drive. Vehicle is owned by my Mrs (albeit paid for with my money). Fines were incurred by my stepson. Whoever is legally/morally responsible for payment of these fines it isn't me.
  11. Thanks for that! I don't drive. Mrs very rarely goes to DLT for motor tax, safety check and insurance. She says she has a shop to run and such things must wait. Usually takes a road block fine to spur her into action.
  12. Top answer! No point in chasing (or worrying about) postal items that have not been delivered or may not even exist. The additional 1,000 baht non-payment fee would be a 'stinger' but, hopefully, won't apply. My Mrs received one speeding fine a couple of years ago which she didn't pay and all was well next time at DLT. Last year my stepson borrowed our car and we received five postal speeding fines. We haven't paid them. Fingers crossed!
  13. There is perhaps more of a case for compulsory cover for end of life treatment and care plus funeral expenses! Seriously though, last year I received once only pneumococcal vaccine and a flu jab whilst in UK. First benefit out of UK NHS this century for me.
  14. If I was broke I would head back to UK for the free healthcare. Alternatively, remain in Thailand and hope it never happens?
  15. I intended to take out a healthcare plan. My collapse came shortly after entering Thailand. I would, of course, be ready, willing and able to furnish a cash security deposit against any future medical treatment. Anyone (including myself) unable to do either is an accident/illness waiting to happen and likely to leave unpaid bills behind them.
  16. Got a quote for $6,500 USD per annum some years ago. Then I realised I'd have to disclose receiving treatment for raised blood pressure during the mid eighties. Since then had an unexplained collapse due to low blood glucose for which received A/E treatment (in Thailand). So no health insurance plan for me. Mrs has taken a life insurance plan out on me to cover funeral costs!
  17. Very good point thanks! Makes sense to convert this amount each month. Until now I've been using my UK debit card where possible as it earns 1% cash back. More beneficial to do things as you suggest.
  18. Not at all. Following on from foreigners who HAVE to use agents due to lack of funds and almost certainly won't have made any provision for their healthcare. Being unable to pay for your funeral caused by your own over indulgence absolutely takes the biscuit in my view. Time for some compulsory healthcare scheme and/or deposits prior to allowing admittance.
  19. Not only Government hospitals but their Thai wives too. Three guys in our locality recently died of alcoholic poisoning having spent whatever savings they ever had. They did, however, apologise to their wives for not leaving any money for their funerals.
  20. If you have to attend for a deskcam photo anyway then you can get away with the IO VIP service (tip to IO only, no agent involved assuming you have the funds).
  21. For me it is good to keep 800,000 baht in an instant access account continuously available. I never know, from one minute to the next, what will be required e.g. my neice may decide she needs a 'new' car or my Mrs spots a pick-up she likes the look of. Fortunately for me, the family is satisfied with old vehicles (Mrs has a 1995 Mighty X and niece a 2003 Honda City). Otherwise, as a previous contributor has reminded us, interest rates have risen at home and now cover agents retirement extension renewal fees more than twice over.
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