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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 5 minutes ago, vaultdweller0013 said:

    So, basically, the UK needs to sort out what they really want,

    Does it matter what the UK wants? They're leaving, and what do they have to bargain with? Following the logic, it seems that there will be another general election in the UK. Is that somehow unpalatable for the EU...? Then that could be a bargaining chip. But I don't think it is. 

  2. But seriously, about Northern Ireland and the border with EU/Ireland, if there is no "special status" attributed to Northern Ireland and Brexit goes into effect - what will be the outcome?

    1. EU puts up a wall/border with customs and everything, as there obviously needs to be at the outer border of the European Union.

    2. But, but, but there isn't a border with a wall and customs between Sweden (EU) and Norway (not EU)... But then again Norway is part of Schengen. And Ireland is not...

    3. Should Northern Ireland be given away to Ireland?

    4. Should Northern Ireland become a sovereign state? Free to choose if it wants to be part of the European Union?

    5. Or should Ireland be expelled from the European Union? I mean it does have some weird (religious) laws on the books.


    Which one will it be?

  3. 3 hours ago, Catoni said:

    It’s YOUR post that is deranged. Not mine. In many schools today, kids freely show disrespect to teachers and laugh at the toothless consequences. Now, in my area since they removed the strap from schools, bad kids just get shuffled from school to school, and we’ve had female teachers go home in tears and even quit from having to put up with mis-behaving disrespectful kids. 

        Actually, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been successful, including a marriage for almost 35 years now, three grown adult children, all law abiding and working. 

        And now I’m retired with a good pension and never have to work again if I decide not to. 

        I strongly suspect you are a bleeding heart leftist/socialist. 

    Hmm - the sentence "I strongly suspect you are a bleeding heart leftist/socialist" makes me think you need to revisit your past and find out where and when exactly you suffered the emotional damage that made you think compassion is a bad thing. 

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, disambiguated said:

    It's irresponsible parents like this who're responsible for the decline in discipline, standards, and general civility, worldwide.


    If my teacher's didn't hit me when I deserved it, my parents would've complained.  Thus, I learned manners at an early age.

    It’s apparent that by hitting children you, in many cases, inflict permanent brain damage. This is clearly in display here, as the victims of this abuse demonstrate by advocating violence against children in their turn. This sadistic cycle needs to stop. No, you didn’t turn out great. No, the abuse you suffered as a child did not breed civility in you. It made you an advocate of child abuse. And that is horrible. 

    • Like 2
    • Sad 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Batty said:


    I appreciate your trying to help, and thank you for that, but it is not asthma and im surprised you sound so sure to be honest!  I play golf and never get wheezy walking around, never out of breath when climbing stairs or anything like that (maybe a little but not in a asthmatic way) rarely cough unless I am sick.  I honestly dont have asthma.


    This thing almost feels like my respiratory system just decides to give in suddenly.  When it gets going again (after I wake in terror) after a minute my breathing is fine.  Its absolutely terrifying to be honest I dread going to sleep some nights.

    There are different types of asthma and all I can provide you with is the fact that I had your symptoms, I quit smoking, I started to exercise, I got asthma medication and I have not had a single episode like the ones you describe since then. 

    During the minute when you can't breathe, are you struggling for a deep breath? Can you try "sneaking" a small breath in, just a tiny one? If your airways are constricted because of asthma, relaxing them in the way I've tried to describe would open them up faster. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, runforest said:

    "I snore very loudly and my wife usually has to bail to the spare room most nights because of it "


    Did you read the OP? just this alone is a strong indicator. How can you rule out sleep apnea? please dont give him false hope as the condition can be deadly. He may have asthma as well

    Apart from having a wife he described in detail what I was suffering from before. But it stands to reason that soliciting advice from strangers on an online forum is no substitute for talking to a doctor. 

  7. This is in all likelihood NOT sleep apnea. I had the same thing and was also overweight. You have asthma. You've probably had it for a long time. You need to quit smoking. Take long brisk walks. And get yourself some asthma medication. If nothing else, it will help you with your exercise - asthma medication is really good for doping (budesonide and terbutaline). 

  8. A previous Thai gf said, if I ever cheated on her, she would cut off my c*ck, chop it in pieces, fry in a pan and give to dogs. At least that's what I think she said. Now I'm wondering if she said "ducks". I said that if she ever tried, I would cut out her p*ssy and throw it away. And I also realised that the fact she had made the threat in the first place meant I had lost all interest in her. That level of insane jealousy is not a laughing matter. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. I'm not a Bangkok expert, but I really like the Maha Nakhon Tower. So I checked the angle of the building by putting a walker in Google Street View. The result fits with the photo being taken at dawn. To get this result you need clear air - not common - and a really good tele lens. If it isn't a composite, there needs to be water in the foreground, which puts the photographer at a point north of the Hilton, almost at the bend in the river. I don't know where you get this clear line of sight though. The photographer seems like a nice enough guy, maybe you should ask him?


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