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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 1 hour ago, thequietman said:

    Massive disrespect to his wife. Mia Noi came back to the wife's home. What a basterd!


    Deserved all he got. 

    So that's where we draw the line? Interesting... Flashing your high beams at someone or honking the horn does NOT justify murder, but hurting your wife's feelings does? I don't know the background to this story, but based on the information provided above there are neither legal nor moral grounds for killing someone. Being a "basterd" and disrespectful is not enough to warrant being killed. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Karma, anyone ?

    Karma? As in "it's OK that she gets detained because she killed someone"?

    I'm not sure the scales of justice are balanced out if I shoot my gf in the stomach because she had a new boyfriend, or someone on the side, or even a quickie behind the wood pile - not even if she were my wife would that be seen as "karma". I'm sure she wouldn't see it that way - looking at the fresh wound in her belly and the blood spreading her last words would surely be "oh, that's a fair cop, I had it coming..."

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Wrong. In a civilized world there is a law that states that you DO NOT CHANGE LANES UNLESS SAFE TO DO SO. All because you put your indicator on does not give you right of way to change lanes in front of any vehicle in that lane. I have spent 25 years removing dead and injured from vehicles that have been involved in accidents because a driver has the same attitude as you and you are in the wrong.

    This is one of those situations where there are obligations on both sides. I would argue that most drivers who drive like a bat out of hell weaving through traffic with no regard for other vehicles do so because they are selfish idiots. But possibly, just possibly, the next one you encounter is driving like that because a child is bleeding out in the car and they are in a hurry to a hospital. It doesn’t matter. It is NOT your job as a fellow driver to impede their progress, blocking them in or forcing them off the road. You are supposed to make it EASIER for them to behave like idiots. It’s infuriating. But it’s the job of law enforcement professionals to deal with the idiots. 

    But then there is the other obligation. Where you are entirely correct. It is your responsibility as a driver to make sure that any action you take on the road does NOT create danger for someone else. (Which, when you think about it, is exactly what the first rule is about as well.)

    • Like 1
  4. I used to be a smoker and I remember dropping a cigarette butt in a Bangkok street, I think it was in 1995 and they had just passed some laws about littering, and as my transgression was witnessed by a police officer I was caught, sat on a tiny stool with my girlfriend in the middle of the street to wait for a colleague who could speak English. Quite a large Thai crowd gathered to look at us while we were waiting. They finally found a young police man who could explain to me what I had done wrong. I think the fine at the time was the equivalent of USD 50, so quite a lot more than the current 2000 baht fines. Oh happy days????. I remember my girlfriend getting very upset with the police officers about the humiliating treatment and it was very fortunate that they didn't understand a word she was saying.

  5. 19 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Whydya think I relocated to Udon?

    The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in Thailand was standing in an aisle in a 7-11 in Udon Thani, late at night. She looked entirely unapproachable and a few minutes later she got into the passenger seat of an extremely expensive and pimped out car that was idling outside and she was lost to me forever...

    • Haha 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, OneZero said:

    Quote: "The officials were informed by local municipal workers that usually the sewage was discharged out to sea, but due to recent strong waves and winds for the past 2 weeks, sand had formed a dam wall to block the water and had led to the detritus and waste water accumulating in an increasingly unpleasant puddle. Unquote.


    I hope they don't think that if it is indeed discharged out to sea again in future, then that is ok, problem solved.

    From the article:

    The governor said he wanted measures to be put in place to solve this problem permanently and to prevent untreated waste water from nearby houses and business establishments flowing directly into the ocean, potentially damaging the local ecosystem. 

  7. I’m not really old enough for this discussion, but I would argue that The Beatles are “better” from a perspective of musical and compositional quality. But if I could only choose Beatles or Rolling Stones in my Spotify I would go with the latter. The Beatles song catalogue is slightly more worn out for me. On the other hand, the Rolling Stones albums contain a lot of boring blues fillers. 

  8. 1 hour ago, swerve said:

    When Bangkok roads turn into parking lots it's tough to get around without riding on the sidewalks.  I have sympathy for the drivers. ????

    I have no sympathy for the drivers. I use the sidewalk for walking. And the drivers mainly use the sidewalks for going in the wrong direction, too lazy to cross the road into the correct lane. I don’t care about the reward, I will gladly contribute photos anyway.

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  9. Clearly, the worst thing here is the senseless killing of a child.
    Secondly, the horror of the mother who managed to save herself, but will possibly forever be haunted with feelings of self-blame for not sacrificing herself in an effort to save her child. Which is all just a guess on my part, but the very idea of it is chilling to me. 
    Thirdly, the worst thing is all you crazy people on here claiming NOT to be racists, nazis and far-right loonies. But still you espouse the most horrific ideas. Shame on you.

    • Confused 1
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