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Posts posted by androokery

  1. 15 hours ago, JamJar said:


    Hmmm.... usually there is one stupid dog at the most and your reaction may have something to do with their reaction.

    Fear and aggression are often counter productive. I usually just crouch down and call 'em over. That often makes them think twice. They are either too frightened to approach or a puppy/another might come over. Don't try to touch it immediately. As soon as it it determined that you aren't a threat, the alpha leaves the pack and walks away, with all the rest following. Often with just the nutty dog that started all the trouble still barking.....but with no back up.


    Of course there are always exceptions. But dogs don't generally attack adult humans unless seen as a threat. 

    Please don't offer this type of advice. You're like that Grizzly Man Timothy Treadwell. You're right until you're horribly wrong.

  2. This is funny because they just set up a few criteria against which to measure health. And then they published the results without first evaluating the method. When massage shops which mainly offer happy endings are included in the counting of spas you get weird results. An influx of “Mumbai men”, as they are popularly called, means that a lot of vegetarian Indian restaurants pop up. They’re not really vegetarians for the health benefits. 


    So it seems their method only includes indicators for health and omits all possible unhealthy indicators. 


    I can understand how this method gets Pattaya a great rating. But like many others here I’m struggling to understand where they found six parks in Pattaya. A place for walking and running in Thailand needs illumination and some limitations on the number of dogs. I know of no such place in Pattaya. 

  3. 1 hour ago, BestB said:

    I would say it has more to do with you personally than the dogs or Thai . I have no problem walking on any road anywhere in Thailand in 18 years and not once was I set on by any street dog or even growled at.

    Any road? Anywhere? Where have you been walking? Are you odourless like that Grenouille guy? I am challenged or attacked by dogs every day when I run. It seems running people is such a freakish occurrence to these dogs that they just have to have a go. 

  4. On 12/16/2018 at 7:28 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

    quote "he is the least popular president since the approval rating system began"


    Well thank you for so quickly proving my assertions correct. Your statement is a bald lie, but I can understand how it can be that you believe this. Just a few minutes watching some news networks you will think the world is ending. For the record, Nixon, Bush sr, Carter, Johnson and Truman have all had worse approval ratings. More importantly there has never been such a frenzy to bash supporters of a president before, which absolutely skews surveys and polls.


    To educate yourself on presidential approval ratings so you don't make such an error again :-


    I find it amusing that you want to spread these numbers around, if you are indeed a supporter of the current president. He has the lowest "highest rating" by far of all the presidents and he has the lowest average approval rating of any president included in the polls. All according to the link you shared.

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  5. 3 hours ago, sambum said:

     "Cigs are by far and away the number one litter item worldwide".


    Absolute garbage - if you will excuse the pun. Plastic is a far more serious problem.

    <<<<Off topic image removed>>>>


    Can't see a cigarette butt anywhere!

    Not anywhere, they're everywhere.

    "Cigarette butts are the most common form of anthropogenic (man-made) litter in the world, as approximately 5.6 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year worldwide.[23] Of those it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts become litter every year.[24] The cellulose acetate fibers used as the predominant filter material do not readily biodegrade because of the acetyl groups on the cellulose backbone which in itself can quickly be degraded by various microorganisms employing cellulases.[25] A normal life span of a discarded filter is thought to be up to 15 years."

    Quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cigarette_filter

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  6. Maybe someone can enlighten me here... There seems to be very good order and adherence to the rules when it comes to lining up/queueing on the BTS platforms. This shows that the national character, insomuch as that exists as a real thing (and we seem to credit people like the Germans with having one), is not averse to maintaining order and hierarchy in a pedestrian traffic situation. But when it comes to road traffic and vehicles, that gets thrown at the wayside, so to speak. Is it a matter of deniability? I notice that it's impossible to catch the eyes of motorbike riders when I try to cross the street - and most car drivers are behind dark-tinted glass so the cars might as well be driven by robots. I haven't seen this difference between foot traffic and vehicle traffic in any other country (I haven't been everywhere though).

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  7. 2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    I've been here long enough to know that all that would be under that 'Umbrella' would be Deck Chairs and a lot of tables full of Beer and Food for all the NOT hard working 'Members of the Agency' who would solve absolutely nothing !

    I do get that with the experience of how everything's always been in Thailand it's hard to believe anything will ever change. But suppose, just suppose, that someone "higher up" wanted to effect some real change. Wouldn't it make sense to follow WHO's advice and set up a central organisation with the full responsibility for implementing the change? I'm not saying they will, but just griping about what's gone before doesn't sound very helpful. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    I have lots of dogs near me, walk by them every day.  I actually say a friendly hi to them (silence can be threatening IMHO).  A dog coming near you and barking is not threatening unless he is showing you his fangs - and most dogs just bark... You turn around and look at them and they back off to keep their distance...  Mistreating them (caring a stick - like pepper spray) and you will have much more problems in the future because dogs remember mistreatment... (i.e. dogs pepper sprayed by postmen really really tend to become much more annoyed the next time they see him).  I have zero-fear of any dogs... not sure if that is also a factor that comes across.  Maybe if you have a problem dog that you don't get along with... try feeding it... it might cost you some food... but most assuredly it would be appreciated.




    Whenever I come across this kind of attitude towards feral dogs, I am reminded of Timothy Treadwell a.k.a. Grizzly Man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grizzly_Man).

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