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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Never claimed people would be immediately returned to country of origin. There are well known challenges with returning rejected asylum seekers to their originating countries. Receiving governments worldwide are working on government to government agreements and other means to expedite the processes of deportation or stopping departures in the first place such as the EU agreement with Turkey. In the meantime facile commentary achieves nothing.
    You say he makes a facile comment..but it is a true one what you say is something that is not going to happen no matter how many times you repeat it .as for the agrermemt with Turkey ,waste of time they just took the money and then just buisness as usuall. Send them on their way to us .its lovely to be a bleeding heart .but in the end you just bleed our land to death.

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  2. Who cares. This law is about perverts taking uninvited pictures up ladies skirts. It may seem OTT for certain Thai customers, but for most it is a disgusting invasion of someone’s privacy. 
    You dont get it.its already against the law and you can go to prison.but if you just let laws go on the statute books willey nilley that way lies a danger for people.
    And that goes for any law.

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  3. Yes, that's why he blocked it, he said its already covered by law and no need for a seperate one.
    He also says that the proposal should be debated in parliament rather than just passed into law.
    (From UK press this morning)
    And quite right to .if you allow any old proposal into law that is the way to a 1984 state.
    It was already against the law and up to the judge to senrence the perv.

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  4. I akways think when i see a girl with tats .what will she look like in 20 or so years.and will she regret it.personally i remember when i was about 16 i was desperate for one and my dad wouldnt let me .said i had to wait until i was 18. Thanks dad.really glad you stopped me. But after saying that my daughtet has one she was in her 20s when she had it done and loves it as does her husband. And she runs her own company. Horses for courses

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  5. Hidden/Craith --BBC

    This came out about 5 months ago in Welsh , I tried watching it but I'm really not a subtitle guy, now out in 90% English,  (hard subs on the 10%)

    The script is really good, the suspense is very well administered.

    This has got the making of the kind of BBC twisting thriller that I enjoy so much.
    Unless you have TVCHUCK ---you may find it by just under the English name "Hidden"
    Its on PB well the 1st episode in english.not bad mind you all the lead actors are Women so nice and PC.[emoji1]

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  6. I know from experiance that if you report an illegal nothing is done.When i was working in the UK one day a guy came for a job gave his name etc and one of the girls in the office happened to be passing and recognised him and said "you worked here a year ago under another name. He ran off the police were called .sorry you have to phone immegration.not us .they did that .sorry nobody can come .. that was it no wonder we have so many illegals with false names false NI numbers etc .no one does f all about it.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Anythingleft? said:

    Not as we know it, but the world will survive...possibly not the human race though...

    Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk

    Yes i do believe that the human race ,especially as we know it will die out ,the world will go on for millions of years ,we are just a blip on its surface .i remember once reading that if you thought of the world as a lighthouse ,we are the coat of paint on the top,thats how long we have been around in comparison to the world

  8. Only replying to you post concerning ignorance, did not meant to imply anything about the death counter. 

    The death counter was included in a vw interesting link posted by someone else which included a birth counter and other interesting statistics.  

    I made a comment concerning the death counter in a poor attempt at humor. 

    Again, when you have time watch the documentary I posted concerning world population, and tell me what you think. Asides from being very schedual[emoji16]


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  9. We have had i believe the best of times.for one thing as we knew less we wanted less. But these days no matter where you are you can see that others are different and in the case of those in underdeveloped countrys they see that those in developed countrys have it so much better.that is why so many are coming to the west.Now it may not be PC but i dont care what you may want or think the barriers will go up all over not just where it is happening now but in countrys like the UK. I believe there are a few scenarios. The rich will live away from the poor .or there will be uprisings and revolution.
    Of course there could be another war .and we all know that nuclear weapons will be used.there are those who believe in The fairy in the sky and he will give them all they want up there.
    But as a wise man once said "world war 3 will be fought with atomic weapons and world war 4 with sticks and stones.
    Glad i wont be here to see it.

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