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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. I believe that it will just attract people from miles around to come and "shop" look around there and fill the roads with more traffic. When we worked in BKK the wife and i used to go just to look around and eat in the food hall .i honestly dont think i ever bought anything there.mind you apart from food and some shopping in Tops we rarely spend anything in Central either

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    To be fair many of us would have joined the discussion on the 'popular now' feed on the right and not even realize we are posting on the gay forum. I always look at the 'popular now' feed and have no idea which sub-forum it's on so I think that comment is unfair as I was here 'accidentally' too lol. I can see it's a place you feel most at home so I'll leave you to it - each to their own and have fun.
    Actually spot on saw the post saying that a study found that lots of straight men have gay sex and thought it was rubbish.so responded did not know it was in the gay section as i have never looked here before

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  3. I also don't think most expat men have "tried" LBs but I also know that the vast majority of gay men expats have not (they like dudes that present as dudes) and that the vast majority of men that have tried LBs identify as straight. 
    I think the reason is that they fancy a ladyboy as a woman .i have seen quite a few i think attractive. But in a womans way .its the fact that "she" was a man that puts me off ever trying one out.

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  4. No worries. I'm guessing your bottom ain't all that anyhow. It's funny to me how often homophobic straight men think all gay men are after them when more often than not they have the sexual appeal of Steve Bannon.

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    Your right my bottoms not up to much .not half as nice as my wifes. There was a time when i was a real handsome man .but the ravages of time are taking their toll i am afraid.

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    Sure, you came by accident, we've never heard that one before! At least you decided to stay once you got here, I've always got room for a bigun!
    Now, you earlier claimed it was not what mother nature intended, then you were given the fact that all animals have homosexual tendencies, something that mother nature intended, so what is your reasoning now?  Or is it just a random claim without any basis whatsoever?
    Sorry but bored now by from a big un that you will never get .its only little uns for you from now on .[emoji121]️

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  6. Seems odd then that you would spend the past two days posting with such passion in the Gay Forum, but each to their own.
    Actually i got on this forum by accident and posted something . The only reason i keep posting is because silly people like you who accuse (and wish) us straight guys had the same unnatural feelings as you have .so when you stop posting i will be gone for good. But really i reckon people like you try to wind people like me up so we can say what we think and then get a ban

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    You brought up mother nature, it was you who claimed that mother nature doesn't intend us to have homosexual relations, now faced with the fact that every single animal species that has sexual intercourse also has homosexual sex you want animals left out of it, deal with it, we are animals.  And if you hadn't noticed, our species also has sex with young members of our species as well as siblings, we are not immune to those things either, so your examples are just generally poor.  We choose to not accept those behaviors, we feel they are not good for society, nothing about what mother nature intended.  As if mother nature were some entity with an intention, personally I believe in evolution, and our species has evolved with homosexuality being present, that is just reality, you are not going to get rid of it by pretending it is not natural.  Your posts imply a deep inner hatred, something that in most people sharing your hatred is born out of their own repressed feelings, you feel you are unnatural for having homosexual feelings and so you claim that homosexuality is not natural, don't you?

    First i did not bring animals into it .i was replying to a poster that did .secondly you talk rubbish about repressed gay feelings .get a life i have no gay feelings whatsoever the same as the vast majority of males dont.just because you wish it so it does not happen . Also i could not care less what two men want to do to each other .but nothing will ever make me think its natural.


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  8. If a straight man has sex with a ladyboy it does not make him gay. Eating all vegetables at a meal does not make me a vegetarian. 
    Nearly all of us have had intimacy with a ladyboy in Thailand. It is just curiosity. Not gay. Thank you 
    Well i have many many friends here in Thailand in the years i visited and years i have lived here and only one has visited a ladyboy and that was curiosity so dont make wilde statements please

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    Why on earth do you think they could not sustain themselves, they had wives and children, they just didn't have sex with them for pleasure, that has nothing to do with sustaining the race, obviously!
    There has not been a single animal species found that has been shown to never show any homosexual behaviour other than animals that do not have sex.  Mother nature makes no mistakes, and she gave us homosexuality, deal with it.
    Many animals also have sex with very young animals or their mothers or fathers that have sex with their female offspring. And siblings that mate with each other Please do not bring animals into the equation or we will have to say that as mother nature does not make mistakes that this is ok as well.

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  10. Can you imagine the outrage if for trespassing in the illegally occupied territories 136 Israelis including children, paraplegics and medics were killed by Palestinians and over 15,000 injured some maimed for life ?
    Perhaps Netanyahu should declare 3 national days of mourning for damage to his fence.
    So why are the Palastinians letting children and paraplegics into these zones?. Thats Disgusting but i would not expect anything else judging by their past behaviour

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  11. Trump should not be wasting time with the UK; they are a has been world power and of very little use in most any difficult situation the US may find itself. Their loyalty is too costly for an almost broke nation. Leave that Island alone, I say. You just know Trump will give them all sorts of free trade assistance to get them over the upcoming Brexit economic debacle  The UK has joined the rest of the world in becoming Anti-American.
    Now but your tinfoil hat back on .nurse is coming

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  12. When i post on here about immegration i can really only fully comment on my old home town .it used to be a working class industrial town with a nice middle class area in which we used to live.most years i go back to see old friends .we left 14 years ago when it had changed due to immigration and was no longer nice. I have seen it become over the years a shithole dud to immegration .so all i can say to the luvvies on here who go on about how we must help .you help let em live in your house not council accomodation you pay for them .not my taxes . My head came out of mr ar-e years ago .

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  13. Basically the ruling Jewish minority controls 100% the lives of the majority Palestinians in the whole of Palestine but does not give them equal human and civil  rights.
    Briefly, and there's much more...
    Segregated immigration laws. 99.9% Jewish only  immigration allowed
    Discriminatory marriage laws
    Jewish only West Bank settlements and Israeli towns..Jews can bar even Israeli Arab citizens from Jewish neighbourhoods
    Separate laws  settlers ruled by Israeli law, occupied Palestinians by military law
    Segregated road system   https://visualizingpalestine.org/visuals/segregated-roads-west-bank
    Different colored license plates
    Checkpoints for Palestinians only...Jews waived through
    Its called keeping trouble snd the people that hate and want to kill you at bay

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  14. LOL.  This a joke surely?





    No.now let me play devils advocet.years ago it was illegal for 2 men to have sex. Now it isnt .they can even marry and have kids its all normal just like men becoming women or women becoming men .lets take it a little further in some countrys older men can marry and have sex with little girls .disgusting isnt it .but its illegal for 2 men too have sex. Who is to say that in 50 years sex with children becomes legal.bet you wouldnt think thats natural would you?

    See its a matter of perspective.

    Would that be a joke?

    As i have said i dont care if 2 men want to be lovers .as long as i dont have to watch

    Pps i would make an exeption for 2 women


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