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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Everyone should have the right to be informed of what's in the food they eat, and what is not, and to not be deceived. This is a much bigger issue than specifically Islamic dogma. 


    For example, the other day I ordered an expensive duck dish from a Chinese restaurant. It was duck alright. Duck Beaks! The menu did not say it was a dish with only Duck Beaks! What council should I complain to?

    could have been worse ,it could have been ducks bums????

  2. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Not exactly but there is so much good stuff that if something doesn't hook you in, then just stop watching it with no regrets.


    Television has moved on from Mayberry which never existed in the first place.



    There are some good new shows ,its just i dont think its right that they shoehorn people into shows just to"tick a box" like making historical people black ,and that does not mean i dont like black actors ,Luther is one of my favourite cop series ,again i dont like it that they shoehorn in same sex married couples 2 of my cousins are gay and live with their partners ,the same when they put in "disabled" actors again to tick a box rather than as a genuine part of the show( sorry dont have any disabled friends or family ).

    That is the problem i have with many of the new tv series.

    but then i suppose i grew up in a different era ,when tv and film was there to entertain ,not to preach.

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  3. 2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Just watching the latest season of father Brown ,about a village vicar that helps solve crimes easy going ,mind you i notice lately that there are far more black people living and working in English villages in the 1950s,seconf ep even has a black butcher , still box ticked????

    funny i lived in London in the 60s and even then you rarely saw black people ,except in places like Brixton . new series of Agatha Raisin is out ,not up to her old series but not bad ,

  4. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:

    Thanks for the info, and what I didn't realise until I watched an in-depth documentary about them, was that they were both homosexual, one being openly gay and the other in the closet so to speak.


    I quite like Vienna Blood as well, and will have to get onto a couple more episodes shortly.

    Nothing was ever said about that ,but she also said that their mum was a right cow as well, have you tried Holby Blue if you like British cop series ,i had never heard of it ,but its really good ,if you like that sort of thing ,

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 12/31/2021 at 1:39 PM, xylophone said:

    A few days ago I did manage to download, "Krays: Code of Silence" and although there have been several other movies about the the Krays, this movie approaches it from the perspective of the detective inspector who is in charge of the investigation, Nipper Read, so it is a little different and just adds another layer to the Kray story.


    The movie is not going to set the world alight and has a pretty low IMDb rating, however it was okay, and it was about a subject which I have always been interested in.

    back in the late 60s i was going out with a girl/woman  who was in school with them she was a few years younger ,she said they were a right pair of nasty boys  even in school. ,anyway back to tv ,just been watching Vienna blood ,crime in the early 1900s in Vienna its not bad .

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  6. Ive always had a great life ,done what i pleased been married a few times friends with my ex wives and the one i never married but lived with for many years ,have a daughter in the UK who i love to bits and talk to most days ,

    luckily i always seemed to come out on top no matter what i did ,was quite well known in one field i was involved in ,then about 26 yrs ago met "the one" through business in Bangkok ,we lived in the UK have a son ,and then decided to come back here ,getting on now but life is good ,hope it lasts a lot longer . 9 out of 10 it would have been 10 out of 10 but for some health problems along the way.

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