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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. 19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My best pal died of AIDs around 2 years back.

    He only had unprotected sex with women.

    Sounds like nursey was a little ignorant.

    this was in a town in England many years ago ,not here in Thailand , at that time i had never ever been to Thailand ,and really had only really read about hiv,thought only gay men got it ,then i read that women could catch it ,as at the time i was very promiscuose i was worried that i had it, but luckily i never have  

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    My best friend in college who was not promiscuous had a condom break on him. Dead in his 20s.

    Also remember in the early years we didn't even understand what it was.

    Its funny you say that ,because i was ill once and had had unprotected sex many times, ,and i went to the local hospital on talking to the nurse i said i was afraid i had aids ,they all panicked until she asked me who i had had sex with and i replied girls,wherupon she said ,well you havnt got that ,go and sit down the doctor will see you soon, i wore condoms after that though . 

  3. 36 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    My Life has been guided and influenced by events that happened / did not happen , as everybody else's life has been.

    Not a single person alive can say they have influenced their life entirely.


    your dead right ,in fact my life changed completely ,by one thing happening ,that at the time did not seem a lot ,but in fact changed the direction of my life .

    i find that sometimes the smallest thing can be a life changer ,i have always believed in fate and in some ways that our life is already mapped out for us .


  4. I was very lucky ,lived in London in the  swinging 60s ,lived with an actress and her husband ,(in their house) they had lots of partys and i mixed with pop stars ,actors and was good friends with a well known singer at the time ,so had masses of sex ,then dont know why but always had lots of girlfriends ,married divorced ,live ins ,married divorced ,then ,met my now wife ,since then i have only ever had sex with her, as i get old and she gets older ,its not high on our agenda ,but cuddeling up to her at night in bed is bliss ,.

    • Like 1
  5. lets face it this year will see zero Russians ,and as prices rise worldwide westerners will not be able to afford to come ,was talking to my Daughter yesterday ,and she reckons to fill their oil tank for central heating it is now 950 pounds ,lucky they have a wood burning heater ,but even the wood has gone up ,mind you last time i was over her husband and me scoured the woods and brought back loads free.

  6. 6 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    It will have a minimal affect on Thailand, a few less tourists from Russia and maybe a couple of baht on oil.

    Thailands government needs to start building some home grown employment opportunities and stop being so reliant on investment from overseas by way of tourism or commerce.


    couple of baht on oil? gasohol 95 is now 40baht a litre , i have never ever known it this price ,

    • Sad 1
  7. 11 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

    Rutnin is my eye hospital, too. Fine print was getting difficult & blurry vision on waking. No black areas in vision but my intraocular pressure is up which could signal the start of glaucoma. No real easy fix for that.

    ganfort eye drops ,kept my pressure normal for years ,expensive here especially in a private hospital ,about 780 baht for one month in Queen Sirakit govt hospital

  8. 3 hours ago, ed strong said:

    I know what you are saying however in Thailand prostitution is a way of life for many.. the only option.


    In the UK most i have seen are generally ex or current addicts, or are very hot but require thousands (£) per night


    Either way i certianly wouldnt be giving any money in the form a sin sod or dowery or to a UK prostitute or a thai womens family,


    To be fair if i did marry a Thai i would look after the family but not through a sin sot.

    Please dont ask me how i know (no its not through sleeping with them and it was many many years ago) but most of the hookers i knew in the UK were if you saw them walking down the street looked like very decent young women ,and where they worked ,they were nice women in a very nice enviroment ,one even went on later to have a job you would never believe me if i told you , On is now married and the hight of respectabilaty ,oh the tales i could tell . 


  9. 23 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Just watched the first episode of a new series Viking valhalla,never knew that the vikings had a black female leader,wow learn something new every day ,apart from that after watching the first episode i can say ,its cr-p as is the acting so ive sent it to valhalla.

    just tried watching this ,the acting if thats what you can call it is terrible ,the last series of vikings had gone downhill a bit ,but compared to this terrible series its fabulous ,by the way did not even make it to the female black viking leader bit .minus 10 out of10

  10. 10 hours ago, beechbum said:

    What are you watching it on, Netflix,HBO, downloaded etc?

    Got to be a gay person in everything as well these days, movies, series or reality tv.

    sorry did not mention that the guy who was married with a son ,but got divorced and had a young gay lover ,sorry no midgets though .

    its a shame that they constantly tick boxes ,because the story is good and well acted.

    • Haha 1
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