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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 8 minutes ago, cooked said:

    What hospitals? The ones in New York where the hospital ships stood unused throughout the peak of the panic?

    New York did all the right things, and at the time I place this post, not one death today. Texas, Florida, Arizona, Oklahoma, etc etc etc are reaching near max capacity. Texas in particular is turning people away, and the numbers are rising. Florida set a new WORLD record for most cases in one day. Just cuz you put out the fire in the bathroom doesn't mean the rest of the house isn't burning.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Will Muller testify under oath and dispelled the Russia hoax that Trump’s WH gave as reason for Stone’s commutation. That will mean Trump obstructed justice. He may not be charged now but will add to his time in orange suit after January. 

    Lyndsey Graham is pushing to have Mueller testify. I really believe this will fall into the category of "Be careful what you wish for."

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  3. 1 minute ago, Krataiboy said:

    The operative word is "may". What, one wonders is the scale and and prevalence of these alleged side effects? Also, it is know that other viral infections, such as flu and mumps can lead to long-lasting and serious complications.

    For every 1 death, 19 more require hospitalization; 18 of those will have some permanent heart damage for the rest of their lives; 10 will have permanent lung damage; 3 will have strokes; 2 will have neurological damage leading to chronic weakness and loss of coordination. Stay at home, wear a mask if you have to go out, observe social distancing and wash your hands.

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