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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 1 minute ago, newatthis said:

    Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss could get off her rear end and take her shiny badge over to London. Oops! No jurisdiction. How sad!

    Well then, make an official request. Sadly, we don't have enough evidence for that. We're just fishing!

    Sorry. We're negotiating fishing rights with the EU, at the moment, not the USA. Bye.


    If Ghislaine Maxwell isn't "suicided," they may have PLENTY of evidence. If . . .

  2. 4 minutes ago, spiekerjozef said:

    Don't open them. It's lovely here now.

    Us armchair quarterbacks get together most Saturday afternoons in Pattaya to settle all the problems of the world. We all feel exactly the same way. There is enough money in Thailand for everyone to exist if borders were kept closed except for necessary exchange of goods. Let the rest of the world flail, mismanage, die in accelerated numbers, then open when a vaccine is safely available and implemented. Many will argue this is a simplistic approach, I say the simplest approach would be tolerable if you remove overt greed from the equation.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Masterton said:


    Oh please. This is the problem. People in the fake news echo chamber post links to other fake news in order to back up their "views". And all the clapping seals clap. Do you seriously consider Vox to be a credible news source ? Wasn't Vox the website that published the fake Russian dossier? Do you even understand what racism is ? That article was complete BS, most things listed in there don't even have anything to do with racism. Ridiculous. Come on, you really need to do better than this. Wouldn't surprise me if Vox put out a follow up article saying Trump is racist because he enjoys black coffee with his KFC.

    I knew you'd respond this way. It was just the first link that came up on a search. READ the article then try and refute ONE BIT of it. (Hint - you can't)

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Masterton said:


    Of course he isn't. The fact that you even consider that he is shows how brainwashed you are by the pro Democrat fake news media. They always seem to wheel out the racist card like clockwork whenever his popularity starts rising amongst black voters. The Democrats know full well that if Trump gets 20% of the black vote they will lose the election. This is all about politics. And you all fall for it.... Sigh.

    And how people can turn a blind eye to facts always staggers the imagination.


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  5. 3 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

    yes, but why ?Everything is now done on computers. They can upload your account details, your statements, etc, in seconds, in any branch, so why the need to go possible halfway across the country for no reason .

    Stupidity and jobsworth at its finest 

    had the same problem with her indoors telephone. Kept getting bills for an old phone she had canceled long time ago, kept getting told, had to go to branch where she buy/open it. After asking why, when i could see all the details on his computer, i gave up, told him to stick it where the sun don't shine and walked out. never heard anything since . But wouldn't advise this at a bank, lol


  6. 2 minutes ago, Aforek said:

    I have not noticed, I must say that I am the only farang here , staff always helping with smile ( but I smile myself and I speak Thai )

    The OP said that he has not his old passport, I don't know why, but for me, we should never get rid of the old(s ) passport(s ) 

    Same with driver's licenses. I'm on my 3rd 5-year and have all the old ones just in case.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    No, it just has to do with how you talk to people. Some can that and others will never learn. The ones that don´t learn have to go 300 km and the ones that learn can do the things where they are.

    You DID notice the smile I put at the end of my post? Of COURSE it makes a difference how you talk to people.


    Story from my past - I had to make some sort of visa run to Myanmar. It was a long bus ride, then a frightening boat trip up some river that reminded me of Apocalypse Now. Honest to gawd, there were armed guards at the river mouth. When we arrived at the immigration station, one member of our run started making some serious argument to the officials there. The rest of us took one look at each other, took three steps away from this idiot, and looked at our shoes until our individual visas were addressed.

    Yes, talk to people with respect, particularly when they hold your future in their hands.

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