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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 1 minute ago, curlylekan said:

    Are you aware that Obama did the same with Bush. I'm not saying one is right or better than the other, all I'm saying is that they have both done it and they both did it for many years while in office. I think this is good to know that this is an ongoing problem with leadership and not something to single one president out for doing

    Can you back that claim? I never noticed Obama talking trash about Bush, Obama generally had more class than that. The current guy? I flush stuff down the toilet with more class than him.

    • Like 2
  2. 18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    I wish that was true:


    "Under fire from critics who say he is letting the coronavirus outbreak get out of control, Gov. Ron DeSantis is playing down Florida’s sharp increase in new cases in recent weeks, attributing it to more testing and saying he won’t rollback reopening efforts."



    Then the shops are shutting themselves down in light of the lack of intelligent leadership.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

    News out today that a 2nd wave is hitting Beijing, which has just locked down, again!




    Unlike in the US, at least they will be able to control their population to bring it back under control as quickly as possible, but hopes of a travel bubble with China might still be a long way off - bad news for Thailand.

    Florida is returning to locking down some of its businesses as well. 23 days with no new cases in Thailand.

  4. 1 minute ago, johnpetersen said:

    Like Oklahoma although others are far worse.


    Arizona for example.

    I prefer to use, when available, hospitalization figures. That way, the increase in the rate of testing is irrelevant.

    It will be most interesting to see the numbers 2-3 weeks after that YUGE rally in Oklahoma. If I were a betting man, I bet the virus numbers will skyrocket. That will be a death knell.

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 1 minute ago, johnpetersen said:

    There are states that are going down. The most dramatic declines are in states in the northeast where enforcement of lockdowns has been a lot stricter. If you omit those states from the data, the situation actually looks a lot worse. Those states that have been laxest in enforcement and sooner to lift restrictions make up the preponderance of the rise in hospitalizations.

    For instance like Oklahoma?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

    I wonder why all the states that have their covid numbers going down are pushed to the bottom of any news headlines..............


    Minnesota, the original protest state, showing lowest numbers since April 29th.  There are also a lot of other states where cases and hospitalizations are going down.  It would be nice to get balanced reporting and not fear mongering in the headlines.



    If it bleeds, it leads.

  7. 5 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    As 2018 showed, Trump is a very inspirational candidate for both the left and right. It's just that he inspires them differently.

    By the way, THIS is the way adult discourse goes. We have some differing opinions, and we share our ideas in considerate fashion. I've started putting rude people on my "ignore" list and information is now flowing quite nicely.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


    I like Bottoms. 

    As long as we're predicting how about the favored Harris who really does convey presidential gravitas or an electoral play for Florida in Demings. 


    Pretty obviously Abrams is out. 

    Abrams doesn't have that "thing," that star quality. I knew someone who was in a room when Bill Clinton walked in and he said everybody just KNEW when the president at the time entered. He had an electric charisma that was tangible. Abrams - not so much.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    Really? Got some evidence to back that up? The fact is Biden overwhelmingly won in the popular democratic vote. Where Sanders tended to perform best was in caucuses, which are a much less democratic form of selection than primaries.

    And something most people tend to ignore - the Dems and Reps are essentially equal in numbers and vote strictly by party line. It's the INDEPENDENTS that need to be convinced, need to be excited into getting off their couches and go to the voting booths. Biden is getting a resounding "meh" from Independents, Bernie was the candidate that piqued their interest.

  10. Just now, johnpetersen said:

    Really? Got some evidence to back that up? The fact is Biden overwhelmingly won in the popular democratic vote. Where Sanders tended to perform best was in caucuses, which are a much less democratic form of selection than primaries.

    Bernie drew crowds in the tens of thousands. Biden drew them in the dozens, most of them blue hairs.


    BTW, this is my original letter from the attorney in the DNC lawsuit, name and signature obscured, that most people never heard of. I've been following this garbage for years, and one of the few things Trump has been right about - the system IS rigged.

    dnc lawsuit.jpg

  11. 1 minute ago, earlinclaifornia said:

    I too agree he has had a stroke and is keeping it from everybody. The thing is I expect him starting up the election rally will become more of  a serious health issue. That won't be possible to hide either. Seriously the clip of him raising the cup and then having the left hand assist the lift. Two hands necessary to drink a cup of water has to be a HUGE concern. 

    I can't WAIT to see how Fox and his supporters spin the cup of water thing. Maybe that's the way stable geniuses drink?

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