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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 18 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    How exactly did the DNC manage that? What Macchiavellian plans did they devise? The evidence shows that once it looked like Bernie almost had a lock on the nomination, Democrats weighed who had a better chance to beat Trump: Sanders or Biden? They chose Biden. And the evidence also shows that Republicans were disappointed in that choice. They were longing to mix it up with the "socialist" Sanders.

    It's been a while, I need to save this so I don't have to retype again and again. Heavy sigh . . .

    I was one of the original litigants to the 2016 DNC lawsuit about screwing Bernie in the primaries. The DNC's PRIMARY DEFENSE was they are NOT a government entity, they are more like a bridge club. As such, they make their own rules and choose whoever they want. Do some digging for details, they're there. If you think it's a democratic process - well, the red pill or the blue pill. One keeps you blissfully ignorant, the other exposes the corruption.

  2. 4 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    I disagree. Remember that infamous interview he had with Charlamagne the God where he reproached him as a black man for not being sure if he was going to vote for Biden? That drew a lot of attention. Biden has always been prone to making gaffes. But here's a transcript of the interview. Biden was sharp and on target even when explaining the complicated history of some legislation. When has Trump ever show the ability to master details?


    And if you want to see the interview here's a link:



    I watched that whole thing. I've also watched him on Stephen Colbert, and some of his virtual rallies. He started fading fast at the end of the Colbert interview, and one of his rallies he started to wander around the room.  Now understand, NO ONE dislikes Trump more than I do, but the only reason Biden has a better than 50% chance of winning is because Trump is just that much worse. Again (quoting South Park) it's a choice between a douche and a turd sandwich. KILLS me that this is the choice of the DNC, and make no mistake, this is NOT a democratic process. The DNC chooses the candidate.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I look at it this way. 

    We have two very old men running against each other. 

    Among many other issues it is legitimate to consider the health issues of both of them. 

    As a political issue the 45 brigade thought they had the edge with that. 

    Now they don't. 

    Likely the frail old man issue is going to be neutralized now. 

    In 1988 Biden had two brain surgeries with a strong likelihood of long term damage. Of COURSE the doctor who performed them claims Biden is fine, but we will never really know. What I DO know is when I see Biden, I see a man with little energy, a man who has trouble staying on track, a man who appears not to be firing on all cylinders. My greatest fear is the DNC did it again and this will be 2016 version 2.0

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That has not been my experience. I think most Americans regard the USA as a superior country. No doubt that notion has been significantly diminished during these horrific years of the 45 administration.

    Small percentage or most Americans, the fact of the matter is that the US has been sliding down in both perception and actual standing in the world. Right after WW II the US experienced the greatest growth and the most wonderful economic experiment in the world. Taxes were just, unions were strong, EVERYBODY was a winner. Then corporate greed/political corruption invaded and have essentially broken the back of what WAS the greatest country in the world. I'm not sure the US can bounce back, certainly not to the level it was until this government is essentially flushed and replaced with more honest members. History books are full of stories about empires that thought they'd last forever.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Stop your trolling and baiting I didn't say failure you did!

    "Nah ! Maybe the left doesn't want to see my country and the UK have a economic life again when it comes to recovery from the  virus ,that came from china . So, so bitter when they can't get their way ,when it comes to voting"

    Deny, ignore, lie, deflect, obfuscate.

    To say the left doesn't want to see economic life again is the same as saying they want failure. OK, let's calm your soul - show one case where the "left" has said they don't want to see economic life in "your" country.



  6. 1 minute ago, riclag said:

    Sure! I can, I told you before when you said it was a pending disaster in a previous post that a reasonable person would see the advice he was getting from fauci was what assured many Americans that The POTUS was listening  to fauci all the time.

    He reference a pandemic in relation to over a hundred countries have felt the spread . To the downplaying ,he was being told by fauci the virus wasn't a major threat  to the US at the time. 

    The precaution he took was to restrict Chinese from coming to my country.

    It was reported by fauci that the POTUS always listens to his advise!

    You really believe he listens to anyone other than the sycophants around the table kissing his burgeoning buttocks? Like I said, delusional.

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