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Everything posted by swissie

  1. What about the majority of wars that were won by the party that had more weapons and personnel?
  2. 20 years from now, in the US, the names will mainly be of spanish origin.
  3. There is the political Neutrality. Economic and Moral Neutrality does not exist. Nowhere. We all take sides. But if 2 countries have decided to bang each others head in, a neutral country is allowed to sell weapons to both parties. Otherwise the feuding countries will find ways to get their weaponery from "non-neutral-countries". Generally, I believe the world needs more "chickens" rather than more "war heroes". I personnally am glad that I am part of the neutral chicken crowd in the middle of a world that worships war heros more than neutral bystanders. Once again.
  4. Shortly after the US Treasury sold an equal amount of Treasury Bills/Bonds. US and foreighn investors bought them eagerly.
  5. Quote: "Take a country like Switserland,too chicken to support either side". This is called "Neutrality". Imagine every country practicing "neutrality". Neutral countries not attacking other neutral countries. The only pathway to world peace. Not going to happen.
  6. Flash news. The Ukraine sends more "fresh-fighters" to the front. New law in Russia will allow for 700'000 more Russian "fresh-fighters". Who will have more "fresh-fighters" on the battlefield?
  7. Afghanistan: Mountainous terrain, favoring guerilla warfare. Not the guerillas, but the US-"stinger" ground to air missiles defeated the Russians. Not to be compared with the Ukranian terrain, favoring conventional warfare. What Russian Assets can be seized, have been seized already. Even the 11ent "sanction-package" has no major effect on the Russian economy. Russian exports heve already been re-directed to other parts of the world.
  8. There is hope. You kept a sense of humor. You believe in reincarnation. Hmmmm. As far as I interpret the christian gospel, in paradise alcohol and sex drugs and rock n' roll are not part of the daily curriculum. Be careful what you ask for. Given that, I myself would reject any sort of reincarnation. I would rather apply for eternal death, eternal sleep, eternal nothingness. I was in this state before I was born and I liked it for billions of years.
  9. Sounds like "life hates me and I hate life". Consider this: Before you were born you were dead for billions and billions of years. After you die, you will again be dead for billions and billions of years. You are only alive for a depressingly short time. There is nothing more boring than being dead. If nothing else: Sit under a fuzzy tree with a can of beer in your left hand an Delete vigoruosly with your right hand while singing "I did it my way". Once dead, you can't do any of those things anymore.
  10. There are ony 2 kinds of people. Those with a analytical mind and those with a "believe" mindset. Food for thaught for the latter: They should get their own God. Amazingly, Christians have adopted the God of Israel as their God as well. Although the old testament clearly states that God is the God of the Isrealites only. It was the apostel Paul that declared that God is good for everyone. (The greatest PR guy the world has ever seen). There are over 40'000 sub-christian believes. We sould be able to select our own personal christian God, not having to rely on an adopted God. My dog has it good. He always gets free meat snacks from the local butcher. Needless to say that to him the local butcher is his personal God.
  11. Indeed, there is something laughable about this war of attricion. A country with 24 million inhabitants, trying to wage a (defensive) war against a country with 6 times the "personnel". Who will run out of "personnel" first? Finally: The crimea and eastern Ukraine will be "Russian Territory" (there, they speak Russian and "feel" Russian, not Ukrainian). Has been like this for centuries. In the aftermath, confronted with huge "rebuilding costs" , to be payed with money from the EU/US will further destabilise already fragile "western democracies". This time around, "western taxpayers" will not go along, as eastern european countries are detaching themselves further from "democratic values" on a monthly basis, while asking for more money from "the western countries." (Poland, Hungary mainly). At some point, "peace talks" will take place. Russia will keep the Eastern Ukraine and the Crimea. Russia will be financially "hurt". The Ukraine will be bankrupt. For "the West" the best scenario. All other scenarios would be far worse for "the West". PS: Why start "a counter offensive" without the necessary air-cover? Undersupplyed with weaponery and personnel. Indeed, laughable warfare. But from wich side?
  12. In case of "rebuilding Germany". This was the "Marshall-Plan". Never affecting the US Taxpayer, as the funds were borrowed from "credit markets", At a time when the US "financial health" was beyound any questioning. Times have changed, as rating agencies have downgraded US Government dept. Same in Europe. "Rinse and repeat" not possible this time around.
  13. Will any of what you posted change anything what I said in "final analysis" in the OP? = No!
  14. Went to a "class reunion" 2 months ago. My last was in 1978 before. What can I say? Age is a terrible adversary. Especially for females. The attractive girls of yesteryear that I used to chase have turned into some sort of Egyptian Mummies, but still moving. I left in a state of shock. How vengeful can nature be when it comes to aging european females? The revenge of modern day living? No more class reunions for me. Rather prefer to look at 70 year old female Thai street vendors.
  15. The final analysis. Who has more monetary/military/personal resources? Not the Ukraine. So, who will win the war? The Ukraine will not have the financial capabilitis to rebuild their country after the war. The "western" Taxpayers will be thrilled to hear that they will pay for the "rebuilding" of the Ukraine. Or what's left of it. Surely, the western taxpayers will gladly sell their family silver to pay for the rebuilding of the Ukraine.
  16. How can this come as a surprise? Tourist Hot Spots are less friendly than rural areas. The more "rural", the better. Globally, for obvious reasons.
  17. Even if we could "arrest" the current + 1.5 degree increase, at those temperatures the polar ice/glacierts will keep on melting. The oceans getting warmer/saltier. =The gulf stream slowing, monsoon weather patterns getting more unreliable. Just to name 2 drastic changes. In many criteria, we have surpassed crucial "pivot points" already. = No return possible. In mathematics: We are going from "linear" increases to "exponential" increases. As long as the main CO2 producers (China, India, Russia, US) don't take draconian measures, the efforts of the rest of the world remain exercises in futility. Sooner than we think, large parts of this globe will become "uninhabitable". = Too hot, no water. ------------- THE LACK OF HONESTY: Isn't it time to tell our children, that their life will become increasingly "unpleasant"? Mildly put.
  18. From which sector of the UK Economy would the "growth" come from?
  19. "The fall of the Roman Empire" slill makes for good reading. The "Fall of the British Empire" is equally fascinating. Next in line: "The fall of the American Empire". Replaced by the new Chinese Empire. All Empires eventually "fall". The only thing remarkable is, that the "Western Empire" has only lasted some short 200 years.
  20. Another angle: Only 5 people know my e-mail adress. I hardly ever frequent "social media". But if I do, the next day I get "junk mail". How do "they" know my e-mail adress? How come?
  21. I am thrilled! Usually the author supplies us with highly academic "food for thaught". Time consuming lenghty threads. Mostly extracted from internet/social media sources. Leading me to believe that his life is ruduced to the internet and wheelchair bound. Thankfully not so, as he finds time to observe a butterfly trying to attract a mate. I would be even more thrilled if he would incorporate more of his personal live insted of extracting exotic and far fetched highly intellectual issues. Recommendation: Combine the digital and analog worlds. The author is made for it. Example: Take your smartphone to the next street vendor and tell him that your App tells you that 200 meters down the road, 1 Kg of onions can be had 2.5% cheaper....... And then comment on the ensuing discussion. Again, combine the digital and analog world. A Win-Win situation for the author as well as his readers. It would make his future threads less cumbersome but definitely more "lively". So much more "down to earth".
  22. Would like to pick up a lady to show her my stamp collection at the hotel.
  23. Especially during the BKK flood of 2011, a lot of Thais and Farangs bought property in Rachabury, Chat Pa Way, Suan Phung. I was one of them and ended up in Chat Pa Way. Stayed 5 years, but back in Europe for 5 years. The Farang population has dwindled greatly over the last few years. (Most of them dyed, no new "influx"). 2 weeks ago, my last Farang e-mail contact passed away as well. Now I am without anyone informing me of the happenings and the gossip concerning the Chat Pa Way / Suan Phung area. I realise that the chances of finding a new "correspondant" here, living in said area are slim. But I thought I will give it a try. Against all the odd's, maybe I will get lucky.
  24. A while back, the local police announced that they would make a definite effort to get rid of "ladies/ladyboys" hanging around Beach Road once and for all. Well, is this effort still ongoing or are we "back to normal"?
  25. Or my VPN classifies this site as "suspect" and cut's me off before major damage can occur? Case in point: ASEAN NOW is the only Social Media plattform I use. After logging in, I receive regularily junk mail the next day. Mostly originating from "tinder". How do they get my e-mail adrees I wonder as I have no connection to "tinder" whathsoever.
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