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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. What time frame? I think the numbers reflect only a short period of time.....
  2. That's sounds unrealistic considering Thailand only had 28M tourist in 2023.... https://www.thailand.go.th/issue-focus-detail/thailand-welcomed-over-28-million-foreign-tourists-in-2023
  3. I hate driving in Thailand....
  4. The Thai hot season Summer has arrived.....
  5. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.....
  6. Revenge porn is a felony in some states in the US....
  7. That would be great if they all hustled and really tried to make things go smoothly but from my experience, it doesn't matter how many extra officers you add if they're not trained to not to chat amongst their selves and not give a hoot about the passengers. Airport officials remind me of DMV employees that don't care how many people they serve. There is no incentive for them to hustle, as long as they put in their 8 hours they'll get paid...
  8. Do you remember when the baht was 52.98 to the dollar back in 1998? Wish those days would come back....
  9. Apparently 3600 die from drowning each year in Thailand. This exercise in Pattaya is much needed not only in Pattaya but all over the country.... https://bangkokfirstaid.com/blogs/first-aid-tips/drowning-prevention-initiatives-in-thailand-uniting-for-global-action#:~:text=Every day in Thailand%2C 10,around 3%2C600 people per year.
  10. Very sad story.... I don't know all the details but I have seen so many vehicles or trucks carrying way over their load capacity or in such poor shape in Thailand that these types of accidents are bound to happen.
  11. May be Arnold Schwarzenegger was on to something with "The Terminator".......
  12. Good man, we need more people like Chris......
  13. "Transport minister slashes prices with 38 more domestic flights" The airlines should be prosecuted for collusion and price fixing......
  14. So many criminals think Thailand is an easy place to break the law. Maybe the language barrier and antiquated police system but if you're caught, just remember the jails are the same.....
  15. Right! A murder and then to claim it was a private matter. Is he serious? If he is, then you know why the son is the way he is...
  16. You are absolutely correct in stating dentist are getting very expensive in BK, I had a procedure done a little while ago and when I received my bill, I was shocked that it was higher than what it would have cost to have it done back home. There was a time (20 years ago) when getting an implant cost a third of what it would have cost back home. As far as your anxiety is concerned, I do understand it is very real. Some people have died on the chair being chronically anxious (they probably had other underlying conditions as well). I have heard of acupressure techniques but if you've never had it, I wouldn't recommend it, especially if you try it at the dentist for the first time and it doesn't work. I would go with getting a Valium before getting the procedure.
  17. Good for Thailand to be proactive. Japan, China and Korea should have done this years ago.....
  18. I don't thing everything is peachy keen. Sounds like a mixed bag......
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