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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Where there's smoke, there's a fire.....
  2. I think this is the general consensus......
  3. Way too late to get into the game.....
  4. Get an iPhone....
  5. With the right lawyers, they can get way more than 50K, especially because Disney is named as a defendant. The Mouse doesn't want this kind of publicity.....
  6. RIP taxi driver. I wonder if the current severe pollution in Bangkok had something to do with his lung problem? I bet there'll be a lot more of these types of cases in the very near future unless the government does something to control the air pollution....
  7. BOYCOTT THE ELPHANT SANCTUARY!!!! The Swiss and his wife are total jerks, especially assaulting a woman.....
  8. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is finally stepping down. He will step down in November. He is the longest serving Senate leader in US history. He was having trouble the last couple of years if you remember how he froze up while being publicly interviewed more than once. I believe he had what's called a transiet ischaemic attack or a mini stroke. Personally I think there should be age limits for public officials, especially considering how old Biden and Trump are and how Dianne Feinstein, a California Democratic senator, stuck it out to very end (90 years old) even though she was severely incapacitated mentally and physically. Once these politicians get into power, they can't let it go. They forget that they should be serving the people and not their selves. What are your thoughts?
  9. She lucky in the sense that she suffered only a broken leg and not something more severe like internal injuries....
  10. Sounds like Thaksin has been pulling the strings all along....
  11. Looks like she was a partier.....
  12. I think people are so used to washing their hands, gargling and sanitizing things that have been used by others since the pandemic that it's having a positive effect....
  13. Probably because there are a variety of symptoms and no single cure. It's like a spectrum disease, some have it worse than others.......
  14. There are a lot of anti-vaccinators that claim that some of the vaccines cause blot clotting which can cause strokes or heart attacks but I think the benefits outweigh the negatives....
  15. LOL, when hell freezes over.....
  16. Money is the root of all evil.....
  17. So is this the same woman that claimed her car was stolen?
  18. Same old song and dance! Do something about it!!!
  19. So this thief got some "cajones" to go into the room while they were sleeping....
  20. I wonder if he'll be sent back to China or serve jail time in Thailand? I wouldn't want to be in a Thai prison but it might be better than getting a death sentence back in China....
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