I have to admit, I am guilty of buying a ready made meal from say 7-11 once in a blue moon when I'm don't have time to cook something up or I'm in a hurry to get some protein in me.
I avoid fast foods from fast food chains such as Micky D's or K Fried Chicken.
It's just so darn easy and inexpensive to grab a snack or micro wave meal but I've always felt that it wasn't healthy at all.
Too much sodium, cholesterol, sugars, nitrates and preservatives but they are made to be palatable.
Nowadays, I will buy fruit from a local vendor and some yogurt to tied me over until I get home.
I do not drink sweetened drink or sodas, just plain water.
I think the street vendors that sell Som Tam, Gai Yang and Khao Niao are healthier than the big fast food chains.
What are your thoughts?