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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Well Gooolly, Sur-prise, Sur-prise...Thaksin is all well now!
  2. These teens probably come from broken homes or very poor families. Good luck with the questioning...
  3. Then re-locate to China or N Korea then...
  4. If they're old enough to mug someone, their names and MUGS should be exposed!
  5. Every one is letting their guard down...
  6. Your best is WEAK and WORTHLESS....
  7. So did they ever catch the attacker?
  8. I drink a couple of beers while having dinner, sometimes more than 2. I can handle hard liquor and drink it it every so often but prefer beer. I stop drinking alcohol at least 3-4 hours before going to bed. I drink a glass of water before I sleep but a lot of times I end up waking up in the middle of the night to relieve myself. Waking up in the middle of the night really throws off my rhythm. I end up waking up groggy or feel really burnt out. Any suggestions?
  9. NP, as long as you don't have any criminal offenses or a warrant out for your arrest and you didn't overstay without proper documents....
  10. I don't trust Russian propaganda ......
  11. The earlier the better. I'd rather go 1 hour earlier and wait than wait 2 hours after it officially opens....
  12. If anyone had a half a brain, they stall too....
  13. They've only scratched the surface.....
  14. Take a screen shot of it just in case you have problems later...
  15. I bet there's a lot more undocumented workers from OTHER countries that you'll never hear of than documented expats....
  16. ANDREANNA'S: Bakery - Bistro - Deli
  17. Stick with Amazon. i would not trust Lazada....
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