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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Lock her up and throw away the keys....
  2. I would rather pay a marginal surcharge and wait a few minutes to use Grab Taxi then have to haggle with an unscrupulous taxi driver or one that refuses to use a meter.
  3. At least he was a polite thief, zipped up the bag and put it back in place ????
  4. So I assume the other person was a male?! Great reporting.....
  5. Roberta doesn't look too happy...
  6. Those open sewer systems don't help........
  7. China has been facing concerns regarding human right and reported atrocities both within their borders and in interactions with other countries. They will do anything to hide the truth......
  8. Something doesn't add up here. There is usually a reaction to an action. The rusky must have pissed someone off....
  9. Good job bus driver! I see so many antiquated cars, trucks and buses on the road in Thailand. I'm surprised there aren't more incidents like this....
  10. Stepping on the wrong toes may be bad for your health......
  11. LOL, these illegal clubs are like cockroaches, you can't eliminate them, only control them. One goes down another will pop right up, unless you know the right people and plenty of brown envelopes....
  12. That's like asking a crab to walk straight (they can only walk sideways).....
  13. Chuwit is a motor mouth, attention seeker that can't stop talking and is always looking to be in the lime light...
  14. Yes, totally true. Send me all your money and I will safely keep it for you.
  15. "Sirikanya Viewed As ‘Most Suitable' " should be re-worder to "Least CORRUPTED".....
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