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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. No no no, this not a pyramid scheme, it's Direct Marketing....LOL! If it sounds too good.....
  2. This kind of bait and switch scheme has been going on for ages, usually very naïve and desperate people get scammed. If it sounds too good.....
  3. You can't make this stuff up......Very SAD!
  4. There was a recent article claiming the support for over passes were safe after a tourist questioned the size of the supports....Right!?
  5. It's who you know and then what you know in the LOS.........
  6. "If a fan doesn't have a capacitor it will shudder back and forth but can start with a manual hand spin" Sounds like a human....
  7. That's one way of getting out of debt ????....
  8. Better to give the children an education than the children learn from the streets and end up becoming a detriment to society...
  9. Just lock him up and throw away the keys.....Better yet, give him the death penalty.
  10. LOL, Good luck with that. How are they going to account for people that have sneaked in through the porous boarders or came by boats?
  11. Thailand is the only place in the world that I have been where motor vehicles have the right of way over pedestrians. The pecking order is: The bigger the vehicle, the more "right of way" you have. Sad but true.....
  12. A lot of things are "re-active" as opposed to "pro-active" in Thailand. Unfortunately, unless something catastrophic happens, things stay the same.....
  13. Let the turmoil BEGIN!
  14. LOL, what an inappropriate operational name....
  15. Probably not the most sanitary hospital...
  16. Congratulations!
  17. At the very least, nobody got shot or injured....
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