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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. tipically a coach would not change a team that's wining, unless "force majeur" reason he may change 1-2 players to refresh the team but Tipically a coach with some brain and experience would/should/could change a team players that lose week after week and many coaches usully change the majority of the players.... Ole knows better
  2. and a bowl of cold nooddles with 4 pairs of chopsticks 555
  3. but they are looking for quality over quantity.... what did I miss? ohhh yes sorry, the RICH Indians 555
  4. he let the little good took over his brain and became a very selfish player, almost/similar to Rashford, they do have potential but they need a coach with balls to tell them what to do and play as a team, wonder why they bought Sancho, why not to use Dalot/Telles and Matic/Van derbeek instead of Shaw/Bissaka and Fred/Pogba, why play Greenwod when they have Linggard.... is Jones still there? he had some fitness problems in the past maybe not recovered but would be better than Bailly
  5. and if they could add Shaw, Wan Bissaka, Maguirre, Fred, Greenwod then they could build a good team with the players currently seating on the bench..... Ole has no clue how to build a team or to set up a strategy, he keeps using the same lazy useless players that keep making mistakes week after week.... currently United is a medium/middle table team
  6. sure, sure and the one on top of their list is to (again) appreciate the baht.... was close to 34 to the USD now 32.7 or is the USD being depreacited
  7. you forgot to mention that TAT uses a different calculator pr way of calculating 555
  8. and their numbers increasing on a daily basis, not to forget their Sputnik vaccine not FDA approved ...... amazingly $$$$$ (stupxx) thailand
  9. deja vue... they did the same with the vaccines and look where did it get them, last on the line 555
  10. but the ones who ventured to come will be faced with huge price increases on anything and everything, inflation it's taking over.... went to the market price for vegetables and other dair(l)y all went up, it appears taxis, gas, massage as well and should expect same from the scamers as they need to recover from their losses
  11. it's all a matter of time for things to go sour.... but I don't want to be the negative/pessimist type... https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/sweden/ Sweden 12% of peak and rising 58 infections per 100K people reported last 7 days Updated 10:58 AM IT OR https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/
  12. in ordwr for them to spend anything firstly they have to arrive and be here..... speculations don't make them come and the magic word IF says it all
  13. maybe the searches were not related to potential stays but more to assert TAT daily/constant requirement changes
  14. ...... I just bought a lottery ticket AND I expect to win the jackpot ????????????????????
  15. where are the 7,000 that were supposed to arrive today .....555 evaporated ????
  16. whoowww,.... how long did it take him to come up with that finding, delisuonal as always, how hard was it to see the writing on the wall
  17. better start to think about getting top 10 .... good luck 555
  18. don't agree with the ratings Bissaka, Maguire, Shaw, Sancho, McTominey, Greenwood (he did put 1 in but after that where was he, very selfish young player) should get 0 to 1 as they were inexistent, wonder what they found in Sancho and why Varane was not there but Maguire (the goal giver) was
  19. https://www.dw.com/en/covid-will-european-tourists-return-to-southeast-asia/a-59489912 "Europeans will always travel and will always be welcome — they just don't bring much money to the overall tourism income," he said. if that is the case then WHY all SE Asia countries are doing anything and everything trying to to get them back
  20. he can never rebuild on what is lost.... he may try to build a new one but I sincerely doubt, the guy is the son of a wealthy construction "worker" family, he tries very hard to fit into politics and for that he has a "browny" nose 555
  21. we should expect a drastic increase in smart BMW's driving around, paid by the new 500 baht tourist entry fee 555
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