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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. and yet TAT contradictions as they expect zillions of Indians 555 Thailand to target India/Russia in the absence of Chinese tourists
  2. it's always better to start the crack down from within his own government....., having a member of his government that was convicted for dealing drugs
  3. both of them suffer from Delusional Disorder Delusional disorder is a type of serious mental illness in which a person cannot tell what is real from what is imagined.
  4. Thailand to target India/Russia in the absence of Chinese tourists and on another recent post 555 Indians to depart by the planeloads Rate this topic By worldexpress, 9 minutes ago in General Topics
  5. it is what it is and from this bunch of no good government one can/should expect anything.... good luck then
  6. translation == get ready for lock downs, not travel allowed and better to stock up on boozzeeeee
  7. not really, both are Chinese and knowing both I can assure you there are not many differences, would not trust any of them
  8. how will he manage to get fully ellected leader...... oh, I get it, grab power like the other one did, that's a funny way of getting fully elected
  9. are there any other watches, besides the expensive samsung ones, that also do ECG and BP.... if possible on 2-3 K baht range as samsung is quite expensive
  10. Thailand again signals move away from mass-market foreign tourism should we understand they don't want the Chinese..... it's quiet without them, no loud speaking/ yelling / screaming, no spitting, no lines at any park entry/ferry/speed boats and not to forget the lines at the buffet.....
  11. he's asking the government to do some work, good luck with that, they are a bunch of good for nothing besides filling up their pockets
  12. "A picture is worth a thousand words" ... unless shown to blind people and Thai government has lots of (blind) them 555
  13. and where did the PM started such a clean up because it still there, even worse then before, workers replace new lines leaving the old ones hanging or thrown in the middle of the road.... amazingly thailand that keeps amaizing us on a daily basis
  14. my comment has nothing to do with heart but just to agree with you on the quality/expertise of (some)Thai doctors.... had a rash and pain on my back, went to the hospital 3 times and all 3 times was diagnose with muscle strain/stress and they prescribed pain killers/muscle spray... it got worse and went back, (again) show them my back with blisters and 2 of the doctors keep saying the same back muscle stress.... decided to visit the local village doctor and he immeditaly told me I had shingles and the young/inexperienced doctors at the hospital made incorrect diagnose
  15. how does Mexico made the list?????? crime/mafia/drug lords, gangs fitghting eahcother, kidnapping, run grab robberies just to mention a few
  16. please let us know when you find out. silly question that may sound stupid but not familiar with the process, does the watch works by itself or only works if there is a phone, the reason for my confusion is that it indicates 4G connections
  17. am going to say it one more time.... average middle of the table team, boring to watch
  18. one has to wonder what criteria they use to come up with such a misleading report.... unless there are 2 Thailands, wonder where the other one is
  19. 66.8% out of 1,078 relatives/affiliated doesn't say much or it does say that within his relatives/affiliates/gang members some don't agree with him or otherwise it would have been 100% ????
  20. if that was the case/the reality you would not be where you are
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