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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. I don't think TAT is to worried/panic about Omicron, this morning was in Ao Nang beach 90% of foreigners not wearing masks, walking around like there's nothing to worry about and no police or any other government agencies around to check or enforce the regulations..... it will be fun after the holidays, let's see TAT's reactions/comments when the infections jump over the roof
  2. in China he was looked at like having a plague, Chinese are very racist and discriminatory
  3. Israeli Who Escaped Quarantine Will be Charged and Deported wonder what they do the Thais who do/did the same
  4. but some clever mind at the government said there was no corruption and/or prostitution in Thailand ????
  5. controversial figure it's an easy name for this stupid piece of xxxx..... could come up with some much better ones
  6. agree and hope they are reliable company/site, what about inventory/stock do they carry items or is everyting pre order, if so how long is the pre order delay
  7. to me, just a wild guess, they look like eastern european people, Russians 555
  8. this is part of their daily/weekly contradictions, wait and tomorrow we will have a new version
  9. Anutin and TAT desperated posts 555
  10. in case some interested, there is a guy in Shopee selling Pixel 6 pro for 18 K https://shopee.co.th/3h9svoer1z?categoryId=100013&itemId=14524884792
  11. and the one we can not name is (it appears) a major stock holder in the pharma/lab making it....
  12. they come up with "new" strategies every hour on the hour and all contradictory..... but this is Thailand, the land of know how to do anything and everything better then any other country
  13. nothing to worry about (sarcasm intended) DPM Anutin: Thailand is able to handle Omicron variant 555
  14. if they only knew how stupid they sound/look with statements like that
  15. last night CNA Singapore news had a great investigative report about Thailand and it's poor ways of dealing with Covid all the people interviewed disagreed with governments poor actions
  16. was wondering why and/or what made you "guess/decide" that I would not be happy with Pixel. Although all your previous posts were helpfull and provided a lot of information, this one throw me out on a loop????
  17. Thailand is able to handle Omicron variant one word for this guy delusional
  18. reliable, fast downloads, good camera/good video, easy to personalize..... but thanks for the advice
  19. how to transfer contacts and other files from Samsung to the Pixel. Samsung has the Smart Switch app that allows for backup and restore, does Pixel has something similar. I did visit the store and all models have to be pre order which I am not a fan off, found another store GadgetShop that has some models in stock and similar price, anybody knows about this seller
  20. and when convenient they can chop you off in small pieces and bag you out, that's how ruthless they are 555
  21. heard good things about the Xiaomi phones but never had one, I as you, like to have versatile phones and be able to change/use memory cards, is this the latest model and runs what version of Android
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