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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. some time ago here on AsianNow somebody said the vaccine certificate had a 13 digit number that could be used as a Tax ID or Thai ID, did anybody ever try to register with that number.... I used that number at 7 Eleven to get a Sim card and they accepted it, the girl had to try 3 times but it was accepted at the 3rd trial
  2. be careful with agencies Dozens of foreigners in Phuket allegedly defrauded by visa agency, police investigating
  3. I received the same letter but they send another one on June 6 with updated information which is the same as the link provided here...
  4. ... he lost and being a bad loser he's having tantrums, worse then a 6 years kid Temper Tantrums Tantrums may happen when kids are tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. They can have a meltdown because they can't have something they want (like a toy or candy) or can’t get someone to do what they want (like getting a parent to pay attention to them immediately or getting a sibling to give up the tablet)
  5. you should get yourself familiarized with law Attorney Gives Rep. Jim Jordan A Scathing Personal Lesson In Hearsay https://news.yahoo.com/attorney-gives-rep-jim-jordan-040107051.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall Lawyer gives Jim Jordan a sharp personal lesson in hearsay https://nationworldnews.com/lawyer-gives-jim-jordan-a-sharp-personal-lesson-in-hearsay/
  6. the question is, for how long she will hold the position... at the first sight of any minimal potential trouble the military will step in
  7. how can the government create a center to deal with corruption when the said government is the major source of corruption 555
  8. what is it Dozens of Foreigners or 100 foreigners, not same same.... glad I am not one of them 555
  9. doctors and nurses and any other personnel wear them in the operating room
  10. Did Anutin said that before or after he tested positive 555
  11. he should have checked before buying into the Chinese vaccine 555 The effectiveness of Chinese vaccines has been in doubt — partly because they use a century-old method for inoculation. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/18/business/china-coronavirus-vaccines.html
  12. maybe he didn't read the updated news..... 555 https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/china/chinas-homegrown-covid-19-vaccines-reportedly-ineffective-as-cases-spike-uncontrollably-articleshow.html Last Updated: 25th June, 2022 21:10 IST China's Homegrown COVID-19 Vaccines Reportedly 'ineffective' As Cases Spike Uncontrollably
  13. karma always catch's up with you 555
  14. Thailand should be careful with what they wish for.... be careful when choosing your allies, just saying 555
  15. look at the sign on top of his head "" High Level Dialogue...." he doesn't fit there 555
  16. whowhhhh your life must really be a ray of sunshine
  17. one has to wonder how and with whom(what type of people) they conduct these surveys, it's laughable that's my nice way to put it as I could use other (better) words to describe their BS
  18. Bertoli Olive oil at Makro not long ago was 380 baht, went to 482 and now 455 don't think it will go back to 350 as it was 5 years ago
  19. for me mostly complain is about Gillette shaving blades and Nivea after shave, high way robbery price 555
  20. Some (long) time ago Napoleon said something about China and nobody listen 555 We should have listened to Napoleon when he said: “let China sleep – for when she awakens, she will shake the world.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ Nagy: War with China? It's already here, just not with bullets yet (msn.com)
  21. Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua just to mention a few 555 A Russian merchant ship loaded with grain stolen in Ukraine has been turned away from at least one Mediterranean port and is now in the Syrian port of Latakia, according to shipping sources and Ukrainian officials. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/12/europe/russia-ship-stolen-ukraine-grain-intl-cmd/index.html#:~:text=In its first comments on the illicit export,most likely destination of the cargo is Syria.
  22. why the fuss??? America is supposed to be (at least that's what they claim all the time when they sing their anthem " O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?") if that's the case people should have the right to chose whatever they want, abortion or no abortion, free choice, free speech
  23. would like to see any of them (judges) reaction if one of their feminine family got raped/abused and end up pregnant
  24. that's a very good article and has some interesting points, although some made me even more skeptical about the current US government reaction should Vlad use of nuclear heads, as " President Joe Biden has made clear that any use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine would be “completely unacceptable” and “entail severe consequences.” But his administration has remained publicly ambiguous about what those consequences would be" as it reminds me of Obama comments when Vlad invaded Crimea, if I remember he did said "there is a red line that Putin should not cross....Putin did cross the red line and Obama was daltonian and didn't saw it, hope Biden doesn't suffer from same disease daltonian (dɔːlˈtəʊnɪən) adj relating to John Dalton or his atomic theory n a person affected by daltonism or colour-blindness https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/fb-10285787/The-action-Obama-took-deter-Putin-invading-Crimea-2014.html "In 2014 - when Biden was vice president and Barack Obama sat in the Oval - that administration tried calls with Russian President Vladimir Putin and sanctions threats to stop Moscow from annexing the Crimea. It didn't work.
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