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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. Ukrainian military attacked Russian airfield in occupied Crimea, Zelenskyy says https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ukraine-chernihiv-attack-crimea-airbase-1.7176061
  2. we have to agree with Zelenski when he said the west doesn't protect Ukraine as they protected Israel Ukraine Sees ‘Hypocrisy’ in Western Allies’ Defense of Israel https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/15/world/middleeast/ukraine-aid-israel-iran-war.html But NO missiles and/or air defense US transfers thousands of seized Iranian guns, rocket launchers and munitions to Ukraine https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/09/politics/us-iran-arms-ukraine/index.html
  3. Chilling video shows fire erupting out of a Russian tank after an exploding Ukrainian drone flew into its open hatch https://www.yahoo.com/news/chilling-video-shows-fire-erupting-173622982.html
  4. but as there is always a But and a IF.... elected by local constituents and don't belong to the same party as the PM it may create trouble, if they are locally elected what part (if any) can they play in the general election
  5. Ukraine-Russia war live: World ‘dangerously close to nuclear accident’ as Moscow strikes power plant https://au.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-russia-war-live-putin-121324773.html
  6. it's amazing what a dinner party in Chiang Mai can do to a non-elected PM, some heads will roll 555
  7. Ukraine-Russia war latest: Zelensky warns ‘no time to waste’ as Ukraine’s army chief says frontline situation ‘tense’ https://au.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-russia-war-live-putin-121324773.html
  8. thanks UK, hope others will follow Ukraine uses British cruise missiles to hit Russian military HQ in occupied Luhansk https://au.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-uses-british-cruise-missiles-222700109.html
  9. West in 'denial' about Vladimir Putin who is 'now more powerful than Stalin', says ex-defence minister https://au.yahoo.com/news/west-denial-vladimir-putin-now-073500341.html
  10. Zelensky Bashes Trump’s ‘Primitive’ Plan For Ending War in Ukraine https://au.yahoo.com/news/zelensky-bashes-trump-primitive-plan-153338897.html
  11. Survivors: Russians Tortured Us With Twisted Sexual Abuse Technique Named After Biden https://au.yahoo.com/news/survivors-russians-tortured-us-twisted-233455848.html
  12. banana republic with a "clown" as it's Interior Minister... why is he not much concerned about the other foreigners who kicked a pregnant woman, and many other bad/aggressive behavioral actions by some Russians ... we know Thailand has many types of rule of law but if one is punished so should the other also be
  13. he's correct, as the earned interest on my FA it's deposited on the FA automatically as I selected to do so
  14. that was never a secret that China was behind Russia arms supply, this it's just a confirmation, Russia without that help would be going home faster than a bullet train... but China keeps saying they are neutral and some believe it 555 China is giving Russia significant support to expand weapons manufacturing as Ukraine war continues, US officials say https://au.yahoo.com/news/china-giving-russia-significant-support-195425402.html
  15. MAGA supporters at the house don't want to allow aide for Ukraine, they would prefer " peace talks" with a scumbag What if Putin Doesn’t Want Peace? https://au.yahoo.com/news/putin-doesn-t-want-peace-032625997.html
  16. surprised TAT and the "non" elected PM let the post go public, they will have to (once again 555) revise their expected/estimated Chinese tourists arrivals 555
  17. typical Russian excuse .... it's not us, it's them, even if evidence says the contrary Russia says Ukraine struck nuclear plant, Kyiv denies it was behind the attack https://au.yahoo.com/news/russia-says-ukraine-struck-nuclear-083621102.html
  18. even some ex "orange" man supporters speak out about the bad politics Ex-Trump intel chief makes case for more Ukraine aid: ‘Not the time for political games’ https://au.yahoo.com/news/ex-trump-intel-chief-makes-201244264.html
  19. damn politicians.... they will regret their poor decisions Opinion: Congress must let Ukraine win, say Barbra Streisand, Sean Penn, Imagine Dragons, Timothy Snyder and other luminaries https://au.yahoo.com/news/opinion-congress-must-let-ukraine-130851432.html
  20. desperate times call for desperate measures Russia-Ukraine war: 'They aren't ready to die' - the smuggler charging thousands to escape army conscription https://au.yahoo.com/news/russia-ukraine-war-arent-ready-142900482.html
  21. there is no argument, only interested on the source.... today is back to your quote at 36.6???? hope it will keep going up
  22. couple weeks ago I said Putin was targeting new territory, could it be the Baltics, he's playing with fire and usually people who pay with fire they get burned Nato jets intercept Russian spy plane over Sweden https://au.yahoo.com/news/nato-jets-intercept-russian-spy-150655474.html
  23. not so good news, but reality Zelensky says Ukraine will lose war without US funding https://au.yahoo.com/news/zelensky-says-ukraine-lose-war-162232176.html
  24. New Plot Striking the Heart of Russia Is Nightmare for Putin https://au.yahoo.com/news/plot-striking-heart-russia-nightmare-010158301.html
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