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Everything posted by BestB

  1. was there a point to your rant or just some drivel spouting?
  2. and what does google maps have to do with apps where they booked?
  3. Russian mafia reply to Anutin “ poshol naxuy”
  4. so by making this post you claiming taxi drivers never lie or cheat? and thai in general also never lie or say distort the truth to fit their agenda? Ran way, according to honest driver? because if someone runs away police does not catch them so fast. Walked away? yes, most certainly did not do a runner
  5. and hence they booked a ride on an app, which does not require learning Thaiglish
  6. and what does your driving have to do with them booking a ride on an app and not understanding the ramblings of a taxi driver?
  7. Perfect example of pure and utter stupidity. When they booked the ride on the app, app had a price and a route. Now this dumba$$ driver decided to change the route and claim she explained. putting aside both foreign women may not have been from an English speaking country , Thai driver English highly unlikely to be fluent. what is more , no doubt price of ride on the app would have been cheaper if using tolls as shorter distance
  8. how much tourism is coming out of NZ to Thailand?
  9. What if a Kiwi applies in Australia?😁
  10. Perfect example of why fighting corruption is not the right thing to do. bring back the good old days of free for all extortions 😂😂😂 seriously though, police official salaries are very low. Before they had lots of “supplementary” income allowing to pay off debts. Now that rules have been tightened, that income also dried up. Even check points, since covid hardly any around. Before covid Pattaya station had 2 windows to pay the fines, even had ticket system as always full of people waiting to pay fines, now have 1 window and station is empty
  11. Walk out ? I thought he was so ill that he had to be hospitalised for past few months 😂😂😂 And this is how deals are made 👍
  12. You are one of those commenting who clearly has no understanding of Thailand or native way of thinking . But please don’t let that stop you from expressing your expert opinion 👍
  13. 3 weeks of public holiday ? 3 weeks of water madness ? I wonder if government put any thought into it
  14. Travel insurance not paying for bike accidents is common but where I am confused is why other party insurance is not paying ? my car policy covers other party medical up to 2 million , if other party had no insurance then it is his/her problem to cover the medical , no?
  15. try reading entire article instead of headline only, then you might actually have a basic understanding to what happened
  16. If only Thai had management with half a brain. This legal action will do more damage than the original rant by the passenger. If there was an ounce of brain combined, Thai should have made a public announcement, stating all passenger safety is a priority over 1 unhappy passenger. Anyone with half a brain watching or reading passengers hissy fit would understand, those who do not, are not worth paying any attention to anyways
  17. as i said your comprehension abilities are just as poor as your risk assessment in addition to your phycology knowledge you are genuinely their perfect customer 👍
  18. Safe you assume your comprehension abilities beyond help , all the best 👍
  19. Ohhh ok, that just made all difference 😂😂😂
  20. I am not a God, and it is not an option to begin with . All it is, is an illusion until something happens. Sadly your choices are limited , perhaps a policy with higher deductible to reduce premium is the only genuine option.
  21. Why are you so bothered that others unlike you will be warned and avoid the scam ? does it make you feel better knowing that a few others are in the same boat ? getting scammed? I find it beyond amusing after being shown black and white evidence , you along with a few other will insist and argue in favour? For every 1 paid claim, 100 other legitimate claims were denied. How do I know that ? Because company without capital cannot pay out claims l Earlier you claimed from your extensive knowledge that pre existing conditions not covered and yet proven wrong, so why insist? Why not be smart , cancel and look for a genuine policy with a genuine company ? Is it a matter of what if ? What if you get lucky and get paid ? And what if you are not ? Can you cover your hospital stay ? Got a few spare million tucked away just in case ?
  22. You do rrealize that genuinely no where to complain , or to appeal . even if you were to sue them , not possible in Thailand
  23. Reading is not your forte safe to assume ?
  24. @bradiston did cat catch your tongue? No apology? No awakening yet? insurance companies with billions in capital will not cover but a savior with no money will totally logical right ? No red flags ? Oh but wait , when you are declined , where do you propose to complain ? In US ? About a company that does not operate in US or in UK about a company that is not registered with any regulators ? Or perhaps in Thailand ? About a company which is not registered anywhere .
  25. And why do you think WR do not do direct selling ? What do you it has to do with ?
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