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Everything posted by BestB

  1. highly unlikely he will be executed, most likely life in prison
  2. neither water, food or even a working fan in a cell without windows
  3. Police keep saying have CCTV but have not provided it and yesterday stated n investigator was launched . why launch an investigation if you have cctv ?
  4. may be inspector Clouseau never owned a pair of shorts, but those strings you call cord not only not long enough to make a noose out of but most importantly not strong enough to hold a human weight, unless the guy was XXXXXL and yet weight less than 50 kg. Then of course cord has to be long to have enough for the noose and to attach to something, and that something has to be within reach to be able to tie it to. Last time i checked, cells did not have chairs or ladders or even bars on windows low enough to reach without a chair or a ladder
  5. BS, when you taken into cells, belts and shoes are taken away, so he could not possibly have a rope in his pants, duty officers are NOT supposed to have lunch breaks, and when they step away, someone must man the post, in addition all the cells have CCTV, so there should not be any mystery, if indeed he hung himself, CCTV would have clear footage of all of it
  6. just look at the breakdown of who was found, the so called foreigners were all Chinese.. Perhaps the new target are the Chinese and are by far bigger problem than police reporting
  7. Hollywood is NOT tourist oriented venue but a Thai venue. I was once caught up in one of those raids on Walking street, was poorly organised, 3 baht bus loads of us were dragged to tourist police station. Pic of passport was not accepted, after few hours hanging around the station we were all released
  8. you must be special, for everyone else it use to be 3.9 and now for businesses is 6.3-6.7
  9. My post is about Pattaya and in Pattaya you can not avoid it if walking or travelling on a bike. Regarding dogs, problem each year not when we in the park, but getting to the park, no way to avoid it or bypass it, no backstreets, Bangkok plays 3 days, Pattaya plays 7 days Of course cause of death is not water, however when they playing water they are drinking and after playing driving home, additionally this year there were a few fights and other incidents
  10. This is kind of idiotic. Not only cost per unit almost doubled but last month was extremely hot, OF COURSE AC was used more and temps were set much lower than usual. I am truly puzzled why so many do not understand this. Previous months one could easily do without AC for most of the day, fan was enough, last month its unbearable and have to run AC pretty much all day and night, Even if one uses AC same as before, because of heat AC works "harder" and therefore uses more units It is even more simple than that, check the usage and will clearly see last month usage was higher
  11. While Turkish guy went to far, though i doubt he intended to put thai guy into a coma, i do sympathize with him. This is an idiotic "tradition" which should be limited to certain areas only. Not everyone wants to play, many have to work, could be unwell or million other reasons. Every year, i have to take my dogs for a walk and every year morons feel the need to spray the dogs, my dogs hate it and yet morons find it amusing. Every year, i have thoughts to let dogs free and see how much morons will enjoy it then. Have seen women with new born begging not to be splashed, but of course morons could not care less. On the 19th, loud music from 9am to 23pm, non stop, closing doors and windows does not help Every year deaths and incidents pile up and yet big brains can not figure out that something needs to be done and that something is simple, limited all the play to 1 zone and 1 zone only. Anyone who wants to play can go there, while the rest of the people can carry on with their life
  12. this is what the american initially claimed which he then later rebuked. What is also interesting in his own words he was so drunk that he did not even know the time it all happened and yet filed a report and contacted the media. But that does not change the fact, he started a fight for whatever reason, had his a$$ kicked and then wants something to be done? what if shoe was on the other foot, what would he be screaming then?
  13. Just to clarify because i am little confused, so he picks a fight with s staff member, gets thrown out and in the process gets his nose broken, but wants to file charges and have what outcome? be compensated ? or what? In the video i see he keeps resisting when 3 guards dragging him away
  14. nothing different to any other bar. they did not find anything illegal, but were tasked with making some arrests so they slapped he human trafficking charges, which can mean dozens of different things and naturally will cost a fortune to get out of. Owner was not arrested, but will be interesting to see if owner will step up and bail out the manager as those silly managers are the ones to take the hit and end up behind bars
  15. got to love the irony of it all. Putting aside the timing, just so happens around the elections time, but they caught one, out of hundreds if not thousands of corrupt officials. Even clerk issuing alcohol or food license needs a "tip" to speed it up They are making it out as if they are fighting a war and winning, and yet it is only 1 person
  16. not disputing what Joke saying but wondering how he arrived at such conclusions? I am yet to meet a bar girl who can follow basic 3 words instructions let alone to mastermind kidnapping and knowing which app to use to call China or to speal fluent enough english or chinese to communicate it all so well.
  17. All the neighboring countries including Vietnam looking to relax and extend visa's to attract more tourism, but Thailand does the opposite. I fully understand most tourists do not need more than 30 days, but having them also does not hurt considering they are bringing money and spending money
  18. can you tell me why Putin is any different to American leaders who are responsible for the deaths of thousands of kids? and can you also tell me exactly what the crime is for evacuating kids from the war zone? that is assuming it was his decision to begin with? In case you wondering, its a rhetorical question, i have no doubt reply would be again some deflection and double standards
  19. indeed, lets deflect and brush away it was in force for 20 years just during the time US was busy killing thousands and more thousands and then some more thousands????
  20. yes the very same one, repealed in what year? oh my bad, selective reading again, after all only 20 years later????
  21. Yes i am sure Hague Invasion Act had nothing to do with decision to issue arrest warrants or act on it or pursue it????
  22. court fine is only around 600-700 baht ???? and no need for a lawyer, just admit you had it and all over with
  23. i understood what you said, what i am saying is there was and there is NO set fine, it is decided by the judge and 10 would be for a 3rd time offender or may be an insanely high alcohol reading, 1st time offender usually ranges from 3000-5000 Problem is not so much being in the cells but what happens if you here on a visa other than the 30 day stamp Procedure is, if you go to court, immigration is automatically notified and getting an extension could be problematic or require some donations. 30 day stamp has no consequences, only problem is getting passport back from the police, which they suppose to return the moment you return to the station and show paid fine, in reality, they often want a donation to give it back, being well aware you need it to fly back home. So, yes indeed if you are a foreigner, paying on the spot and keep driving is a better option, but for a Thai, they simply do not care as consequences are not all that bad, do not even need a lawyer to defend in court, just admit guilt, pay few thousand baht and off they go
  24. there is no jail time for drink driving, Only time you get behind bars is awaiting court appearance. If you get done on a Monday, you will face the judge on a Tuesday, but if you get done on a Friday, then you be waiting in the cells till Monday, unless you have a Thai (someone) who will post bail, 30 000 baht
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