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Everything posted by Nanaplaza666

  1. Yes you will get flamed because if you read more you see that he has the cash to buy it but just prefers to finance. Ok i think that it would be better to buy it cash because most times you can get good discounts when you pay cash . Plus if you pay cash you safe money already compared to finance . Your comment is a bit harsh as he does have the cash to stay here that's not what his qeustion was about . If it's smart to finance while you have the cash to pay for it in full is another point .
  2. You are right but when the UK ordered them there where no vaccines whatsoever now there is choice .
  3. That's not even half so for me those things are working as good as a condom with holes . If you wear a mask but still catch it they will blame it on the 66.66666% that did get thru , so wearing it or not the outcome will be the same .
  4. And the breath in all the particles that are stuck on the outside , damn you should have thought about your comment before placing it . But hey you believe everything written on a box as well so i don't blame you .
  5. Procure 200milj doses for next year ??? They need them this year they work quit well against the delta variant . If they order them next year for mutations who knows they will not even work against the new mutations so what's the use of ordering them for next year . My geuss will be they will order 200milj doses of aztra , sputnik , and pfizer and then pfizer will ne the only one that will work against a new variant and all the others will be useless so money thrown away . They should order what they can get now and that works against delta and then in the mean time the big pharma's and such will come up with new vaccines for new variants so when those new vaccines come Thailand should be on time ordering the new ones and will not be as far behind as they where this time.
  6. I understand what you are saying that 1 card can do more then another but all those changes you are talking about are all in the same system when they are being changed or do you think they use a whole other surfer and computer system just for lost keycards ?? Those keycard numbers or whatever you want to call them when they need to find your lost keycards id are in the same system as where they will make you a new one .
  7. I DO hear people saying road deaths are a minor problem . The same people that where supposed to order the vaccines and the same corrupt people that are in charge . They don't seem to mind about any deaths at all . Otherwise the whole system would be different and there would be many more speed checks , red light runner checks , drunken driving checks , driving license checks , should i go on or do you get the picture ?
  8. Don't know if your hotelroom keycard ever didn't work and you had to walk to reception to get another one , but the activity you are talking about to change the card is actually just a few buttons on the keyboard of a computer and then swiping the new keycard on a cardreader so if most money goes that way they sure charge a lot for nothing . It's not like they have to change all the locks everywhere .
  9. This is like asking proof of 1 million euro's in a room full of poor people . How can they ask something like that if such a small percantage of people has been vaccinated . As i said before i feel that a high placed person is the one owning all the tests and this is another way to sell all of them(for a fair bit of profit ofcourse).
  10. I geuss Eibot will have a perfect excuse again to explain that the sandbox is working perfectly and bringing in money for the locals and small business owners. Maybe it's time for a hospitalbox or a 7+7 7days hospital 7days Quarantine and then some more days hospital sceme . Must have been all those (1shot sinovac) fully vaccinated that made the sandbox plan work perfectly .
  11. If you reading this article makes you comment like this , next time better don't comment anymore .
  12. That's 432.000 baht difference , you can get nice tiles electrical plugs and switches for that money and even have some left for furniture . It's not enough to put furniture thru your whole house but for a little more that problem will be fixed and then you will have a brand spanking new house and everything in it brand new as well . Ok everybody their own choice ofcourse but for me the house above would be my choice .
  13. Sandbox , seabox , mailbox , damn those fools are desperate . Vaccine vaccine vaccine and open up the Thaibox in it's whole . Anybody seen the Dutch F1 grandprix weekend knows that it's working, vaccine vaccine vaccine and open up .
  14. I see many more then 20 items on the table , or did the police fill the table with their own items to make it look like a bigger bust ??
  15. She hasn't reacted since juli , we are in sept now . How busy working can she be Hummin ??
  16. He tested negative ?? Then why he has to test again ?? I think you missed the 50% positive part . It's a money making scam as some others say . Nr of tourists way down on what they expected and i geuss the guy that owns the tests has connections .
  17. They had a dispute about land in India i geuss that's the main reason why this murder happened . Don't understand why they bring up the snitching about overstay or is this brought up because of the story yesterday about bribes in the imm. Sector .
  18. As i said i also don't agree with the curfew for me they can cancel it entirely. Like the virus can tell time or something. I just explained the logic they use for the 20:00 closure time dumbdumb oh sorry , domdom . Have a nice day yourself as well , and these are the times we live in at the moment get used to it i feel a lot more cancelations coming for you then .
  19. That's what i've been saying . They don't give a flying !@#$ about the locals as long as their hi-so friends hotel owners can make a buck .
  20. They want restaurants to close at 20:00 because the curfew starts at 21:00 . If they allow restaurants to open untill 21:00 , a lot of people would be outside after curfew . Ok i also think the curfew is B.S but this explains your "nonsense" .
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