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Posts posted by NoMeAmes

  1. On 10/16/2018 at 8:27 PM, Captor said:

    Hi, yes I have try that. But she want to have a ring that I like. She says if it comes from me she will like it whatever style or price.

    the fact that you believe that.... ???????? You know that the secret to their success with western men is their ability to tell you whatever you want to hear, right? Doesn't mean they mean it.... They often don't. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    She will want the biggest heaviest Thai gold ring you are prepared to buy.

    There are no Thai traditions of rings, if you want to buy her any gifts, anything apart from Thai gold she will consider worthless.

    if you don't want to buy her gold, a house or a car for every member of her family will be appreciated, I'm sure. Throw in a buffalo or two. 

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  3. On 10/10/2018 at 4:34 PM, Captor said:

    Thanks for your answer.

    Yeah, it was supposed to be a surprise so she don´t know anything.

    And about the loosing face issue maybe that is not the correct way to put it from my side. I just want it to be correct and for example not buy a white gold ring if the thais are not into white gold as we are in europe this days.

    If I once have bought the ring it is to late to go back if you understand what I mean. Hence my question here for having the biggest chance to get it right in all details from the start. About the wedding ceremony I don´t care for now. That is step 2 and I am sure I will be told about how that works:-).


    This is just the first step I have to do about the rings and shape and material and so on. Also I have seen they use to have (in my eyes) big and ugly rings. Some of them at least. Big is beautiful they are thinking because it is worth more money. That is not my cup of tee. I small hand shall not have a big, clumsy, ring. That look not good. Then better putting some diamond in it for having higher value. If that is correct to do? One ore more diamonds in the wedding ring. Is that common? Or is it more normal with a plain yellow gold ring?

    There will be no engagement ring. I will go directly to the main thing ????

    Next time in Thailand I will go into some shops and look there about style and so on. I just want to inform myself some before that.

    cancel the wedding, my friend. You clearly do not understand Thais and should refrain from promising to live with one forever until you do. You are still too "European" in the mind. For Thais, the yellower the better, and the more they have on their bodies, the better their "face" will be. White gold? Pfffft what white gold? No such thing in Thailand. Have you ever seen white gold being sold in gold shops in Thailand? Doesn't that tell you about what the market wants and doesn't want? Doesn't take a rocket scientist... 

    If you choose to go forth with marrying someone from a culture you know zero about, I'm afraid the marriage would be dead in the blink of an eye. I heard it's hard enough marrying a Thai even when you're familiar with the culture, which you don't seem to understand. 

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  4. 1. make infused water. Buy one of those infused water bottles and fill it with different fruits and spices every day. Leave it in the fridge to cool overnight, then in the morning you get a really delicious drink. And you can mix up your own thing, so it never gets boring (lemon water everyday, blegh!) My favorite is apple and cinnamon (sometimes I throw lime in the mix too). Use cinnamon sticks for this, not the powder.


    2. https://www.facebook.com/memixway/ these are available at Tops for 80 Baht for 24 squirts. Whether there are any actual vitamins in them... better not hope for anything. But they do give flavor to water. It's really quite sweet though (what Thai drink isn't?) so I usually take more than the recommended amount of water for 1 squirt. The yellow one makes it look like you're drinking urine 


    3. I've also tried putting a bit of fruit juice into a bottle of water. You get some flavor but not too many calories. 

  5. Foreign embassies need to publish a serious warning to their people to not visit Koh Tao. Thailand has many other beautiful islands. Let's see what the local authorities would do then when the number of tourist arrivals drop drastically and locals who depend on tourism for a living suddenly don't get money. Maybe they will fly to China to tell the chinese to come to Koh Tao. 

    • Sad 1
  6. On 10/17/2018 at 7:18 PM, baansgr said:

    Thai women are ugly enough as it is, never understood why they do this as makes them look even worse, something from a planet of apes movie

    oooohhhh be careful of the incoming "my girlfriend/wife/tee-rak is the most beautiful creature to ever walk on planet earth and she is a webmaster too (meaning she can scroll instagram and post stuff)" folks.... 

  7. recently, a friend visiting Bangkok asked me whether it's ok for him to press the button on the taxi meter when the driver "forgets" to turn it on. Apparently that's what his colleague always does. Sit in the front seat, and turn the meter on himself if the driver "forgets". 


    I always check the meter within 1 or 2 minutes after entering the taxi. But if I'm in the CBD or touristy areas at night where many dishonest drivers are around, I immediately make sure the meter is turned on. 

  8. As a student at a private university in Bangkok, I have to say that both the quality of the students and the quality of the educators are lacking. You can clearly see the massive difference between Thai ajarns who were educated abroad, and Thai ajarns who have never gained education abroad. The narrow-mindedness. The lack of discipline. The lack of authority in a class. The lack of consistency. The involvement of emotions when grading. So frustrating. 


    Actually, we've recently complained to our ajarn. We usually don't do this, but this one is really bad. No consistency, he could change his mind within 15 minutes, he makes up rules based on his emotions at that time and immediately sets them in motion, without giving us a warning. We get points for attendance, yet he never calls out our names nor is there a list for us to sign. How can he know who is who? I asked him what my friend's name is, ajarn couldn't answer. Anyway. We teamed up with a Thai guy and he really went ballistics on this ajarn. At some point, his eyes even teared up. When we foreigners complained, he constantly interrupted us and was always on the defensive mode. But when a Thai gives him the "f you" of his life, all he could do was sit there on the verge of tears. Literally. Ridiculous. 


    Thai ajarns who have never had foreign education are too respect-demanding and emotion-driven, and often no authority. Thai ajarns who have had foreign education are reliable, respectable, logical, more systematical and practical and also more democratic. Much easier talking to them, and if you put decent effort in doing assignments, they also respect you and treat you as equals, not as children. 

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  9. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    They demanded action and jail terms. 

    arent's they also stepping on Thai land with their feet? According to their childish, overly sensitive rule, every Thai and foreigner stepping foot on Thai land should be jailed. 


    How about this solution: get all human feet amputated so no one could put their feet on anything Thai-related anymore. 


    How ridiculous.

  10. On 10/11/2018 at 1:43 PM, possum1931 said:

    "interested in men aged 40-60 who likes to dress sexily."

    How can any man in that age group dress sexily? Obviously they should not wear shorts, skinny

    jeans maybe? Nah, what then? I understand there are some female posters on Thaivisa, maybe they could answer.

    I am not interested in how men dress, but to dress sexily???? ????

    you can dress "sexily"... you can wear tight skimpy shorts that shows half your butt cheeks. You can wear tops with no bras that shows off your shapely nipples. You can wear skirts and no underwear. The question is: are you gonna look sexy in them? 

  11. 10 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I don't think you understand this very well. If a friend shares something you posted then a 'third party' can look at your profile even if what you have posted is for Friends Only. They might - might - only be able to 'lift' your picture and name, but they can then set up a page under your name. It's quite common and happened to me. I only found out when I was invited to Friend myself as someone I might know.

    Of course, listing your phone number is stupid and does say it all. But we are dealing with a Thai here, many of whom have the naivety of a child.

    naivety is not the word that I would use here... naivety has an undertone of not knowing, being innocent, being the victim, etc. In cases like these, it's just ignorance, narcissism and sheer stupidity. They don't know not because nobody has never told them, they don't know simply because they don't want to know. Information is out there and very accessible. Even the dumbest "web master" would know about the very basics of internet privacy. In this case, they don't know because they are way too self-absorbed to care. She deserves this harsh lesson. Hope other Thais learn from her lesson and stop posting on social media 10 times a day. Really annoying. 

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  12. 12 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    Just found her on facebook, twitter and instergram.


    She has hundreds of photos of herself on those medias. Not being a friend I had access to all her data on those sites and within only a couple of minutes probably discovered more about her than she knows about herself. This means whoever created that dating site profile of her, could be anyone out of thousands of people, maybe someone not even in Thailand.


    If these people do not take precautions to protect their own privacy, than what does she expect the police to do? Sorry, don`t have a lot of sympathy for these people.


    One of the sexiest photos of her on the dating site is obviously photoshopped. Her head on another body.

    exactly. the attention seeking these types do on social media... and the sheer stupidity of not regulating your privacy setting (so much for being a "web master"... we talking about spider webs or what here?).... I'm sorry but "bad people" wouldn't have any materials to steal if YOU never provide the materials for the whole public to easily steal.... How dumb. 

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