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Posts posted by NoMeAmes

  1. 8 hours ago, hellohello123 said:

    I've met many poor folk in country towns who are completely content with life and are the most honest and kind people ever. They have enough to eat with country comforts. 

    So why do other people. In similar situations deserve better. 



    A billionaire would say we are poverty stricken. 

    You look up you will see millions of people better off than you, you look down, same deal


    Shit behaviour is shit behaviour, and any justification is just an excuse. 


    Just like when there is a hooker saying how tough life is and that's the only job she can do, yet there is a 7-11 next door with the staff getting paid peanuts but still working hard and doing a respectable job

    Exactly. This is why I WILL judge shamelessly people who trade sex for money. It is black and white for me. Sure life is tough. "Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof", says the Germans. But instead of working hard, some people choose to take the easy way out and chase money. This money-oriented mindset is what leads them to selling their dignity, their self-respect, even their morality. And that's just disgusting. I bet you, if you ask 20 bar girls, and 20 fruit sellers on the street, what kind of living situation they come from, they will give you a similar answer. Some just won't sell themselves for money and would rather do hard, but respectable work. Some just choose to dehumanize themselves and sell themselves like cheap carpets on discount. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    Cliff notes version of what I'm saying: You are only going to harden your heart and develop a hatred for Thai women if you start seeing them as 'evil.' If you're going to play in the playground, better to identify what is driving the behavior, learn the rules of the game, spot the warning signs, take the necessary precautions. Deciding you don't want to play in the playground is a completely sensible option as well. But labeling people as evil is probably only going to make you bitter and not going to improve your interactions.




    When have I ever said that I want to play in the playground? And when have I ever said that I'm a white male? Funny how it is a typical behavior of TVF posters to just assume things... And who says I want to improve my interactions with Thai women - or Thai men? Don't assume anything. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    But if you marry someone and she's playing the long game with a BF on the side, then that's true evil.  No excusing that.   




    And that's the difference I'm talking about. That's the kind of lies that comes in question in this matter. Not the "oh Grandma, I love this sweater!" kind of lie. You see, you think it's simply evil. I do too. It's actively deceiving someone, knowing they are hurting someone else's feelings, in order to get personal gain. If I were the Thai boyfriend, I would totally dump the girl for being that sort of "bad" person. For Thais, this is not necessarily something evil. It's proven by how many boyfriends or husbands are ok with their wives having farang gik's, as long as they also get to enjoy the money the whores (yes, this is what I think of women who pretend to be in love for money, no other word is suitable) get from the farang men.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Yes and how many of those who are taught not to lie but to admit their mistakes still tell lies

    nowhere as many as in countries where children are taught that wealth and image is number 1. It's like there is no feeling of guilt associated with deceiving actions here...

  5. 11 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

    I love your post but this isn't just Thailand this is the way Asia works from all the countries I've worked in. A lot of what you are saying is the Asian way of not saying anything bad or avoiding saying they are wrong so an Asian finding out the truth wouldn't react but us outsiders pull them up on this.

    There's a difference between not saying anything and knowingly spit out lies.... One is passive, which, in my eyes, are more acceptable. The other one is done consciously and in order to gain something from the person who is being lied to (so yes, there will always be a victim). And if we're speaking about the first type, then yes, pretty much the entire Asia functions like this. It's the whole "saving face" culture. However, in countries where abrahamistic religions are the majority, saving face doesn't trump morals and principles. Children are taught not to lie, but to admit to their mistakes and their failures. That admitting them makes you then able to go on. And that lies will only dig you a hole in the ground cause you're gonna have to keep on lying to cover up each lie you spit out. I know this, I grew up in one of these non-buddhist countries. I grew up being taught that morality and principles do not trump pride and wealth or image in public. 

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  6. 37 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:


    3. be extra picky, don't just bang any girl that's half decent looking, only bang a girl that's skinny/slim with a pretty face. (my type) (will reduce the number of girls I meet)



    depending on your definition of "pretty", that could be 50% of the girls you see on the street lol and remember: if you think they're pretty, other guys probably think so too, hence they would also have tons of "users". Not to mention you better bet good looking yourself or they'll pass you for the next young-ish white guy

    • Like 1
  7. 51 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Hmmm, we in the USA have a pathological liar as President and his supporters certainly haven't ostracized him.  But back to the OP, the only loser in that piece seems to be the German guy.  What the heck is going on with that guy?

    he probably thinks "my wife is different"

  8. and meeting western men in Thailand is also not fun because of this... you know why they're here and you know exactly that they bang many women. The only thing you don't know is how many different girls has he dipped it in, what kinds of girls has he dipped it in before you, and what kinds of nasty stuff could be on there? And on many occasions, all that dealings with thai girls made them lose respect for women in general and in many cases also makes them lose the ability to chat like a normal person who'd finished high school. Probably because their previous girls haven't been very conversational due to language issues.


    Just the female point of view. If you're a "slut", you have to live with the risk of getting STDs. You can't have it all, risk-free. Life is not that beautiful, my friend. 

  9. Chinese tourists are being treated more and more like animals.... even being assigned tracker. But in all fairness...I do see the logic in it. And they would otherwise suffer more if they get separated from their group or something without a GPS tracker.... If they have, the tour leader or guide can find them by tracking them. How about insisting that every travel agency that services chinese tourists have their own tracking system for their group members?


  10. well... this "news" proves my point. 

    In a society where wealth (or perceived wealth) and image is above morality and principles, is it really a wonder that  opportunistic criminals feel more at home? People don't just become criminals just like that. People become criminals because wealth and image is more important to them than principles and being a decent human being. There are plenty of opportunities for them here to further their carreers and/or hobbies, since they understand what I said above. Add the "ladies" into the equation.... where else can you live a more hedonistic life? 

  11. Call it discrimination, whatever, I don't care. I'd just be happy they'd be out of the regular lanes. Chinese tourists are horrible and it's always a horror to stand in long lines sandwiched between them. They block the way, spread out their gazillion bags, scream around near your ear, and push and squeeze themselves forward even when there is nowhere else to go. Keep the monkeys in the monkey lane, please. Let them fight among themselves and get them out of civilization. 

  12. So there's the 1600 to help people quit smoking.... Only in Thai, but still... Was wondering if there is a way for us foreigners to get mental help from a professional, preferably english-speaking, in Thailand? One that doesn't cost a fortune?

  13. On 7/22/2018 at 7:36 AM, johng said:



    From what ive seen ,there doesn't seem to be any public toilets ..just "staff" toilets...by the time you found someone to accompany you past the security door into those "hidden" toilets it could all be too late.



    well... considering how Thais love to sit on the throne and play with their phones without regard to other who may need to use the throne as well... by the time you actually enter a toilet after waiting in line for 20 minutes, it might also be too late. 

  14. On 7/15/2018 at 6:27 PM, NonthaburiBear said:

    Tbh, sometime i don't understand too ? , but i try not to be too hard to think about it. KISS= Keep It simple Safe

    Simple means dont put too much of your heart for her, Safe= dont give any fancy gift or tremendeous amount of money to get her affecttion ( i never do that and i never will ) even though my fan only work as part time employee on one of Mall in Bkk. With those thing in mind, you will never stress out about your relationship.Why i do it here ? because i like her,  she's good to me..never ask me money,teach me everything about Thailand,we share our meal together, she let me doint my stuff..prepare all the thing before i go to work.. should i ask for more , as long shes not cheating or play behind my back ?  .If you try to find perfect person, you'll never will and might end up being alone.

    Just my 2 cents

    So you have a friend and a maid. 2 in 1. Good for you. 

  15. I never feel the need to empathize with people like her... trying so desperately (and ridiculously) to stay young... How long do you want to deny the inevitable? You can't go against time, idiots. Cancer finally catches up with her at age 81. Many people get cancer when they're much younger. Maybe she won't be able to evade death by the time she's 102 or something. All you do is delay the inevitable. Me? I'd rather just live fast, soak it all in, and have a quick and easy exit. 

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