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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. I'd like to know she recognised him as an Aussie.
  2. Who cares what Israel has... this is not about Israel... other countries also have them, but we don't care... geez, is it so hard to keep to the article.
  3. Mate, this ISN'T about illegal workers in Thailand... so why do you bring it up... stick to what the article is about...geez... is it so hard.
  4. have you never seen the damage to a drunk when he/she falls over...lol... the blood soaked bandages do make it look worse than it probably is.
  5. Do they in fact know the laws, please don't say they should, as no-one knows all the laws, of Thailand, even the cops don't, it lies firmly on the shoulds of the guides to tell the tourist... the term "guides" tells it all.
  6. and we also know Thais stick together... however, if the guy is found guilty, lock him up, then after he has spent his sentence, deport him.
  7. Mate, I hope you are not accusing me of being a Thai "hater," all I am saying is we do not have the whole story.. if the guy is in fact guilty, throw the book at him, but far too often we see post, on here condemning the farang, simply because he is a farang, and some just seem to see that Thais can do NOTHING wrong, which is wrong... very wrong... open your closed eyes.
  8. The only neanderthal is he who does NOT know the full story, and draws conclusions from the Thai press, who do NOT investigate whether the story is true or false, have we even seen a photo, of the alledged victim... I haven't, and who's to say she din't fall over... assumptions... lol
  9. By some of the same people who say there's no ping pong shows in Soi Bangla.
  10. It makes no difference to how poor Thai airports are, it's a ranking system, some are better, some are worse, in fact the article is very clear, "amongst the worse."
  11. I don't believe I said they were.... actually, have we seen these "injuries."
  12. So what, I am guessing you will always find the farang guilty.
  13. But thai ladyboys can provide illegal sex services... go figure, can anyone see something wrong.
  14. I find it strange that a "bump" would lead to this, you seem quick to condemn the guy, I don't think we have the whole story from both sides.
  15. Perhaps they should sort their own house out first, corruption breeds corruption.
  16. Except invade other countries, put a flag up, and claim it as theirs... 555
  17. Personally I don't think numbers will get back to pre covid, there's so much advertising coming from Viet Nam, and Cambodia... Thailandccould be the loser, and, let's face it, they've bought it upon themselves.
  18. Then , as usual, TAT just throws random numbers around, without very justifying then, or being questioned on why they always seem to get it wrong.
  19. Are you calling the taxi driver's version BS or are you, without the tourists side of the story, say they actually ran away deliberately to avoid the toll fee. Please, let us know if you have more info than the rest of us
  20. You only have the drivers view, you are assuming she is telling the truth, as all Thai taxis drivers do.
  21. Seriously are you saying his nationality is racist... pot calling the kettle... oh dear, what if he is from your nation... are you therefore a racist. Fact, his nationality has nothing to do with it... go kiss you masters... you know what.
  22. 10 months to backflip, again, and again and again, etc
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