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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. So you would stand by and allow a possible bashing/rape/murder take place... mmm looks like this gang of thugs aren't the only non-men.
  2. Mate, wake up, it's about the amount, and depth of corruption.
  3. The irony, the corrupt, arresting the corrupt, for corruption.
  4. Wait until he is granted bail... then disappears, like the 2 cops, from up North, a few years back, found guilty of murder, sentenced to death, let ouit on bail, never see again.
  5. I do find it strange, to say the least, that so many jump to the conclusion he did it himself...lol
  6. Mate, there is NOTHING to indicate he was "intoxicated," you are simply making that up. AS for bar asking him to pay, .. mate again, you assume far too much, there was no mention of him being asked to pay, why do you make things up, simply to justify your rediculous comment. As you know, this is Thailand, if you query anything you risk retaliation. You are simply anti non Thais, for whatever reason. The fact is, he has been compensated, do you really think if the Thais were in the right he would have been... lol.
  7. was he DRUNK, I read 2 beers ordered for the girls, the barman/girl gave them the beers and water... no-one asked for the water, the "free" assumption was 100% correct, the barman/girl could have easily asked for payment or the water returned, before the drinks left the bar.
  8. So, how MANY rules do you know... how MANY should a tourist know... just a reminder, "rules" in Thailand are made up every day.. eg the Red card.. not a law, just something a local official has made up, no standing in law, not guide given on what laws... you really need to THINK before posting.
  9. will we see independent carbon dating. A thought...One person's "Ancient paintings" is another person's "Ancient graffiti."
  10. It NEVER ceases to amaze me how quickly some of you turn on the victim, just what is wrong with you lot.
  11. This is 100% racism, as we all know, an extremely high number of thais do the same things, every day, and nothing is done to stop it.
  12. They do seem to do a lot of forecasting.
  13. Exactly, "might" can go both ways, also the rest of the article really said nothing.
  14. Um... man has 1 place...lady has 2... can you guess
  15. Seems like an expensive vaccine.. if you add the cost of airfares, accommodation etc, and many countries already offer free vaccines... and let's not forget, it takes a few weeks for a vaccine to take affect, so just what is the advantage of this "free" vaccine.
  16. GRAVITAS... putting the boots into Thailand, and not pulling any punches.
  17. Have you ever heard "he who has NEVER sinned, cast the first stone," you must be a saint.
  18. Mate, you need to understand the requirements, before posting, you do NOT need 800,000 baht, there are other LEGAL options.
  19. Has anyone, ie media, even followed up, to see how many of these "hubs" actually come to fruition, and meet Thailand's projected hype.
  20. From my research, there is NO standard IDP form, so it's hard to believe the RTP carry cards for every country, and do we believe the "extremely educated" RTP cops, actually can read English...lol
  21. Perhaps you do not know the meaning of "quantify."
  22. I started this thread, to quantify things for a mate, who has just arrived in Thailand. For all those that "know" Thai road rules, and refuse facts, even international agreements, I have used my Australian License in Phuket, Pattaya, Mukdahan, and Chiang Mai, including all province's/towns/etc in between, have been stopped at many check points and shown my Aussie license, and have experienced no problems, NOT once being asked for IDP. So, can we now put an end to this thread, and stop the bickering.
  23. Yeah, and a Thai cop will not understand, in my case, what HR means... even worse if fron NZ, which only has class numbers, eg Class 1, Class 2 etc.
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