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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. you certainly miss my point, as well as the reason people make such trips... I can't help you understand.
  2. I find it pretty low, when you need to bring someone's mum into it... I guess you don't respect your mum.
  3. Mate, no where, in the article I read, did they say it was cheaper, than flighing, have you never heard of "adventure."
  4. Has the RTP never heard of reflective vests, especially at night.
  5. It comes down to how it enters the body
  6. Consider yourself slapped... 555
  7. Excuse me, but the article is very clear, quote " a nurse gave the toddler a sleeping pill ," and in the next paragraph, quote "the pill turned out to be TCA (trichloroacetic acid), did you notice the word "Pill." smh
  8. Oh dear, the girl is stupid, on a dating app, what did she expect.. ok, I know, many thais are nieve.
  9. Did I read correctly, a pill for external use.
  10. Although I agree.. but ironically, it could be that some Thai doctors are hypocrites, hence "hypocritical" oath. Please don't condemn me for the attempt at humour.
  11. We do see a lot of that, so many standing around, many taking photos, often laughing, but not helping those injured. Before someone replies saying it happens in other countries, this is about Thailand.
  12. I suggest no-one every replies to his antagonistic comments. Don't feed the troll.
  13. um, let me take a few guesses, Family Scenery Food Nightlife Cheap living Escape for their unlawful life, back home Ladies (for some the "boys") There are many more, but maybe now you can think for yourself.
  14. Mate, I feel you are paid to create conflict, in order to generate posts, I find it unnecessary to discuss, in a mature way, this with you any longer... have a nice day.
  15. Mate, I didn't intend to suggest anything, except maybe you READ what is posted, and YOU understand what is said...
  16. Mate, get OFF your high horse, it is about action taken, not picking up the victim... geez
  17. 555, OMG, where do they get these ideas, as usual, no thought, no idea.
  18. Where else, in the world, do Deputy Prime Ministers/Deputy Presidents/etc, attend police "raids," are these Thais so hard up to get publicity, they should concentrate on more important things, ie running the country, to the benefit of all Thais.
  19. It never ceases to amaze me, just how many people, unually tourists, leave so much money/ expensive items, in Thai taxis.
  20. the article is about Thailand, what do you expect people to post on, as for Thai "bashing," you sem to see it in most articles, and it is because it'is Thailand.... do you expect us to say US folk, are as bad, even though the article is Thai... get it... Thai. Open you eyes.
  21. I think you missed the whole context, and decided to concentrate on hours... smh
  22. Um...OK, I think your luggage also went on before you.
  23. Mate, you seem to have a problem, and see Thai bashing in even article... you really need to move on, and accept Thailand is NOT perfect, and it's ok to report those imperfections, the world is waking up to Thailand, no matter how people, like to cover it up, you can't hide the truth these days, far to many media services available.
  24. Mate, this is a Thai article, no-one cares about other countries...geez
  25. another crackdown... more like another BS story from RTP, to keep them in the news... we know Thailand is tyhe land of fakes/lies/etc, and these guys expect us to believe... they insult us all.
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